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Oral/Power of music

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Oral/Power of music
Message de anais58 posté le 16-05-2019 à 13:49:06 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral d'anglais très prochainement. Serait-il possible de m'aider à corriger mes fautes s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance

Im going to talk about the notion of places and forms of power. To begin with, i would like to give a definition of the notion. The power is , for me, an authority which has an influence the behaviours of people. A power can helps to create the social cohesion but can also lead to conflict and tensions.
Music is the most popular media consumed in the world and in particular by teenager. We have seen that music practise a form of power because she can help people with different approaches and changed them. So, I will answer the folling question : can music changes people ?
In the first part, i will explain that music can help people and in my second part, I will show that music can change people's throught (/ opinion).
For this I will rely on 4 documents : a YouTube video called  « inmates discuss impact of music therapy », an article of a news website « Live Aid : a look back at a concert that actually changed the world », a song « God save the queen » by Sex Pistols and finally an interview of Henry ROLLINS.

First of all, for me, music is a good way to help people, and therefore, changed people by helping them and helping others.
In fact, the article about the Live Aid concert is an evidence. Live Aid is a mythic concert produces in 1995 to raise funds for Ethyopia, where people were staving to death. In this context, music brought together great stars and many people to charity. Alone, people would have helped less efficiently. In fact, Live Aid had such a media impact that he could help many people in the world and engage people, in charity which wouldn't have done usually.
Furthermore, music can allow to forget problems. In fact, in the document  « Inmates discuss impact of music therapy », Inmates feel better through music. Music allows them to liberate themself. Music allows them to express their emotion. I think, music has power to make us feel better and happier.

Music can also change people's opinion. In fact, the « protests song » take an important place in the music business. Listening to some music can influence the opinion of few people. In addition, by writting a song, the author can have more influence and impact. In fact, the song « God save the Queen » by Sex PISTOLS, criticizes the lack of freedom of expression and all of the business that rotates around the royal family. With their song, Sex Pistols can influence or strenghthen an opinion. In the interview of Henry ROLLINS, music is presented as a way to reveal and share an opinion. In fact, music can mobilize people like for a match, it can also give courage like for a dentist appointement. The music had power on the world.

To sum it up, music can change people. First of all, music can help people to feel better and happier. She gives joy or differents emotion. She can also permit to help people with good actions like events or concert of charity. Music is a way to give his opinion and can be heard by everyone. Music can therefore change opinion of people.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2019 14:40

Réponse : Oral/Power of music de anais58, postée le 16-05-2019 à 18:06:40 (S | E)
Anyone ?

Réponse : Oral/Power of music de laure95, postée le 18-05-2019 à 14:07:48 (S | E)
Bonjour anais,
- The (pas de the) power is , for me, an authority which has an influence (préposition)the behaviours of people.
- A power can helps: can + infinitif.
- to create the (pas de the) social cohesion but can also lead to conflict (pluriel) and tensions.
- in particular by teenager (pluriel).
- We have seen that music practise (faute de conjugaison)a form of power
- because she (la musuque n'est pas une personne!)can help people with different approaches and changed (présent)them.
- can music changes people ?: can + infinitif.

- i (majuscule) will explain that
- throught : orthographe

- music is a good way to help people, and therefore, changed (présent) people by helping them and helping others.
- In fact, the article about the Live Aid concert is an evidence (of that).
- Live Aid is a mythic concert produces (passé)in 1995
- Alone, people would have helped less efficiently: mal dit et mal construit.
- In fact (synonyme), Live Aid had (présent perfect)such a media impact that he (pas le bon pronom)could help many people
- themself: ?

- Music can also change people's opinion (pluriel).
- In fact, the « protests (singulier) song (pluriel) » take an important place in the music business.
- The music had power on the world: présent.

- She (pas le bon pronom) gives joy or differents (singulier)emotion (pluriel).
- She can also permit
- to help people with good actions like events or concert (pluriel) of charity.
- Music is a way to give his (your pas his) opinion
- Music can therefore change opinion of people: people's opinions.

Chercher des synonymes de "in fact", trop employé!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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