Correction/rapport stage
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basCorrection/rapport stage
Message de mikasa123 posté le 27-05-2019 à 20:09:59 (S | E | F)
je suis en BTS assistante de gestion et je passe bientôt mon oral pour mon rapport de stage en anglais et comme je ne suis pas très forte niveau correction de mes fautes, j'aurais besoin d'aide.
Je vous remercie ^^
Hello, I will introduce you my internship as well as my situation of communication.
First of all, about my internship.
I’m currently studying to become a management assistant in a small and medium sized company.
I do my internship at Active property located at Lyon from 6 january to 15 february 2019. The company manages buildings with office functions and was created in 2011 by Samuel CALLERAND.
This internship is easy to find because my grandmother find it, she is the guardian of a building and knows my manager who manages this building with his company.
Active Property is specialized in services. Employees send providers to the premises, the customer just has to call Active Property and tell them the problem.If there is a lift failure, the company will call the provider as ALEO for example for them to intervene quickly.
It is spread over several regions as Paris,lyon and the south of France.
In order to find customers the company uses relational. They go to meet the customer and discuss with them to make themselves known.
The place is very competitive because lyon is a big city and lyon 3 sectors are filled with competitor but active property hold the coup thanks to its porfessional relationship and organization that allows them to stand out from competitors.
I worked as a property management assistant and I worked from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
As for the activities that I have done I was in charge of
Traduce minutes in English
Call companies for invoice errors for example
write status reports after taking pictures in the field
A weekly meeting was held every Tuesday morning to talk about blocking points meeting in the company. This could be for example a provider who has not yet intervened for degradations for example.
I made purchase orders on the software even which is an accounting software.
I had my own computer, the heating at my disposal, we worked in open space which can turn into an office if need of privacy, the doors of the offices were very often open
Concerning the project that I had to perform, the main theme was the follow-up training of employees in the field of electrical authorization. My tutor told me of a need for training for employees who did not have electrical authorization. When they went to the field, they sometimes had to cut the elevator and had to ask permission to access the technical premises to an authorized person. It was a waste of time for them.The training would save time and improve the skills of employees. The training budget was predicted at € 1200 for 7 employees, ie people who went to the field as managers and the manager. So I had to look for training that best fit the needs of the company. After researching the electriquess credentials, I agreed with my tutor to take the most basic B0 qualification.
Once the documents were made (training plan, table comprataif quotes ...), I had to evaluate the risks that this could entail to the company. The company did not have a single document when it was mandatory, so I had to create it in order to be able to analyze the risks of the different positions and also the training on electrical empowerment.
I really enjoyed my internship because I got along with all the employees, there was a very good working atmosphere, this internship allowed me to have more confidence in myself and my abilities. My project was finished in time and the employees helped me for the realization of my project. The boss runs his business successfully, his organization is strict but he can take care of his employees by listening to them if need be.
To make a conclusion, the internship was rewarding for me it allowed me to learn many things I did not know about rental management. It allows me to be able to orient myself towards my first choice which is the immobilkier. I want to be property manager and with the nascent experience that I could realize my future project.
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2019 22:10
Message de mikasa123 posté le 27-05-2019 à 20:09:59 (S | E | F)
je suis en BTS assistante de gestion et je passe bientôt mon oral pour mon rapport de stage en anglais et comme je ne suis pas très forte niveau correction de mes fautes, j'aurais besoin d'aide.
Je vous remercie ^^
Hello, I will introduce you my internship as well as my situation of communication.
First of all, about my internship.
I’m currently studying to become a management assistant in a small and medium sized company.
I do my internship at Active property located at Lyon from 6 january to 15 february 2019. The company manages buildings with office functions and was created in 2011 by Samuel CALLERAND.
This internship is easy to find because my grandmother find it, she is the guardian of a building and knows my manager who manages this building with his company.
Active Property is specialized in services. Employees send providers to the premises, the customer just has to call Active Property and tell them the problem.If there is a lift failure, the company will call the provider as ALEO for example for them to intervene quickly.
It is spread over several regions as Paris,lyon and the south of France.
In order to find customers the company uses relational. They go to meet the customer and discuss with them to make themselves known.
The place is very competitive because lyon is a big city and lyon 3 sectors are filled with competitor but active property hold the coup thanks to its porfessional relationship and organization that allows them to stand out from competitors.
I worked as a property management assistant and I worked from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
As for the activities that I have done I was in charge of
Traduce minutes in English
Call companies for invoice errors for example
write status reports after taking pictures in the field
A weekly meeting was held every Tuesday morning to talk about blocking points meeting in the company. This could be for example a provider who has not yet intervened for degradations for example.
I made purchase orders on the software even which is an accounting software.
I had my own computer, the heating at my disposal, we worked in open space which can turn into an office if need of privacy, the doors of the offices were very often open
Concerning the project that I had to perform, the main theme was the follow-up training of employees in the field of electrical authorization. My tutor told me of a need for training for employees who did not have electrical authorization. When they went to the field, they sometimes had to cut the elevator and had to ask permission to access the technical premises to an authorized person. It was a waste of time for them.The training would save time and improve the skills of employees. The training budget was predicted at € 1200 for 7 employees, ie people who went to the field as managers and the manager. So I had to look for training that best fit the needs of the company. After researching the electriquess credentials, I agreed with my tutor to take the most basic B0 qualification.
Once the documents were made (training plan, table comprataif quotes ...), I had to evaluate the risks that this could entail to the company. The company did not have a single document when it was mandatory, so I had to create it in order to be able to analyze the risks of the different positions and also the training on electrical empowerment.
I really enjoyed my internship because I got along with all the employees, there was a very good working atmosphere, this internship allowed me to have more confidence in myself and my abilities. My project was finished in time and the employees helped me for the realization of my project. The boss runs his business successfully, his organization is strict but he can take care of his employees by listening to them if need be.
To make a conclusion, the internship was rewarding for me it allowed me to learn many things I did not know about rental management. It allows me to be able to orient myself towards my first choice which is the immobilkier. I want to be property manager and with the nascent experience that I could realize my future project.
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2019 22:10
Réponse : Correction/rapport stage de here4u, postée le 06-06-2019 à 10:42:23 (S | E)
Cette demande est passée "inaperçue" (par moi, en tout cas!) Ceci semble bien long ... et pas vraiment "travaillé" ... Je vais essayer d'en traiter une partie !
Hello, I will introduce you my internship(à revoir !) as well as my situation of communication.
First of all, about my internship.(ceci n'est pas une phrase !)
I’m currently studying to become a management assistant in a small and medium sized company.
I do(C'est du passé !) my internship at Active property located at Lyon from 6 january to 15 february 2019. The company manages buildings with office functions and was created in 2011 by Samuel CALLERAND.
This internship is (passé ?) easy to find because my grandmother find (passé + répétition !)it, she is the guardian of a building Lien internet
and knows my manager who manages this building with his company.
Active Property is specialized in services. Employees send providers to the premises, the customer just has to call Active Property and tell them the problem.(what the problem is.) If there is a lift failure, the company will call the provider as ALEO for example for them to intervene quickly.
It is spread over several regions as Paris,lyon and the south of France.
In order to find customers the company uses relational= an adjective!. They go to meet the customer and discuss with them to make themselves known.
The place is very competitive because lyon is a big city and lyon 3 sectors are filled with competitor but active property (si c'est le nom de la compagnie, mettre des majuscules !) hold the coup
Lien internet
thanks to its porfessional relationship and XX organization that allows them to stand out from competitors.(Ne pas mettre d'expressions françaises sans les chercher ! )
I worked as a property management assistant and I worked from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
As for the activities that I have done I was in charge of ???
Traduce (taper "traduire" dans !)minutes in English
Call companies for invoice errors for example
write status reports after taking pictures in the field
A weekly meeting was held every Tuesday morning to talk about blocking points
meeting in the company. This could be for example a provider who has not yet intervened for degradations for example.
I made purchase orders on the software even which is
I had my own computer, the heating
Pas assez de temps pour continuer ... mais vous avez déjà "un peu" de travail à faire avec ce début ! Courage ... Le travail ne se fait pas seul et il vaut mieux ne pas improviser ...
Réponse : Correction/rapport stage de here4u, postée le 06-06-2019 à 12:16:23 (S | E)
Concerning the project that I had to perform, the main theme was the follow-up training of employees in the field of electrical authorization. My tutor told me of a need for training for employees who did not have electrical authorization. When they went to the field, they sometimes had to cut the elevator and had to ask permission to access the technical premises to an
Once the documents were made (training plan, table comprataif quotes
I really enjoyed my internship because I got along with all the employees, there was a very good working atmosphere, this internship allowed me to have more confidence in myself and my abilities. My project was finished in time and the employees helped me for the realization of my project. The boss runs his business successfully, his organization is strict but he can take care of his employees by listening to them if need be.
To make a conclusion, the internship was rewarding for me it (ponctuation ?) allowed me to learn many things I did not know about rental management. It allows me to be able to orient myself towards my first choice which is the immobilkier. I want to be X property manager and with the nascent experience that I could realize my future project.
I did what I could!
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