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Message de vaiana posté le 21-07-2019 à 14:31:12 (S | E | F)
Hello; here's the attempt of traduction of an article I have done, could you help me correct my mistakes please?

Source : D’après un article par Stéphanie Le Bars, M le Magazine, 13 octobre 2017

Kyrie est bien embarrassée. Comment savoir si la phrase du président philippin, Rodrigo Duterte incitant ses compatriotes « à tuer les vendeurs de drogue », est vraie ou pas ? La jeune Américaine de 17 ans a deux minutes pour se faire une opinion. Telle est la règle édictée par Kim Ash, qui, ce matin-là, enseigne à un groupe de lycéens d’Alexandria (Virginie) comment reconnaître et déjouer une « fake news ».

Kyrie is really embarrassed. How to know whether Rodrigo Duterte's, the president of the Philippines, sentence incitating his compatriots to "kill drug dealers", is real? The young 17-year-old American has got two minutes to form an opinion. That is the rule produced by Kim Ash who, that very morning, teaches a group of high-school students from Alexandria, Virginia, how to recognize and foil a "fake news".

Ce programme a été lancé au printemps par le Newseum, le musée de la presse et du journalisme de Washington, alors que le terme fait florès depuis l’élection de Donald Trump. Ces derniers jours, le président des États-Unis n’a pas craint de demander une enquête du Sénat pour comprendre « pourquoi tant d’infos dans notre pays sont inventées ».

This program was launched at spring by the Newseum, the both press and journalism museum of Washington, even though the term has been a hit since the election of Donald Trump. These past days, the president of the United Stated hasn't been afraid of asking an enquiry of the Senat to comprehend "why such information is made up in our country".

Coïncidence ou pas, au Newseum, les classes ne désemplissent pas. Durant une partie de la matinée, l’enseignante va aider les adolescents à cerner ce qu’est une « fake news » et leur donner des outils pour la contrer. Téléphone portable en main, Kyrie commence ses recherches. Son instinct la pousserait à estampiller « fausse » la déclaration de M. Duterte. « C’est tellement fou, ça ne peut pas être vrai. » En quelques clics, elle vérifie le sérieux du site, retrouve la citation dans d’autres médias et change d’avis.

Coincidence or not, at the Newsum, courses don't empty. During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers figure what is a "fake news" out and give them features to thwart it. Cell phone in the hand, Kyrie starts her research. Her instinct would lead her to judge Mr Duterte's statement "false". "That's so crazy, that can't be true." With just a few clics, she verifies the seriousness of the website, find the quote again on other media and changes her mind."

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-07-2019 19:27

Réponse : Correction/Thème de vaiana, postée le 25-07-2019 à 14:34:07 (S | E)

Réponse : Correction/Thème de gerold, postée le 26-07-2019 à 09:46:59 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana

Kyrie est bien embarrassée. Comment savoir si la phrase du président philippin, Rodrigo Duterte incitant ses compatriotes « à tuer les vendeurs de drogue », est vraie ou pas ? La jeune Américaine de 17 ans a deux minutes pour se faire une opinion. Telle est la règle édictée par Kim Ash, qui, ce matin-là, enseigne à un groupe de lycéens d'Alexandria (Virginie) comment reconnaître et déjouer une « fake news ».

Kyrie is really embarrassed. How to know whether Rodrigo Duterte's, the president of the Philippines, sentence 's devrait être juste avant sentence incitating his compatriots to "kill drug dealers", is real? The young 17-year-old American has got two minutes to form an opinion. That is the rule produced ? to lay down, to set a rule by Kim Ash who, that very morning ce matin même n'est pas la même chose que ce matin-là, teaches action en cours de déroulement a group of high-school students from Alexandria, Virginia, how to recognize and foil a "fake news" on ne dit pas "a news", même si elle est "fake".

Ce programme a été lancé au printemps par le Newseum, le musée de la presse et du journalisme de Washington, alors que le terme fait florès depuis l'élection de Donald Trump. Ces derniers jours, le président des États-Unis n'a pas craint de demander une enquête du Sénat pour comprendre « pourquoi tant d'infos dans notre pays sont inventées ».

This program was launched at autre préposition spring by the Newseum, the both inutile press and journalism museum of/in Washington, even though the term has been a hit since the election of Donald Trump vous pouvez employer le cas possessif. These past days, the president of the United Stated hasn't been afraid of asking an enquiry of the Senat orthographe to comprehend "why such tant d'infos, pas "de telles" information is made up in our country".

Coïncidence ou pas, au Newseum, les classes ne désemplissent pas. Durant une partie de la matinée, l'enseignante va aider les adolescents à cerner ce qu'est une « fake news » et leur donner des outils pour la contrer. Téléphone portable en main, Kyrie commence ses recherches. Son instinct la pousserait à estampiller « fausse » la déclaration de M. Duterte. « C'est tellement fou, ça ne peut pas être vrai. » En quelques clics, elle vérifie le sérieux du site, retrouve la citation dans d'autres médias et change d'avis.

ajoutez quelque chose "que ce soit une ..." Coincidence or not, at the Newsum, xx pas les classes en général courses don't empty. During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers figure what is mal placé a "fake news" out and give them features ? autre mot to thwart it. ajoutez une préposition et un article Cell phone in the hand, Kyrie starts her research. Her instinct would lead her to judge Mr Duterte's statement "false". "That's so crazy, that can't be true." With just a few clics orthographe, she verifies the seriousness of the website, find conjugaison the quote again on other media and changes her mind."

Réponse : Correction/Thème de vaiana, postée le 26-07-2019 à 17:27:42 (S | E)
Hello Gerold and thanks!

Kyrie est bien embarrassée. Comment savoir si la phrase du président philippin, Rodrigo Duterte incitant ses compatriotes « à tuer les vendeurs de drogue », est vraie ou pas ? La jeune Américaine de 17 ans a deux minutes pour se faire une opinion. Telle est la règle édictée par Kim Ash, qui, ce matin-là, enseigne à un groupe de lycéens d’Alexandria (Virginie) comment reconnaître et déjouer une « fake news ».

Kyrie is really embarrassed. How to know whether Rodrigo Duterte's sentence, the president of the Philippines, incitating his compatriots to "kill drug dealers", is real? (is it better like that? that's what I put the first time I wrote my translation but I changed it since I found it better to put "the president of the Philippines" right after his name). The young 17-year-old American has got two minutes to form an opinion. That is the rule laid down by Kim Ash who, that same morning, is teaching a group of high-school students from Alexandria, Virginia, how to recognize and foil a "fake piece of news".

Ce programme a été lancé au printemps par le Newseum, le musée de la presse et du journalisme de Washington, alors que le terme fait florès depuis l’élection de Donald Trump. Ces derniers jours, le président des États-Unis n’a pas craint de demander une enquête du Sénat pour comprendre « pourquoi tant d’infos dans notre pays sont inventées ».

This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the (both) press and journalism museum of /in Washington, even though the term has been a hit since Donald Trump's election (yet he doesn't own the election ). These past days, the president of the United Stated hasn't been afraid of asking an enquiry of the Senate to comprehend "why so much information is made up in our country".

Coïncidence ou pas, au Newseum, les classes ne désemplissent pas. Durant une partie de la matinée, l’enseignante va aider les adolescents à cerner ce qu’est une « fake news » et leur donner des outils pour la contrer. Téléphone portable en main, Kyrie commence ses recherches. Son instinct la pousserait à estampiller « fausse » la déclaration de M. Duterte. « C’est tellement fou, ça ne peut pas être vrai. » En quelques clics, elle vérifie le sérieux du site, retrouve la citation dans d’autres médias et change d’avis.

Whether it's a coincidence or not, at the Newsum, the courses don't empty. During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers figure what a "fake news" is out and give them tools to thwart it. With her cell phone in the hand, Kyrie starts her research. Her instinct would lead her to judge Mr Duterte's statement as "false". "That's so crazy, that can't be true." With just a few clicks, she verifies the seriousness of the website, finds the quote again on other media and changes her mind."

Réponse : Correction/Thème de gerold, postée le 28-07-2019 à 15:53:21 (S | E)
Hello vaiana

Kyrie est bien embarrassée. Comment savoir si la phrase du président philippin, Rodrigo Duterte incitant ses compatriotes « à tuer les vendeurs de drogue », est vraie ou pas ? La jeune Américaine de 17 ans a deux minutes pour se faire une opinion. Telle est la règle édictée par Kim Ash, qui, ce matin-là, enseigne à un groupe de lycéens d’Alexandria (Virginie) comment reconnaître et déjouer une « fake news ».

Kyrie is really embarrassed. How to know whether Rodrigo Duterte's sentence, the president of the Philippines, incitating his compatriots to "kill drug dealers", is real? (is it better like that? that's what I put the first time I wrote my translation but I changed it since I found it better to put "the president of the Philippines" right after his name) I think that "R. Duterte" and "President ..." should remain together. I suggest "the Philippines president R. Duterte's sentence" (Philippines can also be used as an adjective). The young 17-year-old American has got two minutes to form an opinion. That is the rule laid down by Kim Ash who, that same morning, is teaching a group of high-school students from Alexandria, Virginia, how to recognize and foil a "fake piece of news" I found this, but "a piece of fake news" seems much more frequent ("fake news" has become a kind of compound noun).

Ce programme a été lancé au printemps par le Newseum, le musée de la presse et du journalisme de Washington, alors que le terme fait florès depuis l’élection de Donald Trump. Ces derniers jours, le président des États-Unis n’a pas craint de demander une enquête du Sénat pour comprendre « pourquoi tant d’infos dans notre pays sont inventées ».

This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the (both) press and journalism museum of /in Washington, even though the term has been a hit since Donald Trump's election (yet he doesn't own the election ) Maybe he considers his election as his property. Anyway, the possessive case (or genitive) does not always imply possession strictly speaking: the Queen's arrival, Scotland's climate .... These past days, the president of the United Stated hasn't been afraid of asking an enquiry of rather: inquiry by the Senate to comprehend "why so much information is made up in our country".

Both enquiry and inquiry exist, but inquiry is normally used in the context "inquiry by the (US) Senate".
Lien internet

Coïncidence ou pas, au Newseum, les classes ne désemplissent pas. Durant une partie de la matinée, l’enseignante va aider les adolescents à cerner ce qu’est une « fake news » et leur donner des outils pour la contrer. Téléphone portable en main, Kyrie commence ses recherches. Son instinct la pousserait à estampiller « fausse » la déclaration de M. Duterte. « C’est tellement fou, ça ne peut pas être vrai. » En quelques clics, elle vérifie le sérieux du site, retrouve la citation dans d’autres médias et change d’avis.

Whether (it's: not necessary) a coincidence or not, at the Newsum, the courses don't empty. During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers figure what a "fake news" is out I think it would be better placed after "figure" and give them tools to thwart it. With her cell phone in the hand, Kyrie starts her research. Her instinct would lead her to judge Mr Duterte's statement as "false". "That's so crazy, that can't be true." With just a few clicks, she verifies the seriousness of the website, finds the quote again on other media and changes her mind."

Modifié par gerold le 28-07-2019 16:18

Réponse : Correction/Thème de vaiana, postée le 28-07-2019 à 17:18:57 (S | E)
Thank you very much! I hope it is okay now!

Kyrie is really embarrassed. How to know whether the Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte's sentence, incitating his compatriots to "kill drug dealers", is real? The young 17-year-old American has got two minutes to form an opinion. That is the rule laid down by Kim Ash who, that same morning, is teaching a group of high-school students from Alexandria, Virginia, how to recognize and foil a "piece of fake news".

This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the (both) press and journalism museum of/in Washington, even though the term has been a hit since Donald Trump's election. These past days, the president of the United Stated hasn't been afraid of asking an inquiry by the Senate to comprehend "why so much information is made up in our country".

Whether (it is) a coincidence or not, at the Newsum, the courses don't empty. During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers figure out what a "piece of fake news" is and give them tools to thwart it. With her cell phone in the hand, Kyrie starts her research. Her instinct would lead her to judge Mr Duterte's statement as "false". "That's so crazy, that can't be true." With just a few clicks, she verifies the seriousness of the website, finds the quote again on other media and changes her mind."

Réponse : Correction/Thème de gerold, postée le 29-07-2019 à 18:58:06 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana

Kyrie is really embarrassed. How to know whether the Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte's sentence, incitating his compatriots to "kill drug dealers", is real? The young 17-year-old American has got two minutes to form an opinion. That is the rule laid down by Kim Ash who, that same same n'apporte rien et je dirais plutôt this morning, la phrase étant au présent morning, is teaching a group of high-school students from Alexandria, Virginia, how to recognize and foil a "piece of fake news".

This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the (both) j'enlèverais ce mot, qui pourrait se justifier en cas d'association inhabituelle (le musée du parapluie et de la tarte aux pommes ), mais la presse et le journalisme vont naturellement ensemble) press and journalism museum of/in Washington, even though the term has been a hit since Donald Trump's election. These past days, the president of the United Stated hasn't been afraid of asking an inquiry by the Senate to comprehend "why so much information is made up in our country".

Whether (it is) a coincidence or not, at the Newsum, the courses don't empty. During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers figure out what a "piece of fake news" is and give them tools to thwart it. With her cell phone in the hand, Kyrie starts her research. Her instinct would lead her to judge Mr Duterte's statement as "false". "That's so crazy, that can't be true." With just a few clicks, she verifies the seriousness of the website, finds the quote again on other media and changes her mind."

Réponse : Correction/Thème de vaiana, postée le 29-07-2019 à 20:58:38 (S | E)
Thank you!

Kyrie is really embarrassed. How to know whether the Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte's sentence, incitating his compatriots to "kill drug dealers", is real? The young 17-year-old American has got two minutes to form an opinion. That is the rule laid down by Kim Ash who, this morning, is teaching a group of high-school students from Alexandria, Virginia, how to recognize and foil a "piece of fake news".

This program was launched in spring by the Newseum, the press and journalism museum of/in Washington, even though the term has been a hit since Donald Trump's election. These past days, the president of the United Stated hasn't been afraid of asking an inquiry by the Senate to comprehend "why so much information is made up in our country".

Whether (it is) a coincidence or not, at the Newseum, the courses don't empty. During a part of the morning, the teacher will help teenagers figure out what a "piece of fake news" is and give them tools to thwart it. With her cell phone in the hand, Kyrie starts her research. Her instinct would lead her to judge Mr Duterte's statement as "false". "That's so crazy, that can't be true." With just a few clicks, she verifies the seriousness of the website, finds the quote again on other media and changes her mind."

Réponse : Correction/Thème de gerold, postée le 31-07-2019 à 12:54:38 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana,

Votre texte me semble correct maintenant. Bien sûr, quelque chose a pu m'échapper.

Réponse : Correction/Thème de vaiana, postée le 31-07-2019 à 12:57:42 (S | E)
Thank you very much again

Réponse : Correction/Thème de bluestar, postée le 31-07-2019 à 17:44:21 (S | E)


Réponse : Correction/Thème de gerold, postée le 31-07-2019 à 18:07:56 (S | E)
Je pensais bien que quelque chose avait pu m'échapper. Conclusion : se méfier des verbes en -tate (*contestate dans un texte précédent), vérifier qu'ils existent bien.


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