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Advanced Grammar 2/Help

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Advanced Grammar 2/Help
Message de mvmtl posté le 20-08-2019 à 13:20:42 (S | E | F)

Recently, I’ve been revisiting grammar from Advanced Grammar in Use, 3rd Cambridge (Martin Hewings), a self-study reference and practice book, and I wanted to ask some questions regarding some of the grammar points I have come across and that I would like to clarify. Thank you for all your comments and input. The sentences and answers are from this book.

1) I can’t access the database. You must have to put in a password.
Why can’t one say “You must put in a password.”?

2) Everyone was waiting to hear the results.
The book says that in modern English we don’t use “all” without a noun to mean “everything” or “everyone”, although I believe I’ve heard people say “All were waiting to hear the results” unless it’s informal/spoken/broken English. What’s your thought?

3) They are all going to Athens during the vacation.
Can we say “They all are going to Athens during the vacation.” for particular emphasis in spoken English?

4) She’s of the kindest people (that) I know.
Will it be correct to use “who I know” in a formal context?

5) Arriving at the party, we saw Ruth standing alone.
Maybe it’s not the most elegant way of saying it and one would add “when” before the following sentence, but will it still be grammatically correct: “We arrived at the party, we saw Ruth standing alone.”?

6) I wrote down her name so as not/in order not to forget it.
Can we still say in spoken English “I wrote down her name not to forget it.”?

7) During/in a pause in the conversation, she left the room.
I find “in a pause” in this particular sentence a bit awkward, although the grammar book explains that we use “during” and “in” to talk about a period of time within which an event or activity occurs. The activity may continue for the whole of the period of time or the event may happen at some time, or be repeated a number of times, in the period of time, i.e.: I stayed at home during/in the summer. The population of the city has actually fallen during/in the last decade. What do you think?

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-08-2019 13:50

Réponse : Advanced Grammar 2/Help de gerondif, postée le 20-08-2019 à 14:15:36 (S | E)
1) I can’t access the database. You must have to put in a password.
Why can’t one say “You must put in a password.”?

2) Everyone was waiting to hear the results.
The book says that in modern English we don’t use “all” without a noun to mean “everything” or “everyone”, although I believe I’ve heard people say “All were waiting to hear the results” unless it’s informal/spoken/broken English. What’s your thought? All would be a short form for they were all waiting for the results; It is less common but more global.

3) They are all going to Athens during the vacation.
Can we say “They all are going to Athens during the vacation.” for particular emphasis in spoken English? It sounds strange and awkward.

4) She’s of the kindest people (that) I know.
Will it be correct to use “who I know” in a formal context? No, that goes with the superlative nd is restrictive, who isn't.

5) Arriving at the party, we saw Ruth standing alone.
Maybe it’s not the most elegant way of saying it and one would add “when” before the following sentence, but will it still be grammatically correct: “When We arrived at the party, we saw Ruth standing alone.”? Both are acceptable.

6) I wrote down her name so as not/in order not to forget it.
Can we still say in spoken English “I wrote down her name not to forget it.”? Yes.

7) During/in a pause in the conversation, she left the room.
I find “in a pause” in this particular sentence a bit awkward, although the grammar book explains that we use “during” and “in” to talk about a period of time within which an event or activity occurs. The activity may continue for the whole of the period of time or the event may happen at some time, or be repeated a number of times, in the period of time, i.e.: I stayed at home during/in the summer. The population of the city has actually fallen during/in the last decade. What do you think?
Not much. Don't use in if you find it awkward. In a pause sounds strange, whereas in the summer is common.

Réponse : Advanced Grammar 2/Help de delf2312, postée le 03-09-2019 à 19:30:32 (S | E)
I agree with gerondif for all the remarks.

As for the 1st one, here is my proposal to explain the use of "must" next to "have to" : The first "must" is used to make an hypothesis (I'm pretty sure) and "have to" is for the obligation. Without the "must", you just make a statement.


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