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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de scoubidoo71 posté le 12-06-2019 à 16:34:02 (S | E | F)
Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait la gentillesse de me corriger ?
Merci d'avance.

Spring is my favourite season. The garden is an explosion of colours with daffodils, tulips and crocus.
My garden is divisided in two parts : one part is kitchen garden and the other part a corner of relaxation, these two parts are separated by a hedge.
In summer I like daydreaming on my deckchair, listening the song of the birds and felling the ruffle of sun on my skin.
I'm fascinated by gardening, in the corner of the garden I've planted several azaleaS of differents colours.
I've lived in a region where it often rains so I spend a good part on my time to take off the weeds.
While I'm gardening, I forget all my sorrows, the only thing what counts is the present moment.
Last year I restored my old well. It was a difficult work because I must have used the tools of bricklayer but the result was worth the effort.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-06-2019 20:13

Réponse : Correction/jardin de gerold, postée le 13-06-2019 à 09:47:50 (S | E)

Quelques indications pour vous aider à corriger votre texte :

Spring is my favourite season. The garden is an explosion of colours with daffodils, tulips and crocuses (pluriel).
My garden is divisided in two parts : one part is a kitchen garden and the other part a corner of relaxation, these two parts are separated by a hedge.
In summer I like daydreaming on my deckchair, listening xx (il manque un petit mot) the song of the birds and felling orthographe the ruffle of the sun on my skin.
I'm fascinated by gardening, in the corner of the garden I've planted several azaleas of differents adjectif invariable colours.
I've lived présent si vous y habitez en ce moment in a region where it often rains so I spend a good part of my time/a lot of my time to take employez la forme en -ING off the weeds.
While I'm gardening, I forget all my sorrows, the only thing what what = ce qui, autre pronom relatif counts is the present moment.
Last year I restored my old well. It was a difficult work because I must have used cela signifie j'ai probablement utilisé, employez la structure avec "have to" the tools of bricklayer bricklayer tools but the result was worth the effort.

Réponse : Correction/jardin de gerondif, postée le 13-06-2019 à 15:16:43 (S | E)
Un petit supplément :
Sift the flour then divide into three equal portions. dit le dictionnaire en ligne, to divide into...
On s'assied on a chair mais in an armchair, comme si on était enfermé par les accoudoirs. Pour deck chair, c'est moins clair
extraits de linguee : les deux cohabitent.
So sit down, relax in your favourite deck chair and enjoy the view. follows you in your walks or bicycle rides or simply helps you enjoy the deserved rest on a deck chair.

Vous confondez en effet:
Il est parti il y a un quart d'heure, il a dû arriver à l'heure qu'il est: He left a quarter of an hour ago, he must have arrived by now. (on présume, on suppose)
Hier, sa voiture n'a pas démarré et il a dû (il a été contraint de) prendre le bus. Yesterday, his car didn't start and he had to take the bus. (description d'une obligation passée)
En anglais, le son et les paroles se déplaçant, on écrit à quelqu'un (you write to somebody), on parle à quelqu'un (you speak to somebody) et on écoute "à" quelqu'un (you listen ** somebody)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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