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Rack your brains and help!/ 49

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Rack your brains and help!/ 49
Message de here4u posté le 27-06-2019 à 23:22:23 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Friends and workers,

Voici votre nouvel exercice de correction et de "remue-méninges" ... C'est un exercice de "transition", de fin d'année scolaire ou de début de vacances, comme vous le voulez ! Il est un peu moins long que d'habitude, un peu moins difficile, peut-être (mais c'est tout de même un ) Sa correction sera postée le samedi 13 juillet tard. Vous avez une semaine, pour me proposer un nouveau genre d'exercice avec lequel vous avez envie de travailler, pour remplacer les remises en ordre. Come on, guys, "Rack Your Brains!" Les exercices sont indépendants ; aucun n'est obligatoire ...

I) Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (et à écrire en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … )

The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children.
Judith wanted her adoptive son going to university, now she hopes he can tell the time: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Judith Knox says her 12 years old son has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
It is estimated that as much as 172,000 people could be affected by a disorder in Scotland. Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed. FASD is an umbrella term that describes the adversary physical and emotional conditions that affect people whose the mother drank during pregnancy. The 51-years-old and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a draft of worrying behaviour. This included bitting his fingers until they bled in a bid to slave off sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women is not drink alcohol at all to keep risks to their babies to a minimum. The risks occur when alcohol passes into the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus.The foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver will be fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain. Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, like differences in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties. Ms Knox said that, although the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, he remained very caring and described him as "charming and very funny". For the future, she said her aspirations for him are simple : "I hope he can tell the time, deal money and keep himself safe and not ending in a bad situation," she said.
"I was giving no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
"FASD cannot be cured, but much people can live very successfully with it, if provided with the right support on the right time." "It is vital that we’ll recognise the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and their families when they most need it."

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them so as to make meaningful sentences:




III) PLAYING and WORKING WITH WORDS: Using THE 8 WORDS given below (the 2 verbs can be put in whatever tenses or forms you fancy but MUST remain verbs!), 2 adjectives or adverbs, 2 nouns and 2 link words, (you CANNOT change the nature of the words!) and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE.
You CANNOT use two or more compulsory words consecutively! PLEASE, WHEN YOU WRITE YOUR SENTENCE, PUT CAPITALS TO THESE WORDS! Je vous rappelle qu'« une phrase », une seule, se termine par un point [final, d'exclamation ou d'interrogation], peut avoir de la ponctuation interne ",/; /:/ [...], et qu'elle doit avant tout avoir un sens.
Le but ultime est de faire une seule phrase complexe, courte (moins de 50 mots, si possible ...), mais je le répète, qui ait un sens et sa logique interne !) Cet exercice est TRES difficile, , c'est pourquoi il demande beaucoup de réflexion et d'attention, de rigueur aussi dans l'application des règles. Vous ne pouvez le poster QU'UNE FOIS (ne faire qu'un seul exemplaire).
La date limite pour cet exercice est le vendredi 12 juillet 2019 tard. (Ne pas dépasser 60 mots … Merci. )
( Beaucoup de règles, j'en suis désolée ... mais déjà comme ça, c'est énormément de travail, et sans un effort de chacun, c'est ingérable.) Je sais que plusieurs d'entre vous sont très attachés à cet exercice-jeu, qu'ils trouvent formateur and "mind-puzzling". Je vous rappelle cependant que vous n'êtes pas obligés de le faire ! FREEDOM!

Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
- (to) ISOLATE -(to) REMAIN – a SUPPORT – a CARER – PROPERLY – SUCCESSFUL – DESPITE – PROVIDED (that) – + un adjectif court au comparatif ; Bon courage à tous !
May the FORCE be with you...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de taiji43, postée le 29-06-2019 à 08:49:35 (S | E)
Hello dear HERE4U, Hete is my correction
ready to be corrected :

The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children.
Judith wanted her adoptive son TO GO to university, now she hopes he can tell the time: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Judith Knox says her 12 YEAR old son has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
It is estimated that as MANY as 172,000 people could be affected by a disorder in Scotland. Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed. FASD is an umbrella term that describes the ADVERSE physical and emotional conditions that affect people whose MOTHER drank during pregnancy. The 51-YEAR-
old and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a RALF of worrying behaviour. This included BITING his fingers until they bled in a bid to slave off sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women is not TO drink alcohol at all to keep risks to their babies to a minimum. The risks occur when alcohol passes into the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus.The foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver IS fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain. Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, SUCH A differences in their facial features as well as learning ???and behavioural difficulties. Ms Knox said that, although the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, he remained very caring and described him as "charming and very funny". For the future, she said her aspirations for him are simple : "I hope he can tell the time, deal WITH money and keep himself safe and not TO END in a bad situation," she said.
"I was GIVEN no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
"FASD cannot be cured, but MANY people can live very successfully with it, if provided with the right support AT the right time." "It is vital that WE recognise the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and their families when they most need it."

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de maxwell, postée le 29-06-2019 à 12:27:16 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Thanks a lot . I may not have found all of our student's mistakes but I did what I could. I can't say enough how useful these exercises are !

I) Help my student:
The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children.
Judith wanted her adoptive son TO GO to university, now she WISHES SHE COULD tell WHEN: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Judith Knox says her 12[-]YEAR[-]old son has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
It is estimated that as MANY as 172,000 people could be affected by a disorder in Scotland.
Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed. FASD is an umbrella term that describes the ADVERSITY physical and emotional conditions that affect people whose [] MOTHERS drank during pregnancy.
The 51-YEAR[]-old WOMAN and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a draft of worrying behaviour.
This included BITING his fingers until they BLEED in a bid to STAVE off sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends THAT the safest approach for pregnant women is not TO drink alcohol at all to keep risks FOR their babies to a minimum.
The risks occur when alcohol passes into the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus. The foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver IS fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain.
Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, like differences in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties.
Ms Knox said that, IN SPITE OF the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, he remained very caring and SHE described him as "charming and very funny".
For the future, she said her aspirations for him are simple : "I hope he can tell the time, deal money and keep himself safe and not END UP in a bad situation," she said.
"I was GIVEN no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
"FASD cannot be cured, but MANY people can live very successfully with it, if provided with the right support AT the right time."
"It is vital that we[] recognise the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and their families when they need it MOST."

II) Unscramble the words :

Reorder the words:
Not my cup of tea

3) Playing with words:
DESPITE his being SUCCESSFUL in his career, he resigned to become a CARER but it started to ISOLATE him from society, so after thinking PROPERLY, he said he would REMAIN a carer PROVIDED THAT he was given a STRONGER social SUPPORT. (41)

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de magie8, postée le 30-06-2019 à 17:05:10 (S | E)
hello bon courage à tous , voici ma correction READY TO CORRECT

I) Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (et à écrire en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … )

The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children.
Judith wanted her adoptive son TO GO to university, now she hopes he can tell the time: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Judith Knox says her 12- YEAR -old son has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
It is estimated that as MANY as 172,000 people could be affected by a disorder in Scotland. Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed. FASD is an umbrella term that describes the ADVERSE* physical and emotional conditions that affect people whose motherS drank during pregnancy. The 51-YEAR-OLD (ici year est adj)and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a draft ( brouillon ?) of worrying behaviour.( un comportement brouillon et difficile) This included BITING his fingers until they bled in a bid to STAVE off sleep,( retarder le sommeil) picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women is not TO drink alcohol at all to keep risks to their babies to a minimum. The risks occur when alcohol passes ACROSS the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus.The foetus CAN NOT process alcohol effectively until the liver will be fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain. Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, AS differences in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties. Ms Knox said that,DESPITE the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, he remained very caring and described him as "charming and very funny". For the future, she said her aspirations for him are simple : "I hope he can tell the time, deal WITH money and keep himself safe and not ending in a bad situation," she said.
"I was givEN no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
"FASD cannot be cured, but MOST people can live very successfully with it, if provided with the right support on the right time." "It is vital that WE recognise(subjonctif) the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and their families when they most need it."

* adversary: adversaire
adverse : néfaste, perturbateur, indésirable

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them so as to make meaningful sentences:

Les docteurs initialement ont eu le tort de penser que l'enfant avait un trouble d'hyperactivité et un déficit de l'attention

Your parenting is always being scrutinised he just wants 100 per cent of your attention and 100 per cent of time
Votre rôle parental est toujours scruté, il veut seulement 100 pour cent de votre attention et 100 pour cent de votre temps (je ne dois pas être loin de la solution)

HUB SCOTLAND will provide direct support services for people affected by, or living with FASD.
HUB Ecosse ( une organisation Ecossaise ) fournira des services d'assistance directe aux personnes touchées ou vivant avec le TSAF (trouble du spectre de l'alcoolisme foetal)=traduction de Foetal,Alcohol,Spectrum,Desorder

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de joe39, postée le 05-07-2019 à 13:08:51 (S | E)
Hello, dear Here4u,
Blow evening breeze, blow!,
Bring me some relief,
From the sea,
Just to enable me,
To send you my sweated work,
Ready to be examined

I) Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (et à écrire en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … )

The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children.
Judith wanted her adoptive son TO GO - 1 to university, now she hopes he can tell the time: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Judith Knox says her 12 -YEAR–OLD -2 son has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
It is estimated that as much as 172,000 people could be affected by SUCH A -3 disorder in Scotland.
Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed. FASD is an umbrella term that describes the UNFORTUNATE 4and emotional conditions that affect people whose (THE-5) mother drank during pregnancy.

The 51-YEAR-OLD and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a RAFT- 6 of worrying behaviour. This included BITING -7 his fingers until they bled in a bid to STAVE-8 off sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour KEPT ON AND – 9 pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women is not TO – 10 drink alcohol at all to keep risks to their babies to a minimum. The risks occur when alcohol passes ACROSS -11 the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus. The foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver IS - 12 be fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain. Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, SUCH AS – 12 differences in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties.
Ms Knox said that, DESPITE – 14 the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, he remained very caring and described him as "charming and very funny". For the future, she said her aspirations for him WERE-15 simple : "I hope he can tell the time, deal WITH-15 money and keep himself safe and not END UP-16 in a bad situation," she said.
"I was GIVEN - 17 no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
"FASD cannot be cured, but MOST-18 people can live very successfully with it, if provided with the right support AT-19 the right time." "It is vital that we (‘LL-20) recognize the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and their families when they most need it."

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them so as to make meaningful sentences:




La date limite pour cet exercice est le vendredi 12 juillet 2019 tard. Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
- (to) ISOLATE -(to) REMAIN – a SUPPORT – a CARER – PROPERLY – SUCCESSFUL – DESPITE – PROVIDED (that) – + un adjectif court au comparatif ; Bon courage à tous

Repeated economic crisis, increase of life expectancy and decrease of births, started MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS AGO , have led many elderly people, sick or not self-sufficient to stay ISOLATED, despite the social services’ efforts to help them REMAIN properly assisted by the SUPPORT of a CARER, whose action could however be SUCCESSFUL, only PROVIDED THAT the relevant costs would be entirely sustained by the State. 60

I thank you very much, dear friend.
I hope you have a pleasant (and fresh) evening.
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de icare29, postée le 07-07-2019 à 12:10:59 (S | E)
Hello Here4u and all hardworkers , here is my work , OK FOR CORRECTION

I) Please, help my student!

The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children.
Judith wanted her adoptive son TO GO university, now she hopes he can tell the time : he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Judith Knox says her 12- YEAR old son has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).It is estimated that as MANY as 172,000 people could be affected by a disorder in Scotland. Ms Knox SAYS it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed.
FASD is an umbrella term that describes the ADVERSE physical and emotional conditions that affect THE people whose the MOTHERS drank during pregnancy.
The 51-YEAR-OLD WOMAN and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit A RAFT OF worrying behaviour.
This included BITING his fingers until they WILL bleed IN A BIT OF slave off sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat IT and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women TO not drink alcohol at all to keep risks OFF their babies to a minimum. The risks occur when alcohol passes THROUGH the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus.
The foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver will be fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain.
Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, SUCH AS differences in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties.
Ms Knox SAYS that, IN SPITE OF the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, he remained very caring and described him as "charming and very funny".
For the future, she SAYS her aspirations for him are simple : "I hope he can tell the time, deal WITH money and keep himself IN safe and not ending in a bad situation," she said."I was GIVEN ANY information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she SAYS. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
"FASD cannot be cured, but MANY people can live very successfully with it, if THEY WERE provided with the right support AT the right time.
" "It is vital that we'll recognise the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and their families when they most need it."

Playing with words
to) ISOLATE -(to) REMAIN ? a SUPPORT ? a CARER ? PROPERLY ? SUCCESSFUL ? DESPITE ? PROVIDED (that) ? un adjectif court au comparatif ; Bon courage à tous !

I have to be ISOLATED for that WORSE whooping cough crisis and obliged to REMAIN at home in quarantine DESPITE my desire to go out, fortunately for me the SUPPORT given by my CARER is SUCCESSUL and PROVIDED THAT I have no temperature I will be authorized to go out in some days.

Dear Here4u , thanks a lot for your new interesting test

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de alpiem, postée le 09-07-2019 à 11:07:36 (S | E)

The "brutal reality" for alcohol-damaged chidren.

Judith wanted her adoptive son TO GO to university, now she hopes he COULD tell the time: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Judith Knox says her 12-YEAR-OLD-SON has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder(FASD).
It is estimated that as much as 172,000 people could be affected by a disorder in Scotland .
Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed.
FASD is an umbrella term that describes the adversELY physical and emotional conditions that affect people whose mother drank during pregnancy.
The 51-YEAR-OLD-MOTHER and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a RAFT of worrying behaviourS.
This included bitting his fingers until they BLED in a bid to STAVE OFF sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his familly has bought him.
His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women is TO NOT drink alcohol at all to keep risks FOR their babies to a minimum.
The risks occur when alcohol passes into the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus. The foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver IS fully developped and high levels of alcohol can affect the developement of organs and OF the brain.
Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, like differences in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties.
Ms Knox said that, DESPITE the severe challenges in their son's behaviour, SHE remained very caring and described him as "very charming and very funny".
For the future, she said, her aspirations for him are simple:"I hope he could tell the time, deal with money and keep himself safe and not END UP in a bad CONDITION " she said.
I was GIVEN no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
"FASD cannot be cured but much people can live very successfully with it,if provided with the right support AT the right time".
It is vital that we'll recognise the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and teir families when they most need it.

Modifié par alpiem le 10-07-2019 16:47

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de chocolatcitron, postée le 12-07-2019 à 08:33:46 (S | E)
Rack your brains and help!/ 49
Message de here4u posté le 27-06-2019 à 23:22:23 (S | E | F)
Hello, my dear Here4u! Thanks ! FINISHED.
Hi everybody!

Here is my work:
I) Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! )
The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children.
Judith wanted her adoptive son TO GO to university, now she hopes he can tell the time: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Judith Knox says her 12 YEAR-OLD son has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
It is estimated that as MANY as 172,000 people could be affected by a disorder in Scotland. Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed. FASD is an umbrella term that describes the ADVERSE physical and emotional conditions that affect people whose the mother drank during pregnancy. The 51-YEAR-OLD and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a RAFT of worrying behaviour. This included BITING his fingers until they bled in a bid to STAVE off sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women is not TO drink alcohol at all to keep risks to their babies to a minimum. The risks occur when alcohol passes ACROSS the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus. The foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver IS fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain. Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, SUCH AS differences in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties. Ms Knox said that, DESPITE the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, SHE remained very caring and described him as “charming and very funny". For the future, she said her aspirations for him WERE simple : "I hope he can tell the time, deal WITH money and keep himself safe and not END UP in a bad situation," she said.
"I was GIVEN no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
"FASD cannot be cured, but MANY people can live very successfully with it, if provided with the right support AT the right time." "It is vital that we recognise the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and their families when they most need it."
où est la vingtième ?

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them so as to make meaningful sentences:
Pas certaine de mes phrases…

Sorry for the third part : I couldn’t search all the words on the Web! I did my very best.
Have a sweet week!
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de here4u, postée le 12-07-2019 à 23:37:51 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends!

Voici votre corrigé, et la demande, devenue habituelle maintenant, de volontaires pour le "follow-up work" ...
Bravo à tous les courageux pour l'excellent travail fourni.

I) Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (et à écrire en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … )
The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children
Judith wanted her adoptive son to go (1) to university, now she hopes he can tell the time: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb.
Judith Knox says her 12-year-old son (2) has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
It is estimated that as many as 172,000 people (3) could be affected by the disorder (4) in Scotland. Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed.///End of part 1///
FASD is an umbrella term that describes the adverse (5) physical and emotional conditions that affect people whose mothers drank (6) during pregnancy.
The 51-year-old and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a raft (7) of worrying behaviour.
This included biting (8) his fingers until they bled in a bid to stave off (9) sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women is not TO drink alcohol (10) at all to keep risks to their babies to a minimum. The risks occur when alcohol passes across the placenta (11) from the mother to the developing foetus. /// End of Part 2 /// foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver is (12) fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain.
Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, such as differences (13) in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties.
Ms Knox said that, despite (14) the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, he remained very caring and described him as "charming and very funny".
For the future, she said her aspirations for him were simple (15): "I hope he can tell the time, deal with money (16) and keep himself safe and not end up (17) in a bad situation," she said./// End of Part 3 ///
"I was given (18) no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
" FASD cannot be cured, but many people can live very successfully with it, if provided with the right support at (19) the right time." "It is vital that we recognise (20) the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and their families when they most need it."/// the End!///

(Les longueurs de texte sont différentes ... mais j'ai essayé de "répartir" les difficultés ... )

(1) to want someone TO DO something
(2)a 12-year-old son ; « year » est en position d’adjectif et fait partie de l’adjectif composé « 12-year-old » ; il reste donc invariable. (ATTENTION ! Ne pas oublier les tirets ...)
(3) as many as 172,000 people ; people est indénombrable pluriel => verbe au pluriel, précédé de many/ few/ a few.
L'un d'entre vous me faisait remarquer que ..."much people" se trouvait souvent dans des écrits ... J'ai effectivement trouvé ce lien : Lien internet
; dans tous les exemples donnés, "much" est associé à "how"= > how much = combien (avec un nom sous-entendu : how much money/ how much time/ how much energy/ etc) Much n'était en AUCUN CAS associé à "people" qui exige "many" !
(4) «the» disorder in Scotland = cette maladie dont il a été question juste avant, et qui sévit en Ecosse. Elle est déterminée. Si vous laissez "a", vous parlez d'une autre maladie indéterminée ...
(5) « adverse » est l’adjectif (placé devant un nom, ici= « condition »). «(an) Adversary» est un nom.
(6) the kids whose mothers … Whose, placé après le possesseur (= the kids); « Whose » indique une possession ; il est précédé du possesseur et suivi de l’OBJET POSSÉDÉ, sans article. = les enfants dont la mère … (au singulier, en français, où le pluriel concret n’existe pas.)
(7) a raft= Lien internet
= a large amount.
(8) Biting= with one T only! (To bite, I bit, bitten => biting)
(9) to stave off sleep= Lien internet
= postpone, avoid.
(10) not TO drink alcohol - infinitif affirmatif= TO drink alcohol. Forme négative= NOT TO drink alcohol. ("To drink, or not to drink" "!)
(11) Revoir la différence entre « going across » et « going through. » test N° 111190. Lien internet

(12) until the liver IS developed => pas de futur derrière une conjonction subordonnée temporelle introduite par WHEN/ AS SOON AS/ WHILE/ AS/ ONCE/ TILL/ UNTIL/ BEFORE/ AFTER… Un temps futur (en français) devient le présent … Lien internet

(13) SUCH AS= comme …
(14) in spite of= despite= malgré.
(15) « she said (= prétérit) her aspirations were (= prétérit)= concordance des temps obligatoire.
(16) to deal WITH Lien internet

(17) « he can tell the time, deal with money and keep himself safe and not end in a bad situation » : les quatre verbes sont sur le même plan et doivent prendre la même forme ;
(18) «I was given» = forme passive de «give» au prétérit.
(19) Au bon moment= at the right time
(20) it is vital that + base verbale = « subjonctif ».

II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them so as to make meaningful sentences:

Doctors initially wrongly thought the kid had ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Your parenting is always being scrutinised, and he just wants 100% of your attention, 100% of the time.

The «Hub Scotland» will provide direct support services for people affected by, or living with, FASD.

- (to) ISOLATE -(to) REMAIN – a SUPPORT – a CARER – PROPERLY – SUCCESSFUL – DESPITE – PROVIDED (that) – + un adjectif court au comparatif ;

- DESPITE his being SUCCESSFUL in his career, he resigned to become a CARER but it started to ISOLATE him from society, so after thinking PROPERLY, he said he would REMAIN a carer PROVIDED THAT he was given a STRONGER social SUPPORT. (41)

- Repeated economic crisis, increase of life expectancy and decrease of births, initiated MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS AGO, have led many elderly people, sick or dependent, to stay ISOLATED, despite the social services’ efforts to help them REMAIN properly assisted by the SUPPORT of a CARER, whose action could be SUCCESSFUL, only PROVIDED THAT the relevant costs would be entirely sustained by the State. 60

- I have to be ISOLATED for that WORSE (? terrible) whooping cough crisis and obliged to REMAIN at home in a quarantine DESPITE my desire to go out, fortunately for me the SUPPORT given by my CARER is SUCCESSUL and PROVIDED THAT I have no temperature I will be authorized to go out in some days.

Bravo à tous pour ce très bon travail ! Merci aux volontaires de se déclarer et merci à tous, aussi de consacrer votre temps de vacances à ce travail, avec toujours autant d'enthousiasme et de bonne humeur !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-07-2019 à 00:19:50 (S | E)
Hello !
Merci Here4u pour ta correction.
Je prends la première partie du texte : première arrivée, première servie !

Here is my work:

The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children

Judith wanted her adoptive son to go (1) to university, now she hopes he can tell the time: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb.
Judith Knox says her 12-year-old son (2) has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
It is estimated that as many as 172,000 people (3) could be affected by the disorder (4) in Scotland. Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed.

La "dure réalité" pour les enfants victimes de l'alcool.

Judith voulait que son fils adoptif aille à l'Université, maintenant elle espère qu'il sera capable de donner l'heure : on l'a exposé aux ravages de l'alcool dans sa vie utérine.
Judith Knox dit que son fils de douze ans vit une série de problèmes comportementaux, en conséquence du syndrome des "Fœtus victimes d'Alcoolémie Symptômes et Désordres". (2) (FASD).
On estime que jusqu'à 172 000 personnes pourraient être affectées par ce désordre en Écosse. Madame Knox a dit qu'il avait fallu six ans pour diagnostiquer correctement son enfant.

Cette petite partie de la traduction méritait un travail supplémentaire que voici :

(1) = Le fait qu'on l'a laissé malgré lui s'intoxiquer avec l'alcool avec le mot "ravages" rend juste la position fragile de l'enfant en tant que simple victime, face aux choix délibérés ou addictifs de sa mère. Si la mère boit, c'est l'enfant qui trinquera toute sa vie. (…) Mais sinon j'avais pensé à :
Il a été exposé à l'alcoolémie dans l'utérus.
Il a été victime d'alcoolémie via le liquide placentaire.

(2) =
Désordres et Syndromes de l'Alcoolémie Fœtale. = DSAF.
Désordres et Symptômes de l'Alcoolémie Fœtale. = DSAF.
Désordres à large Spectre d'Alcoolémie Fœtale. = DSAF.
Fœtus exposés à l'Alcoolémie Syndrome et Désordres. = FASD.
Fœtus exposés à l'Alcoolémie Symptômes et Désordres. = FASD.

Mais j'ai voulu garder les initiales britanniques de la maladie, dans l'ordre, en rendant l'ensemble des symptômes : FASD.
Peut-être ne fallait-il pas traduire une maladie ? J'ai essayé. Je te laisse bien sûr le choix final.

Have a sweet week!
See you soon!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de peticha, postée le 13-07-2019 à 02:49:36 (S | E)
Je prends les phrases !

Here is my try:
II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them so as to make meaningful sentences:

Doctors initially wrongly thought the kid had ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Les médecins pensaient d'abord à tort que les enfants étaient atteints de ADHA (Déficit de l’Attention et Désordres de l’Hyperactivité).

Your parenting is always being scrutinised, and he just wants 100% of your attention, 100% of the time.
Votre parentalité est toujours en train d’être analysée et elle ne réclame juste que 100% de votre attention et 100% de votre temps.

The «Hub Scotland» will provide direct support services for people affected by, or living with, FASD.
La plateforme fournira des services d’aides ciblées pour les personnes atteintes par ou vivant avec le FASD.

Thanks for your marking, here4u, have a great week!
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de maxwell, postée le 13-07-2019 à 16:43:56 (S | E)
Je prends la 2ème partie du texte. Mais il y a 4 parties dans le texte ? End of Part 3 ne s'arrête pas à la fin du texte

FASD is an umbrella term that describes the adverse physical and emotional conditions that affect people whose mothers drank during pregnancy.
The 51-year-old and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a raft of worrying behaviour.
This included biting his fingers until they bled in a bid to stave off sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women is not TO drink alcohol at all to keep risks to their babies to a minimum. The risks occur when alcohol passes across the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus. /// End of Part 2 //

L'ETCAF est un terme générique qui décrit les conditions physiques et émotionnelles difficiles qui touchent les gens dont la mère a bu pendant la grossesse.
La femme âgée de 51 ans et son ex-mari adoptèrent leur enfant à l'âge de 7 mois et il commença rapidement à présenter une série de comportements inquiétants.
Cela comprenait le fait de se mordiller les doigts jusqu'à ce qu'ils saignent pour tenter de conjurer le sommeil, extraire du plâtre des murs pour manger et ne pas faire attention à la panoplie de jouets que sa famille lui avait achetée. Son comportement poussa la famille dans ses derniers retranchements.
La sécurité sociale recommande que l'approche la plus sûre pour les femmes enceintes est de ne pas du tout boire d'alcool pour limiter au maximum les risques pour le bébé. Les risques surviennent quand l'alcool traverse le placenta, se propageant de la mère jusqu'au bébé.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de here4u, postée le 13-07-2019 à 20:55:55 (S | E)
Hello, dear friends and dearest Volunteers,

Thanks for answering my request so quickly! I'm sure your translation will be accurate!

The 'brutal reality' for alcohol-damaged children
Judith wanted her adoptive son to go to university, now she hopes he can tell the time: he was left damaged by exposure to alcohol in the womb.
Judith Knox says her 12-year-old son has a range of behavioural problems as a result of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
It is estimated that as many as 172,000 people could be affected by the disorder in Scotland. Ms Knox said it took six years for her son to be properly diagnosed.

La "dure réalité" pour les enfants victimes de l'alcool.
Judith voulait que son fils adoptif aille à l'Université, maintenant elle espère qu'il sera capable de donner l'heure : il souffre des conséquences du syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale.
Judith Knox dit que son fils de douze ans souffre d'une série de problèmes comportementaux, en conséquence du syndrome des "Fœtus victimes d'Alcoolémie Symptômes et Désordres". (2) (FASD).
On estime que jusqu'à 172 000 personnes pourraient être affectées par ce désordre en Écosse. Madame Knox a dit qu'il avait fallu six ans pour diagnostiquer correctement son enfant. Bravo Choco !

FASD is an umbrella term that describes the adverse physical and emotional conditions that affect people whose mothers drank during pregnancy.
The 51-year-old and her ex-husband adopted their son at the age of seven months and he quickly began to exhibit a raft of worrying behaviour.
This included biting his fingers until they bled in a bid to stave off sleep, picking plaster from the walls to eat and ignoring the range of toys his family had bought him. His behaviour pushed his family to their limits.
The NHS recommends the safest approach for pregnant women is not TO drink alcohol at all to keep risks to their babies to a minimum. The risks occur when alcohol passes across the placenta from the mother to the developing foetus. /// End of Part 2 //

L'ETCAF est un terme générique qui décrit les conditions physiques et émotionnelles difficiles qui touchent les gens dont la mère a bu pendant la grossesse.
La femme âgée de 51 ans et son ex-mari adoptèrent leur enfant à l'âge de 7 mois et il commença rapidement à présenter une série de comportements inquiétants.
Cela comprenait le fait de se mordiller les doigts jusqu'au sang pour tenter de retarder le sommeil, retirer du plâtre des murs pour le manger et ne pas faire attention à la panoplie de jouets que sa famille lui avait achetée. Son comportement poussa la famille dans ses derniers retranchements.
Pour la sécurité sociale, l'approche la plus sûre pour les femmes enceintes est de ne pas boire d'alcool du tout pour limiter au maximum les risques pour le bébé. Ils surviennent quand l'alcool traverse le placenta, se propageant de la mère jusqu'au bébé.
Bravo maxwell !

A foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver is fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain.
Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, such as differences in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties.
Ms Knox said that, despite the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, he remained very caring and described him as "charming and very funny".
For the future, she said her aspirations for him were simple: "I hope he can tell the time, deal with money and keep himself safe and not end up in a bad situation," she said./// End of Part 3 ///

Un foetus ne peut éliminer l'alcool efficacement tant que le foie n'est pas totalement développé; un degré d'alcool élevé dans le placenta peut affecter le développement des organes et le cerveau.
Les enfants qui ont été affectés par le syndrome ETCAF peuvent présenter toute une gamme de déficiences physiques comme certaines caractéristiques faciales particulières et avoir des difficultés d'apprentissage et comportementales.
Madame Knox relate qu'en dépit des défis importants qui relèvent du comportement de son fils , celui-ci demeure un enfant attachant et le présente comme charmant et très amusant.
En ce qui concerne l'avenir de son enfant ses aspirations sont simples : j'espère qu'il saura lire l'heure, gérer son argent, se maintenir en toute sécurité et de ne pas finir en mauvaise situation. Bravo Icare !

"I was given no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
" FASD cannot be cured, but many people can live very successfully with it, if provided with the right support at the right time." "It is vital that we recognise the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right support is available to them and their families when they most need it."/// the End!///

bonjour je termine Magie!

Il ne m'a été donné aucune information concernant les conditions de cette maladie (**) ni sur les endroits où j'aurai pu aller pour trouver de l'aide et des conseils, je ne connaissais pas d'autres parents, ni de soignants dans la même situation et je me sentais seule et isolée.
Le FASD est incurable mais beaucoup de gens réussissent à vivre avec, s'ils ont le bon support= soutien au bon moment.Il est vital que les besoins de ces groupes d'enfants et de jeunes gens soient reconnus et de s'assurer qu'un bon soutien (= convenable) est disponible pour les familles qui en ont le plus besoin. Bravo Magie!

(**) a condition= une maladie ! "the condition" = cette maladie là !(= FASD) Lien internet

Remise en ordre : Hello Peticha!

Doctors initially wrongly thought the kid had ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Les médecins ont d'abord pensé à tort que les enfants étaient atteints de ADHA (Déficit de l’Attention et Désordres de l’Hyperactivité).

Your parenting is always being scrutinised, and he just wants 100% of your attention, 100% of the time.
Votre parentalité est toujours en train d’être analysée et votre enfant réclame juste 100% de votre attention à 100% du temps.

The «Hub Scotland» will provide direct support services for people affected by, or living with, FASD.
La plateforme en Ecosse fournira des services d’aides ciblées pour les personnes atteintes du FASD ou vivant avec.

Bravo Peticha!

Bravo et Merci à ces courageux "volontaires" ! I'm proud of you!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de icare29, postée le 15-07-2019 à 18:05:17 (S | E)
Hello Here4u , and all friends , here is my try concerning the French translation of the part 3

foetus cannot process alcohol effectively until the liver is fully developed and high levels of alcohol can affect the development of organs and the brain.
Those affected by FASD can have a range of issues, such as differences in their facial features as well as learning and behavioural difficulties.
Ms Knox said that, despite the severe challenges with her son's behaviour, he remained very caring and described him as "charming and very funny".
For the future, she said her aspirations for him were simple: "I hope he can tell the time, deal with money and keep himself safe and not end up (17) in a bad situation," she said./// End of Part 3 ///.

Le foetus ne peut efficacement éliminer l'alcool tant que le foie ne se soit pleinement développé; un degré d'alcool élevè dans le placenta peut affecter le développement des organes et le cerveau.
Les enfants qui ont été affectés par le syndrome ETCAF peuvent présenter toute une gamme de déficiences physiques comme certaines caractéristiques faciales particulières et avoir des difficultés d'apprentissage et comportementales.
Madame Knox relate que, en dépit des défis importants qui relèvent du comportement de son fils , celui-ci demeure un enfant attachant et le présente comme charmant et très amusant.
En ce qui concerne avenir de son enfant ses aspirations sont simples :J'espère qu'il sera en capacité de lire l'heure,de gérer son argent ,de se maintenir en toute sécurité et de ne pas finir en mauvaise situation

Have a good summer time and enjoy your holidays

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de here4u, postée le 15-07-2019 à 18:36:14 (S | E)
et Icare for the translation of Part 3 [No determiner!]!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 49 de magie8, postée le 16-07-2019 à 07:43:35 (S | E)
was given (18) no information about the condition or where I could go for help and advice," she said. "At that time, I knew of no other parent or carer in the same position and I felt very alone and isolated."
" FASD cannot be cured, but many people can live very successfully with it, if provided with the right support at (19) the right time." "It is vital that we recognise (20) the needs of this group of children and young people and ensure that the right sup
port is available to them and their families when they most need it."/// the End!///

bonjour je termine

Il ne m'a été donné aucune information concernant les conditions de cette maladie ni sur les endroits où j'aurai pu aller pour trouver de l'aide et des conseils,je ne connaissais pas d'autres parents , ni de soignant dans la m^me situation et je me sentais seule et isolée
le FASD est incurable mais beaucoup de gens réussissent à vivre avec,si ils ont le bon support au bon moment.Il est vital que les besoins de ces groupes d'enfants et de jeunes gens soient reconnus et de s'assurer qu'un bon soutien est disponible pour les familles qui en ont le plus besoin.


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