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Oral/Myths and heroes

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Oral/Myths and heroes
Message de anais58 posté le 16-05-2019 à 08:02:39 (S | E | F)
passant l'oral du Bac d'anglais demain (oui je m'y prends un peu tard), j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes dans mon texte.

We are going to deal with the notion "Myths and heroes". To begin with, I would like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a made up story as a legend for exemple. A hero is an admired person for his courage, his achivements or for the values it's defend like the justice or the equality. A hero can be fictionnal or real. Most of the time, the main caracter in a book, play or film is a hero. However, the main caracters in book and film are increasingly of a new tipe. They does not have triditional heroic qualities. So i will answer the folling question : Are antiheroes replacing the traditional heroes ?
In the first part, I will explain the specificities of the antiheroes and in my second part, i will show that the antiheroe are more and more attractive.

For this I will rely on 4 documents : 3 articles of news website : « Unlikeable so what ? » of the website buzzleed,, « dificult men » of the website Elite Daily, and « Where are the bad girls » of the website North jersey.

In my first part, I will present the characteristics of the antihero. First of all , In the article « difficult  men » , the antiheroe is qualified like a protagonniste who does not have the traditional qualities of the admirable leading man or woman. In fact, he lacks of courage, kindness or moral. HE is the opposite of the model to be followed.
In addition, a heroe can becone, with a single action a antihero. In fact, the traditional hero can very quickly beconme the a negative hero like Michael Phelps. In fact in the video of the TV show Assigment america, Michael phelps, the most succeful swimmer in the history of thz Wolrd Champion swimming , created a media scandal while showing a photo with a canabis pipe.
We can say that a antihero is someone who does evil deeds.

In my second part, i will show that antiheroe are more and more attractive. For exemple, In the article « where are the bad girls » and «unlikeable so what », journalists are explain(ed) that antiheroes are more appreciated because they look more like them, they are not exemple people. The antihero is a more original and suprising than the heroe.
The female antiheroe in the article « where are the bad girls ? » wants to destroy stereotypes between boys and girls to allow some equality.

To sum it up, the antihero becoming incresingly popular because he looks like more to humans. It allows to identified with him. A antiheroe brings a renewal to book and film. The antihero is less predictable than hero wich makes it more orgininal. So antiheroes are replacing the traditional hero.

Merci d'avoir pris le temps de lire ^^

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2019 10:05

Réponse : Oral/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 16-05-2019 à 10:07:12 (S | E)
- for the values it's (his or her pas it's)defend like the (pas de the)justice or the (aps de the)equality.
- caracter: orthographe.
- However, the main caracters in book (pluriel) and film (pluriel) are increasingly of a new tipe (orthographe).
- They does (faute de conjugaison)not have triditional (faute de frappe?) heroic qualities.
- So i (majuscule) will answer the folling question
- Are antiheroes replacing the (pas de the) traditional heroes ?
In the first part, I will explain the specificities of the (pas de the)antiheroes and in my second part, i (majuscule)will show that the (pas de the)antiheroe (pluriel) are more and more attractive.

- becone with a single action a antihero: ordre des mots.
- In fact, the traditional hero can very quickly (à déplacer)beconme the a negative hero like Michael Phelps.
- Michael Phelps (majuscule), the most succeful (orthographe) swimmer in the history of thz Wolrd Champion swimming ,

- i (majuscule)will show that antiheroe (pluriel)are more and more attractive.
- For exemple: orthogrpahe.
- journalists are explain(ed): conjuguer explain au présent simple à la voix active pas à la voix passive!
- they are not exemple people: ?
- The antihero is a (pas de a)more original and suprising than the heroe.
The female antiheroe in the article « where are the bad girls ? » wants to destroy (article)stereotypes between boys and girls to allow some equality.

- To sum it up, the antihero (il manque l'auxiliaire)becoming incresingly popular
- because he looks like more to humans: ?
- to identified (to + infinitif) with him.
- A antiheroe brings a renewal to book (pluriel)and film (pluriel).
- The antihero is less predictable than (article)hero wich (orthographe)makes it more orgininal.
- So antiheroes are replacing the (pas de the) traditional hero (pluriel).

Réponse : Oral/Myths and heroes de anais58, postée le 16-05-2019 à 17:58:52 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de votre réponse. Je vous met ici le texte une fois corrigé. N'hésitez pas à me dire si vous voyez de nouvelles fautes! Merci!
We are going to deal with the notion "Myths and heroes". To begin with, I would like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a made up story as a legend for exemple. A hero is an admired person for his courage, his achivements or for the values his defend like justice or equality. A hero can be fictionnal or real. Most of the time, the main character in a books, or films is a hero. However, the main caracters in books and films are increasingly of a new type. They didn't have traditional heroic qualities. So I will answer the following question : Are antiheroes replacing traditional heroes ?
In the first part, I will explain the specificities of antiheroes and in my second part, i will show that antiheroes are more and more attractive.

For this I will rely on 4 documents : 3 articles of news website : « Unlikeable so what ? » of the website buzzleed,, « dificult men » of the website Elite Daily, and « Where are the bad girls » of the website North jersey.

In my first part, I will present the characteristics of the antihero. First of all , In the article « difficult  men » , the antiheroe is qualified like a protagonniste who does not have the traditional qualities of the admirable leading man or woman. In fact, he lacks of courage, kindness or moral. He is the opposite of the model to be followed.
In addition, a heroe can become a antihero, with one bad deed. In fact, the traditional hero can very quickly become a negative hero like Michael PHELPS. In fact in the video of the TV show Assigment america, Michael phelps, the most successful swimmer in the history of theWorld Champion swimming , created a media scandal while showing a photo with a canabis pipe.
We can say that a antihero is someone who does evil deeds.

In my second part, I will show that antiheroes are more and more attractive. For example, In the article « where are the bad girls » and «unlikeable so what », journalists explain that antiheroes are more appreciated because they look more like them, they are not exemplary people. The antihero is more original and suprising than the heroe.
The female antiheroe in the article « where are the bad girls ? » wants to destroy stereotypes between boys and girls to allow some equality.

To sum it up, the antihero becomes incresingly popular because he looks more like humans. It allows to identify themselves with him. A antiheroe brings a renewal to books and films. The antihero is less predictable than a hero which makes it more orgininal. So antiheroes are replacing traditional heroes.

Réponse : Oral/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 18-05-2019 à 14:24:43 (S | E)
- Most of the time, the main character in a books (singulier), or (article)films (singulier) is a hero.
- caracters: orthographe.
- They didn't have traditional heroic qualities: présent.
- i (majuscule)will show that antiheroes are more and more attractive.

- the antiheroe (orthogrpahe) is qualified like (as pas like)a protagonniste (orthographe) who does not have
- a heroe: orthographe.
- the traditional hero can very quickly (déplacer very quickly)become a negative hero
- In fact (mettre un synonyme) in the video of the TV show Assigment america (majuscule), Michael Phelps (majuscule),
- while showing a photo (of himself) with a canabis pipe.

- the heroe.
- The female antiheroe (orthographe) in the article « where are the bad girls ? »

- It allows to identify themselves (pas le bon pronom réfléchi)with him.
- A antiheroe


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