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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de dz213 posté le 18-05-2019 à 17:32:19 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral bientôt; est-ce possible de corriger mes fautes svp s'il vous plait ?
Merci de votre aide.

I'm going to speak about the notion «Progress». To begin with, I would like to state a definition of Progress. Progress is the idea that world and the society can envolve positively in terms of sciences, technology, modernization, ect. However, the idea of progress is still at debate between those who consider that it's beneficale and those for whom it's harmful. To illustrate this notion I will talk about “the perfect man”.Can we find solutions to human complexes through orthographe) progress ? First we will see human complexes and then we will see what the solutions are
Society aims at creating “The perfect Man”. More and more people want to do cosmetic
surgery to look like magazine's models(a model est en chair et en os, a mannequin en plastique dans la vitrine !!). For exemple, we studied an extract from a novel entitled “The perfect Male” written by Don Delillo. David Bell is the narrator, he is a narcissist, self-absorbed,self obsessed appearance(mal construit, ce nom accroché à rien). He pays a lot of attention to his physique. He mocks in his superior's squat physique and his film idols. He suggests that he is the best man because he has a better taste in looks. The document perfectly shows that some people absoulutely want to look like the perfect man. Also, with progress parents can create the “perfect baby”. Indeed, we studied an article from The Wall Street Journal entitled “A Baby Please ! Blond with Green Eyes”. It shows that parents can create a baby whose trits are selected according to what prospective parents require: gender, hair and eye color. Finally, society shows that men and women must belong to a category of norms.
With progress, scientifics try to find solutions to human complexes. For instance, we studied a photography entitled “Chromosome”. It shows a tablet of three pills, one for health, one for beauty and one for intelligence. Pills are usually used when one is ill, to cure or alleviate suffering. If the first pill may have an influence on health, it seems very unlikely that a pill can make someone look prettier or enhance their intelligence. An IQ of 175 is hardly credible. However, on the basic current scientific knowledge it is impossible to modify human chromosomes even with a long treatment. A pill might particularry improve someone's health, complexion or hair condition, but it certainely can't alter their IQ. Furthermore, commercial entreprises(pluriel) create business with progress.(je ne sais pas si ces prises de position apportent quelque chose au débat) Indeed, we studied a photography entitled “The Pyramid of Hapiness”, it consists in a foundation and five different levels of needs leading to the pinnacle. The target are parents of young children and they want to convice parents that it is vital to fulfil all needs in the pyramid to guarantee their child's happiness. The commercial entreprise manipulates parents and offers them training to develop the needs of the pyramid for their children and then they create their own business.
To concluded , I think progress is neither all good or all bad. Put into the hands of human beings, that knowledge can be used for medecine or great advances. Through
progress we cannot find solutions to all human complexes like want to have an iq of 175. But in the future progress can maybe find solutions to all human complexes

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-05-2019 08:41

Réponse : Oral/Progress de here4u, postée le 18-05-2019 à 23:28:18 (S | E)

I'm going to speak about the notion «Progress». To begin with, I would like to state a definition of Progress. Progress is the idea that XXX world and the society can envolve positively in terms of sciences, technology, modernization, ect. However, the idea of progress is still at debate between those who consider that it's beneficale and those for whom it's harmful. To illustrate this notion I will talk about “the perfect man”.Can we find solutions to human complexes through orthographe) progress ? (What do you mean?)First we will see human complexes and then we will see what the solutions are
Society aims at creating “The perfect Man”. More and more people want to do cosmetic surgery (or plastic surgery)to look like magazine's models(construction)(a model est en chair et en os, a mannequin en plastique dans la vitrine !!). For exemple, we studied an extract from a novel entitled “The perfect Male” written by Don Delillo. David Bell is the narrator, he is a narcissist, self-absorbed, XXXX X self obsessed appearance(mal construit, ce nom accroché à rien) En effet. Revoir la construction de toute cette phrase qui n'en est pas une !- mettre le nom à la fin ! ). He pays a lot of attention to his physique. He mocks in his superior's squat physique and his film idols. He suggests that he is the best man because he has a better taste in looks. The document perfectly shows that some people absoulutely want to look like the perfect man. Also, with progress, parents can create the “perfect baby”. Indeed, we studied an article from The Wall Street Journal entitled “A Baby Please ! Blond with Green Eyes”. It shows that parents can create a baby whose trits are selected according to what prospective parents require: gender, hair and eye color. Finally, society shows that men and women must belong to a category of norms.
With progress, scientifics try to find solutions to human complexes. For instance, we studied a photography entitled “Chromosome”. It shows a tablet of three pills, one for health, one for beauty and one for intelligence. Pills are usually used when one is ill, to cure or alleviate suffering. If the first pill may have an influence on health, it seems very unlikely that a pill can make someone look prettier or enhance their intelligence. An IQ of 175 is hardly credible. However, on the basic current scientific knowledge it is impossible to modify human chromosomes even with a long treatment. A pill might particularry improve someone's health, complexion or hair condition, but it certainely can't alter their IQ. Furthermore, commercial entreprises(pluriel) create business with progress.(je ne sais pas si ces prises de position apportent quelque chose au débat)(it's your decision!) Indeed, we studied a photography entitled “The Pyramid of Hapiness”, it consists in a foundation and five different levels of needs leading to the pinnacle. The target are parents of young children and they want to convice parents that it is vital to fulfil all needs in the pyramid to guarantee their child's happiness. The commercial entreprise manipulates parents and offers them training to develop the needs of the pyramid for their children and then they create their own business.(not really clear!)
To concluded , I think progress is neither all good or all bad. Put into the hands of human beings, that knowledge can be used for medecine or great advances. Through progress we cannot find solutions to all human complexes like want to have an iq of 175. But in the future, progress can maybe find solutions to all human complexes

Ces commentaires, en français sont-ils les vôtres ? Si oui, pourquoi ne pas plutôt tenter de résoudre les problèmes pressentis ... et laisser vos lecteurs juger si "ça passe" ou pas ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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