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Essay 3/correction

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Essay 3/correction
Message de aymengu posté le 26-06-2019 à 13:31:09 (S | E | F)
In order to improve my english, I choose to write this essay
Please feel free to indicate me my numerous mistakes. Do not hesitate also to give me your opinion about my work
Here is my essay:
subject: What Impact do you think artificial intelligence (A.I) is likely to have on art and culture (painting, sculpture, cinema, music, litterature,...) (200 words)

The development of a powerful artificial intelligence will undoubtedly have an important impact in the way we conceive our current present. Therefore, according to a certain number of economists, some professions will disappear and others will be created. At the same time, many also consider that those new human inspired machines will be able to do math research or write a New York Times best sellers. Obviously, this is very frightening and conduct us to ask ourself about the future place of this new cutting-edge technology in our daily life
Nevertheless, according to me, these numerous implications will take a lot of times. Therefore, I also think that these human-inspired machines will not appear so quickly. Indeed, these new technologies necessitate a lot of money which can not be found so easily. That is why, I do not think that those new technologies will replace us completely in the next decades.
However, because they may have a lot of important implications in our future life and at the same time in the way we conceive our world, we have also to be very vigilant.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-06-2019 14:37

Réponse : Essay 3/correction de gerold, postée le 27-06-2019 à 18:42:14 (S | E)

The development of a powerful artificial intelligence will undoubtedly have an important impact in other preposition the way we conceive our current present strange. Therefore, according to a certain number of economists, some professions will disappear and others will be created. At the same time, many also consider that those new human- inspired machines will be able to do math research or write a New York Times best sellers one word and sing.. Obviously, this is very frightening and conduct conjugation error us to ask ourself questions about the future place of this new cutting-edge technology in our daily life.
Nevertheless, according to me, these numerous implications will take a lot of times. Therefore, I also think that these human-inspired machines will not appear so quickly. Indeed, these new technologies necessitate a lot of money which can not one word be found so easily. That is why, delete the comma I do not think that those new technologies will replace us completely word order in the next decades.
However, because they may have a lot of important implications in our future life and at the same time in other preposition the way we conceive our world, we have also to be very vigilant.

Réponse : Essay 3/correction de aymengu, postée le 29-06-2019 à 00:20:49 (S | E)
Thank you for your help Gerold !

I have a question about this sentence:
"they may have a lot of important implications in our future life and at the same time in other preposition the way we conceive our world"
I suppose that I have to choose "on". But, what is exactly the difference between "in" an "on"?
When shoud I use "in" or "on" ?

Once again, thank you for your help!

Réponse : Essay 3/correction de gerold, postée le 02-07-2019 à 15:59:05 (S | E)

I think it is more or less the same as in French: les conséquences dans notre vie mais sur notre façon de voir les choses. We can also say implications for our future life.


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