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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de qu3n1n posté le 24-10-2019 à 16:29:52 (S | E | F)
can you help me correct my homework ? The subject is :
You are an investigative reporter meeting a member of Anonymous. Write an article reporting your interview.

Last week, I’ve met one of founders of Anonymous. He wanted to meet us in order to introduce to talk about of “the power of the hacking”.
The member of Anonymous said that the media assimilated them such “pranksters”, “vandals”, “trolls” and “anarchists” and according to him this comparison concern only 10% of the members of Anonymous. Indeed state that these unscrupulous peoples do not adhered to the values of the organization. Indeed, he admitted that the members of Anonymous must loved the nation and the people to defends theirs rights.

As for Anonymous, the membership of Anonymous said that they act through the hacking when there is a breaking of the law. Also for fight for men’s rights more precisely for the freespeech. Thirdly they act for the anti-surveillance, the opposition to government spying programs for respect the private life of each citizens. This is the reason why Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have leaks info to Wikileaks. These actions are legitimate. Recently a new law entitled “Article 13” should enter into force. This law threatens freedom of expression because there will be more censorship and therefore less rights on the internet. Another point is that is the “Fake News”, the member of Anonymous state that she had to stop, beacause these false stories that appears to be a news, spread on the internet or using other media, usually created to influence political views or as a joke. Furthermore according to him these jokes are often unfunny. And the fake news are dangerous because they can affect election results. It’s not legitimate.

He concludes by saying that the people must always control their leadership to avoid the abuse of the government so that they do not encroach on our freedoms.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-10-2019 17:21

Réponse : Correction/Aide de lucile83, postée le 24-10-2019 à 18:49:08 (S | E)

Réponse : Correction/Aide de laure95, postée le 25-10-2019 à 17:51:12 (S | E)
- Last week, I’ve met (pas le bon temps, il faut utiliser le prétérit avec un repère de temps passé)one of (article) founders of Anonymous.
- He wanted to meet us (qui est "us"?)in order to introduce (enlever to introduce)to talk about of (choisir entre about et of)“the power of the hacking”.
- the media assimilated (pourquoi utiliser le passé?) them such (as) “pranksters”,
- this comparison concern (faute de conjugaison)only 10% of the members of Anonymous.
- Indeed (virgule) (sujet?)state (faute de conjugaison)that these unscrupulous peoples (people est déjà un mot au pluriel)do not adhered faute de conjugaison)to the values of the organization.
- Indeed,(chercher un synonyme) he admitted that the members of Anonymous must loved (must + infinitif)the nation and the people to défends (to + infinitif) theirs (theirs = les leurs)rights.

- As for Anonymous, the membership of Anonymous (répétitif)said that
- they act through the (pas de the)hacking
- Also for (pour: for + nom, to + verbe)fight for men’s rights more precisely for the freespeech.
- Thirdly they act for the (pas de the)anti-surveillance,
- the opposition to (article)government spying programs for (pas la bonne préposition) respect the private life of each citizens. (each + singulier)
- Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have leaks (mal construit)info to Wikileaks.
- Recently (pas le bon mot si la loi doit être votée dans le futur)) a new law entitled “Article 13” should enter (pas le bon mot ici) into force.
- This law threatens (article)freedom of expression
- less rights on the (pas de the)internet.
- Another point is that is the (pas de the + mal construit))“Fake News”,
- the member of Anonymous state (passé)that she (qui est she?)had to stop,
- beacause: orthographe.
- these false stories that appears (faute de conjugaison)to be a news,
- And the fake (pas de the) news are dangerous because they can affect (article)election results.

- He concludes (passé)by saying that the (pas de the) people must always control their leadership


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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