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Notion of power/ Bac

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Notion of power/ Bac
Message de juliettelbs posté le 16-05-2019 à 12:06:56 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je passe mon oral d'anglais dans quelques semaines et j'aurais souhaité avoir votre avis sur ma synthèse.
Sur la notion Power, nous avons travaillé sur les "murs", le mur de Berlin... Nous avons étudié le dessin : The New Yorker 28 nov 2011 (vous pourrez retrouver l'illustration sur google), le doc "Wall in the head by Costica Bradatan, November 27 2011", le script "Why was the Berlin Wall Built ?", une représentation de la "Création d'Adam" et la chanson “Another brick in the wall”.
Voici ma notion. Merci à ceux qui me répondront

I'm going to speak about the notion of power.
First of all, I would like to give a definition of that notion.
« Places » could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace – a symbol of the British monarchy.
A place can also be a country or a state, for example the USA is a state which is powerful enough to influence events throughout the world and China is a major economic power in today’s world.
But in general, The power is when you exert influence on someone, or the ability to lead a group of people or to impose one's opinion by force of dictatorship or by diplomacy that can being exchanges, conversations or agreements.
We can wonder How can a wall be a metaphor for humanity?

In the first document, the wall in the caricature is physical and it separated the picture in 2 sides. The cartoonist wants to send a message to denounce the uselessness of the wall by showing that the wall, built to reassure Americans who think they are protected against foreigners is useless because the migrants still manage to pass.

In the document "Why was the Berlin wall built?” The Berlin Wall was built in 1961, it divided the Germans physically but also mentally. It is the consequence of the conflict between socialists and democrats as well as that of the 2nd world war. It symbolizes the power of allies divided into several parts, to prevent Nazism from developping and having power over Germany.

Then, the document is a painting which represents a wall and on it 2 hands are represented in the middle. This painting expresses the hope of conflict. The wall still separates the north and the south, but the hope of one day bringing together these 2 parts is present. This painting is a representation of the famous painting "The Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo.

And the song "The wall" by Pink Filoyd is a kind of metaphor. Students no longer want to be victims of society. The wall symbolizes society and bricks are every person who is part of society. So each person is under the control of society and do not have is own opinions.

To conclude, walls are physical and mental. They protect people but can be negative. Because often the walls enclose people without reason. This leads to more conflicts than peace. It also leads to uniformity of people; because the walls prevent these people from having their own opinion, they lock them mentally, they must then follow a direction, a group.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2019 15:06

Réponse : Notion of power/ Bac de laure95, postée le 18-05-2019 à 13:58:33 (S | E)
- But in general, The (aps de the)power is when you exert influence on someone,
- that can being exchanges, conversations or agreements: can + infinitif.

- it separated the picture in 2 sides: présent.
- The cartoonist wants to send (to convey à la place de to send)a message
- to reassure (article) Americans who think they are protected
- This painting expresses the hope of conflict: ?
- And (à remplacer par finally car c'est ton dernier document) the song "The wall" by Pink Filoyd
- to be v(article)ictims of (article)society.
- every person who is part of (this)society.
- So each person is under the control of society and do (faute de conjugugaison)not have is (orthographe)own opinions.

- To conclude, walls are (both)physical and mental.
- often (pas à la bonne place)the walls enclose people without (any)reason.
- It also leads to (article)uniformity of people;


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