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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de hayti posté le 03-06-2019 à 09:56:56 (S | E | F)
s'il vous plaît aidez-moi à trouver mes erreurs.
Merci d'avance.
For my birthday I would like to have a parrot as a gift for the following reasons. First I like parrot too much and it is my favorite bird. That is because of its color full plumage and its intelligence comparing with other kinds of birds. Second, I don't have enough of money to buy a parrot, that is because it is expensive and not easy to found a near place where we can buy this kind of wonderful birds. That is why we need to pay extra money for transportation. All in all, having a parrot as a gift is a dream for me that i wish to be realized one day.
Un énorme MERCI à tous ceux qui auront la gentillesse de me répondre.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-06-2019 10:44

Réponse : Birthday/aide de here4u, postée le 03-06-2019 à 11:31:32 (S | E)

For my birthday I would like to have a parrot as a gift for the following reasons. First I like parrot= en général) too (too= trop) much and it is my favorite bird. That is because of its color full(un seul mot - orthographe) plumage and its intelligence comparing with other kinds of birds. Second, I don't have enough of money to buy a parrot, that is because it is expensive and not easy to found a near place where we can buy this kind of wonderful birds. That is why we need to pay extra money for transportation. All in all, having a parrot as a gift is a dream for me that i wish to be realized one day.

Réponse : Birthday/aide de hayti, postée le 03-06-2019 à 23:31:03 (S | E)
For my next birthday. I would like to have a parrot as a gift for the following reasons. First I like parrots too much and it is my favorite bird. That is because of its colorful plumage and its intelligence if compared with other kinds of birds. Second, I don't have enough of money to buy a parrot. That is because it is expensive and not easy to know where we can buy this kind of wonderful birds. That is why we need to pay extra money for transportation. All in all, having a parrot as a gift is a dream for me that I wish to be realized one day. Merci infiniment.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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