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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de fannyb posté le 24-09-2019 à 22:55:00 (S | E | F)
je dois faire un commentaire sur la parodie de "Freedom from want" par la série télé "Modern family " . Pouvez-vous, s’il vous plaît corriger mes erreurs?
Merci d’avance.

On this picture, in the foreground we can see ten people (who must be a family) sit down to table for celebrate Thanksgiving. In the table there are pears, apples , grapes and one big turkey. Everyone is smiling.
In the background on the right we can see the painting of Norman Rockwell.

This picture come from the American TV show "Modern Family " . It’s parody of Norman Rockwell’s painting " Modern Family" . They parodied his painting because Norman Rockwell painted the perfect family, so they represent the perfect family . But it’s a TV show, so I think it’s ironic.

On the other hand , as I already said, there are much food in the table, so we can say that Norman Rockwell wanted to denounce the overconsumption of noble families. In my opinion it’s a clever painting by Norman Rockwell and a funny parody by the TV show "modern family".

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-09-2019 09:34

Réponse : Commentaire/image de here4u, postée le 25-09-2019 à 09:13:18 (S | E)
Hello !

Revoir d'urgence l'emploi des prépositions et les mots "outils" de la description de document ...

On this picture, in the foreground we can see ten people (who must be a family) sit down to X table for celebrate Thanksgiving. In the table there are pears, apples , grapes and one big turkey. Everyone is smiling.
In the background on the right we can see the painting of Norman Rockwell.

This picture come from the American TV show "Modern Family " . It’s X parody of Norman Rockwell’s painting " Modern Family" . They parodied his painting because Norman Rockwell painted the perfect family, so they represent the perfect family .(Not clear and very clumsy!) But it’s a TV show, so I think it’s ironic.

On the other hand , as I already said, there are much food in the table, so we can say that Norman Rockwell wanted to denounce the overconsumption of noble families. In my opinion it’s a clever painting by Norman Rockwell and a funny parody by the TV show "modern family".

Réponse : Commentaire/image de gerold, postée le 25-09-2019 à 10:27:16 (S | E)

En plus des observations de here4u :

"It’s X parody of Norman Rockwell’s painting " Modern Family" . Le tableau original ne s'appelle pas "Modern Family" mais "Freedom for want", comme vous le dites vous-même.

So we can say that Norman Rockwell wanted to denounce the overconsumption of noble families. Je ne le pense pas (la parodie, peut-être ?). En tout cas,
le tableau ne représente pas une 'noble' family. Suggestion : lisez l'article "Freedom from want" de wikipedia.

Réponse : Commentaire/image de here4u, postée le 25-09-2019 à 10:40:09 (S | E)
Hello !

« Freedom FROM want » Lien internet

Réponse : Commentaire/image de gerold, postée le 25-09-2019 à 15:35:34 (S | E)
Freedom FROM want, pas "for" bien sûr, merci here4u.

Réponse : Commentaire/image de fannyb, postée le 26-09-2019 à 01:20:15 (S | E)
Bonsoir, merci beaucoup pour vos conseils 😀 J’ai fait de nouvelles modifications, sont-elles justes ?

This picture is a family photo from the TV show “Modern Family”. In the foreground, we can see ten people who celebrate Thanksgiving, on the table there are a lot of fruits and one big turkey. In the background on the right we can see the painting of Norman Rockwell: “Freedom from want” .

This photo is a parody of this( je ne suis pas sûr que la phrase soit juste.) Norman Rockwell’s painting. They parodied “Freedom from Want” because Norman Rockwell made an idealistic presentation of family values in 1940s. And I think that this modern family represent a trend of families in our society. For instance, we can notice that the mother’s clothes in the parody are more modern than the mother’s clothes in “Freedom from want”. In my opinion they adapted the Norman Rockwell’s painting to our time. It’s a very interesting idea

Réponse : Commentaire/image de here4u, postée le 26-09-2019 à 08:18:20 (S | E)

This picture is a family photo from the TV show “Modern Family”. In the foreground, we can see ten people who celebrate (aspect en ing) Thanksgiving, on (ponctuation à revoir) the table there are a lot of fruits and one big turkey. In the background on the right we can see the painting of Norman Rockwell: “Freedom from want” .

This photo is a parody of this Norman Rockwell’s painting (construction à revoir.)They parodied “Freedom from Want” because Norman Rockwell made an idealistic presentation of family values in XXX 1940s. And(Une phrase ne commence pas par "and"...) I think that this modern family represent a trend of families in our society. For instance, we can notice that the mother’s clothes in the parody are more modern than the mother’s clothes in “Freedom from want”. In my opinion they adapted the Norman Rockwell’s painting to our time. It’s a very interesting idea


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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