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Correction /email

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /email
Message de anasdarai posté le 05-05-2019 à 17:29:55 (S | E | F)
please help me to correct the email about the causes and solution for the emgration of skilled people, and thank you very much.
Dear Jhon,
I'm writing to share with you my point of view about the brain drain.
The migration of talented people is a major problem for many countries, especially poor ones. So, what are the causes of this phenomenon? How can it be mitigated?
The reasons that make skilled people migrate are multiple but it flow into one river called 'Search for a better life', on the whole, we can find three main reasons: firstly, marginalization, the gifted people in their origin countries are worth nothing, no one appreciates their skills and abilities, something that makes them feel frustrated and discouraged. Secondly, in poor countries, anyone who expresses his opinion will be imprisoned and tortured. Thirdly, unemployment spread, search for a job in developing countries such as searching for water in the desert.
As causes multiple solutions as well, to start with creating a good environment for talented people that ensures their dignity and encourages them to work. Next, we must provide freedom to people, to allow them to express freely. Finally, we must build factories and bring in investment to create jobs.
Briefly, talented are an important category in society, it is impossible to imagine the development of any country without it, so we must fight the phenomenon of migration.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2019 23:38

Modifié par anasdarai le 05-05-2019 23:49


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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