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Bac Oral / Power

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac Oral / Power
Message de rossignol030 posté le 22-05-2019 à 16:30:24 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral d'anglais ce lundi et j'aimerais, si c'est possible, que l'on me corrige mes fautes dans mon dossier. Je ne suis pas très forte en anglais et j'espérais me rattraper en ayant peu de fautes sur les 10 minutes d'expression.
Merci d'avance pour ceux qui prendront le temps de me corriger ce dossier !

I’m going to talk about the notion “Places and Forms of power”. To begin with, I would like to define this notion. Power is the ability to influence other people’s behaviour. It can be exerted by a person, a group or even a nation. It helps creating social cohesion. We can find it under lot of forms and in every country around the world. I will be interested in Indian soft power because since its independence from England in 1947, India has rapidly developed thanks to its soft power. We may answer the following question: how does Indian culture influence the world? As a starting point, I am going to deal with the visual about the Diwali “Festival of Lights” in London, then I am going to focus on the video about the 1st International Yoga Day, and finally I am going to talk about the text “Cuisine”.

On the one hand, India influences the world through its performances as the visual about the Diwali “Festival of Lights” in London shows us. First of all, each year the Diwali London Committee associates with the Mayor of London, Sadik Khan who is Pakistani, to organize shows for the Diwali “Festival of Lights”, a Hindu celebration of lights. In the photo, we can see 3 girls, including 2 Indians, who are dancing on a stage. They look joyful because the girls are blowing a kiss to the audience. They’re wearing traditional outfits: saris. The music is live since you can see drums in the background. They’re performing a show and entertaining the audience. This is cultural power: these dancers are teaching English people about their customs. Given that dance allows to express your feelings and convey pleasure to the audience, dance thus influences people’s feelings: it is soft power because they enjoy themselves thanks to the dancers. They’re transmitting their culture. It shows how important Indian and Pakistani culture in England.
On the other hand, India also influence the world through its way of life, which is widespread worldwide and influences many people. Firstly, we can see that yoga, an Indian sports practice, is spreading globally. For example, the celebration of the 1st International Yoga Day initiated by Indian Prime Minister Modi gathered 193 countries. It takes place in New Delhi and this event gathered 36 000 people. In the video, people are bent and stretched because they perform Asana Sunday, a yoga posture. The peak of the event is when the Prime Minister surprised the crowded by joining in the practice. Nevertheless, the first Yoga Day also took place in New-York City, in Times Square, which is not known for tranquillity. The event gathered 30 000 yoga fans and it was started to shift perceptions of Times Square. Thus, Indian culture influences the world through yoga which is a physical, spiritual and ancient practice. Its looks like many fans all over the world.
India also uses « food power » to influence the world, as the document “Cuisine”, which comes from the website The Guardian, shows. The text “Cuisine” shows us the “food power” of Pakistan with its dish, the Birmingham’s Balti Curry, which takes place in a competition to obtain « the European food status ». 3 groups or individuals supports this candidate: Andy Munro, a Balti fan and culinary critic, Elizabeth Truss, the Environment Secretary and the Prime Minister of the time, David Cameron. Therefore, it’s national. Besides, if a whole community supports an Indian Dish, such community must be large. Indeed, there are many Indian people in Birmingham, and in the whole of England because India used to be a British colony, so many immigrants come and settle in Britain. However, British people eat also it because Andy Munro describe this dish like a “British fusion”. Thereby, she considers that Balti Curry as British as Fish and chips. India therefore influences the world through its food.

To answer my question, I would say that India is increasingly asserting its power through its soft power. Indian culture spreads globally through food, yoga and festivals. However, it is better known in English-speaking countries since it is a former British colony. But its presence in these countries allows it to develop and expand its culture, since English-speaking countries such as the USA and England are attractive and tourist countries. Through these countries, India can show its own culture.
In my opinion, even if India is increasingly influencing the world by various means, it is still a country where social inequalities are high and working conditions are precarious.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-05-2019 17:58

Réponse : Bac Oral / Power de laure95, postée le 23-05-2019 à 14:17:29 (S | E)
- We can find it under (article)lot of forms

- The music is live since you can see drums in the background.
- It shows how important Indian and Pakistani culture (is) in England.

- India also influence (faute de conjugaison) the world through its way of life,
- an Indian sports (singulier) practice, is spreading globally.
- It takes (passé)place in New Delhi and this (that pas this) event gathered 36 000 people.
- because they perform (présent en be+-ing)Asana Sunday, a yoga posture.
- The peak of the event is (passé)when the Prime Minister surprised the crowded by joining in the practice.
- it was (pas de was)started to shift perceptions of Times Square.
- Its looks like many fans all over the world: ?

- The text “Cuisine” shows (mettre un autre verbe car vous venez de l'utiliser dans la phrase précédente) us the “food power” of Pakistan with its dish,
- 3 groups or individuals supports (faute de conjugaison)this candidate:
- so many immigrants come and settle in Britain: passé.
- However, British people eat also (pas à la bonne place)it
- because Andy Munro describe (faute de conjugaison) this dish like a “British fusion”.

- Indian culture spreads (présent en be+ing)globally through food, yoga and festivals.


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