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Correction/ thème

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ thème
Message de vaiana posté le 30-06-2019 à 17:09:05 (S | E | F)
As usual, I've tried to translate a French text into English. I paid more attention to the used tenses this time, so I hope I didn't make a lot of mistakes.
Thanks for any reply.

Quand Marcel était petit, sa grand-mère lui avait interdit d'aller dans le grenier, et il lui avait obéi pendant quelques années. Mais un jour, il devait avoir huit ans, il s'était levé au milieu de la nuit, la bougie à la main, et avait monté l'escalier qui menait à la porte du grenier. Là, au lieu des vielles malles et des toiles d'araignées auxquelles il s'attendait, il vit une pièce bien rangée, qui venait sans doute juste d'être nettoyée. Sur la table, un petit mot. Il eut à peine le temps de lire la première phrase ("Marcel, je t'attendais") qu'un orage éclata. Un éclair frappa le clocher du village et… il se réveilla. Il se rendit compte qu'il avait dû rêver, et que jamais il ne pourrait désobéir aux ordres de sa grand-mère.
Source: unknown.

When Marcel was a child, his grandmother had forbidden him from going into the attic, and he had obeyed her during a few years. However, one day, he must be eight, he had got /gotten up in the middle of the night, candle in the hand, and had ascended the stair that led to the door of the attic. There, instead of elderly *malles* and spider's webs he was expected to, he saw a well-tidied-up room that had probably just been cleaned up. On the table, a little word. He hardly had time to read the first sentence ("Marcel, I have been waiting for you") that a thunderstorm burst. A flash/bolt of lightning beat the bell tower of the village and... he woke up. He became aware he must have dreamt, and that he will never be able to disobey his grandmother's orders.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-06-2019 17:21

Réponse : Correction/ thème de gerold, postée le 03-07-2019 à 18:02:37 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana

When Marcel was a child, his grandmother had forbidden him from going into the attic, and he had obeyed her during a few years. However, one day, he must be il devait eight, he had got /gotten up in the middle of the night, with a candle in the hand en général on utilise le possessif avec les parties du corps , and had ascended the stair escalier = stairs, a stair = a step = une marche that led to the door of the attic. There, instead of elderly étrange avec des noms de choses *malles* trunks and spider's webs he was expected il s'attendait, pas on s'attendait à ce qu'il ... to see, he saw a well-tidied-up room that had probably just been cleaned up. On the table, a little word autre mot. He hardly had inversion possible, plus littéraire time to read the first sentence ("Marcel, I have been waiting for you") that, when a thunderstorm burst. A flash/bolt of lightning beat autre verbe the bell tower of the village and... he woke up. He became aware he must have dreamt, and (that he) will concordance des temps never be able to disobey his grandmother's orders.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-07-2019 13:31
Bug police réparé.

Réponse : Correction/ thème de vaiana, postée le 06-07-2019 à 12:54:47 (S | E)
Hello Gerold! Thanks for your reply!

When Marcel was a child, his grandmother had forbidden him from going into the attic, and he had obeyed her during a few years. However, one day, he might be eight, he had gotten up in the middle of the night, with a candle in his hand, and had ascended the stairs which led to the door of the attic. There, instead of old trunks and spider's webs to which he was expecting to see, he saw a well-tidied-up room that must probably been just cleaned up. On the table, a few words. Scarcely had him time to read the first sentence ("Marcel, I have been waiting for you") when a thunderstorm burst. A bolt of lightning struck the bell tower of the village and... he woke up. He became aware he must have dreamt, and must never be able to disobey his grandmother's orders.

Réponse : Correction/ thème de gerold, postée le 06-07-2019 à 22:16:18 (S | E)
Bonsoir vaiana

When Marcel was a child, his grandmother had forbidden him from going into the attic, and he had obeyed her during a few years. However, one day, he might be infinitif passé eight, he had gotten up in the middle of the night, with a candle in his hand, and had ascended the stairs which led to the door of the attic. There, instead of old trunks and spider's webs to which he was expecting to see, he saw a well-tidied-up room that must had (must et probably, cela fait double emploi probably been just inverser cleaned up. On the table, a few words ou a little note. Scarcely had him l'inversion n'entraîne pas un changement de pronom time to read the first sentence ("Marcel, I have je t'attendais been waiting for you") when a thunderstorm burst. A bolt of lightning struck the bell tower of the village and... he woke up. He became aware he must have dreamt, and must autre modal never be able to disobey his grandmother's orders.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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