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The missing vowels/312

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The missing vowels/312
Message de marit64 posté le 04-09-2019 à 22:32:19 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

Summer is almost behind us, we have to get back to work.

The number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- To (make something) fall. ..... (p l t p) 2

2- To ignore. ..... (d d r r s g) 3

3- Tending to be often ill. ..... (k s l c) 2

4- A place in which wood is mechanically sawn. ..... (m l s w l)

5- A synonym of "to giggle". ..... (r t t t) 2

6- To make a sharp grating sound. ..... (r k c) 2

7- To collect or pick up (news, facts etc). ..... (l n g) 2

8- Extremely delightful; very lovely. ..... (h v n s g r) 3

9- To strike smartly, making a loud sound. ..... (h c w k) 1

10- To throw away or waste gradually. ..... (t f r r t)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/312 de chocolatcitron, postée le 04-09-2019 à 22:35:25 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 312
Message de marit64 posté le 04-09-2019 à 22:32:19 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit !
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- To (make something) fall. (p l t p) 2 topple = faire tomber.
2- To ignore. (d d r r s g) 3 disregard = ignorer.
3- Tending to be often ill. (k s l c) 2 sickly = chétif, maladif.
4- A place in which wood is mechanically sawn. (m l s w l) sawmill = scierie.
5- A synonym of "to giggle". (r t t t) 2 titter = gloussement, rire sot.
6- To make a sharp grating sound. (r k c) 2 creak = craquer, grincer.
7- To collect or pick up (news, facts etc).(l n g) 2 glean = glaner.
8- Extremely delightful; very lovely. (h v n s g r) 3 ravishing = ravissant, enchanteur.
9- To strike smartly, making a loud sound. (h c w k) 1 whack = grand coup sec, claque.
10- To throw away or waste gradually. (t f r r t) fritter = gaspiller.

Thanks Marit, it was great and interesting, but not really easy ! One hour and twenty minutes' work : correct !
Bonne chance à tous, et coucou amical à la fine Équipe !
Have a sweet week!
See you soon.

Thanks Marit, "sickly" est corrigé !
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/312 de daisy50, postée le 04-09-2019 à 23:44:11 (S | E)
Hello Marit and everybody,

Here is my try :

1- To (make something) fall. .... TOPPLE

2- To ignore. ..... DISREGARD

3- Tending to be often ill. ....SICKLY.

4- A place in which wood is mechanically sawn. ..... SAWMILL

5- A synonym of "to giggle". ..... TITTER

6- To make a sharp grating sound. ..... CREAK

7- To collect or pick up (news, facts etc). ..... GLEAN

8- Extremely delightful; very lovely. ..... RAVISHING

9- To strike smartly, making a loud sound. ..... WHACK

10- To throw away or waste gradually. .... FRITTER

Thanks Marit for this new exercise.

Have a great week! See you soon !

Réponse : The missing vowels/312 de flowermusic, postée le 11-09-2019 à 20:55:23 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Ouf à temps pour répondre au jeu

1- To (make something) fall. ..... (p l t p) 2 topple

2- To ignore. ..... (d d r r s g) 3 disregard

3- Tending to be often ill. ..... (k s l c) 2 sickly

4- A place in which wood is mechanically sawn. ..... (m l s w l) sawmill

5- A synonym of "to giggle". ..... (r t t t) 2 titter

6- To make a sharp grating sound. ..... (r k c) 2 creak

7- To collect or pick up (news, facts etc). ..... (l n g) 2 glean

8- Extremely delightful; very lovely. ..... (h v n s g r) 3 ravishing

9- To strike smartly, making a loud sound. ..... (h c w k) 1 whack

10- To throw away or waste gradually. ..... (t f r r t) fritter

See you soon

Salut aux fidèles des fidèles


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