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Exercice/ grammaire

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Exercice/ grammaire
Message de fannykj posté le 20-09-2019 à 00:53:55 (S | E | F)
j'ai réellement un gros problème avec la grammaire anglaise, j'ai un exercice là-dessus et j'ai l'impression d'avoir fait n'importe quoi, du coup si vous pouvez me corriger et m'expliquer le pourquoi du comment cela serait avec plaisir !
Merci pour vos réponses.

Mettez les verbes aux temps requis :
1- Have you seen the latest James Bond film ?
Of course it is on for a week now.

2- I saw the latest James Bond film. Pierce Brosnan is terrific.

3- The film is on for three weeks now. I'm sure it was still on at Moon Palace last Saturday.

4- Have you ever watched a James Bond film ? Do you remember when you last watched a film on TV ?

5- In her last film, Jodie Foster has played the part of a recent divorcee. Jodie Foster is a first-rate actress now. She played in a lot of successful films.

6- Sean Connery is a very generous person. In his lifetime he donated to hundreds of charities. The last time Sean has donated to a charity organization was just a week ago.

7- The producer's tired, isn't he ?
Yes. He has been working so much recently.
That's right. He worked very late last night and didn't get to bed before midnight.

8- He always has original and brilliant ideas.
That's right, but quite unexpectedly, his last idea raised a lot of controversy, didn't it ?

9- Mummy have you bought the tickets for next week's show ?
Yes she bought them last week in London.
How many did she buy ?

Excusez-moi pour les fautes, la grammaire me donne vraiment mal à la tête, merci beaucoup !

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-09-2019 09:29

Réponse : Exercice/ grammaire de gerondif, postée le 20-09-2019 à 01:03:21 (S | E)
Utilisez le prétérit pour une action datée, terminée et le present perfect dès qu'il y a un depuis en for ou since ou que vous parlez d'une expérience, d'un vécu.
erreurs en bleu
1- Have you seen the latest James Bond film ?

Of course it is on for a week (depuis une semaine !) now.

2- I saw(plutôt vore vécu, votre expérience) the latest James Bond film. Pierce Brosnan is terrific.

3- The film is on for(depuis) three weeks now. I'm sure it was(ok, action datée) still on at Moon Palace last Saturday.

4- Have you ever watched a James Bond film ? Do you remember when you last watched a film on TV ?

5- In her last film (sert de date), Jodie Foster has played the part of a recent divorcee. Jodie Foster is a first-rate actress now. She played (ou le présent perfect) in a lot of successful films.

6- Sean Connery is a very generous person. In his lifetime he donated to hundreds of charities. The last time Sean has donated to a charity organization was just a week ago.

7- The producer's tired, isn't he ?

Yes. He has been working so much recently.

That's right. He worked very late last night and didn't get to bed before midnight.

8- He always has original and brilliant ideas.

That's right, but quite unexpectedly, his last idea raised a lot of controversy, didn't it ?

9- Mummy have you bought the tickets for next week's show ?

Yes she bought them last week in London.

How many did she buy ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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