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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de aymengu posté le 25-06-2019 à 22:52:06 (S | E | F)
Dans l'optique de préparer un concours, j'ai besoin de progresser très vite en anglais. A cette fin, je vais réaliser quotidiennement une rédaction d'environ 300 mots.
Dans l'optique de m'améliorer, n’hésitez pas à m'indiquer ce que vous pensez de ce que j’écris (au niveau de la cohérence du texte écrit + des points à améliorer)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide !!

Voici le même texte en anglais (n'hésitez pas à m'indiquer les fautes présentes )
In order to prepare an exam, I will have to progress quickly in english. To this end, I wil try to write a daily essay about many different topics (approximately 300 word).
Please feel free to indicate me my numerous mistakes. Do not hesitate also to give me your opinion about my work

Here is my essay:
Subject: What makes a story “interesting and relevant” to you?

In my opinion, there is many reasons which makes a story interesting and relevant. This different criterias are not exactly the same for each of us. Hence, some peoples loves sciences fictions books whereas others peoples abhors them. To illustrate this same aspect, many young teenagers appreciates reading comics books. At the same time, others considers them “too childish” and “not serious”. As we cans see, this different aspects are very personals and implies a lot of things. For that precise reason, I will not be able to make any definitive judgement in the next lines. This will be probably be disappointing for you, but I will not be able to tell you what makes exactly a history “interesting” and “relevant”. However, what I can do is to present you my very personal view this aspect.

Hence, regarding me, interesting stories are often well written and mobilizes a reduced number of persons. In addition, they are not necessarily too long. My favourite stories are often short, well-written, and also very clears. In addition to that, I prefer when the end is unpredictable and astonishing. For instance, I am a particularly fan “Les nouvelles” of Guy de Maupassant and I consider this last as a very interesting and relevant french author (according to my criterias and my preferences).

I love also when a story is well anchored in our present. By the way, I am not really a fan of the fantasy and science fiction books. This last point is very important and explains also why I never read those books.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-06-2019 07:56

Réponse : Correction/story de gerold, postée le 26-06-2019 à 00:50:42 (S | E)
Mistakes in blue, xx means that something is missing.
Verbs do not take -s in the 3rd person plural and adjectives do not take the plural ending.

In my opinion, there is many reasons which makes a story interesting and relevant. This different criterias sing. criterion, plural criteria are not exactly the same for each of us. Hence, some peoples loves sciences fictions books whereas others peoples abhors them. To illustrate this same aspect, many young teenagers appreciates reading comics books. At the same time, others considers them “too childish” and “not serious”. As we cans see, this different aspects are very personals and implies a lot of things. For that precise reason, I will not be able to make any definitive judgement in the next lines. This will be probably be disappointing for you, but I will not be able to tell you what makes exactly word order a history use another word “interesting” and “relevant”. However, what I can do is to present you my very personal view xx this aspect.

Hence, regarding me, interesting stories are often well written and mobilizes a reduced number of persons. In addition, they are not necessarily too long. My favourite stories are often short, well-written, and also very clears. In addition to that, I prefer when the end is unpredictable and astonishing. For instance, I am a particularly a fan xx “Les nouvelles” of Guy de Maupassant and I consider this last use a personal pronoun as a very interesting and relevant French author (according to my criterias and my preferences).

I love also word order when a story is well anchored in our present. By the way, I am not really a fan of the fantasy and science fiction books. This last point is very important and explains also why I never read those books.

Réponse : Correction/story de here4u, postée le 26-06-2019 à 13:28:23 (S | E)
I'm sure gerold meant : "Verbs do not take -s EXCEPT in the 3rd person plural of the simple present"
reading comics books.
At the same time, others considers them “too childish” and “not serious”. As we cans(= auxiliaire modal. Ne prend jamais de -s) see, this(= singulier !) different aspects

Réponse : Correction/story de aymengu, postée le 26-06-2019 à 15:01:46 (S | E)
Merci à vous deux pour votre aide!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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