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Texte/ Kittens

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Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de chocolatcitron, postée le 10-12-2019 à 00:18:42 (S | E)
Bonsoir Gerondif !
Merci pour votre intervention.

Why are their coats so different from other babies'? Because their mother needs to mate several times before being pregnant, and tomcats HANG around the females… when they are receptive because they are in heat.///// The end of the second part.

Dans hang around, je vois l'idée de poireauter, d'attendre son tour…, mais aussi de rôdeurs à l'affût de phéromones qui vont déchaîner leurs réactions.
Dans turn around, on peut considérer que les matous reprennent leur vie en main… : leurs bruyantes bagarres afin de propager leurs gènes.
En fait je cherchais l'idée de regroupements de matous tenaces, obsessionnels, qui atteindront coûte que coûte leur but sans considération ni répit pour la femelle.

😺😺 À ce propos, il vaut mieux stériliser mâles et femelles, afin de limiter les portées non désirées, et toute la misère qui en découle.
Bienfaits de la stérilisation :
Elle minimise la transmission des maladies et le nombre d'accidents, dus aux vagabondages des deux sexes.
Elle allonge très nettement l'espérance de vie de l'animal, tout en limitant ses comportements indésirables : les fugues et les divers marquages.
Elle se fait idéalement à l'âge de six mois, avant les premières chaleurs. Elle réduit le risque de cancers mammaires.

Bonne semaine Gerondif !

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de chocolatcitron, postée le 10-12-2019 à 03:53:51 (S | E)
Bonjour Gerondif, et merci pour votre aide précieuse !

I will eventually succeed in writing correct English, won't I ? (eventually = en fin de compte. Sens: Je finirai bien par....
Oui, depuis plus de 49 ans j'essaie d'améliorer mon anglais…, je ne ménage pas mes efforts, reste positive et enthousiaste, malgré les difficultés !

Comme avec Here4u, je remets mes changements en majuscules, (sans crier pour autant). Dans cette troisième partie, je soulève deux points et les explicite.

Kittens are not toys. Their needs must be satisfied and they are very sensitive. Adoption is for ever, and people should know it is a constant commitment for the owner. We SHOULD*1* abandon an animal neither because we have got lots of problems in everyday life, nor because our pet is sick and requires a lot of money (its vet, its grooming, or its catsitter for some of them). Of course, its hair PERVADES IN THE WHOLE house, so what ? We must COPE with that problem! Who will COME AND HELP US IN ORDER TO take care of him during our vacation? What else? Pets are abjectly ALWAYS abandonned for SOME BAD REASON AND OTHER*2*. The law asks us not to adopt an animal which is LESS than two months old… According to the law, in France, we can't ENTRUST SUCH A YOUNG ANIMAL with somebody. Kittens need their mothers till they are at least three months old.

*1* : Dans must, je vois une obligation morale et légale : l’adoption est un acte responsable ; mais dans should, je ne vois que le conseil de bon sens, (et tout le monde ne l’a pas…), êtes-vous d’accord avec moi ?

*2* : Pour moi, il n’y a aucune raison valable d’abandonner un animal, je le prouve par ce qui suit. Est-ce bien ce que j'ai écrit en anglais ?

Tous les animaux que j’ai récupérés ont été des sauvetages. Leurs anciens « propriétaires» s’en sont débarrassés lâchement. Ils les ont abandonnés, sans vraiment s’occuper de leurs sorts, ni à qui ils les confiaient, pourvu qu’ils ne les voient plus.
Ils ont permis leurs naissances, (en ne stérilisant pas la mère), ont jeté la mère dehors, et distribué les petits orphelins, bien avant un sevrage complet. Peu importe leur avenir, ou les problèmes comportementaux qui sont la conséquence directe de leurs propres agissements. 😺😺

My she-kitten came into my life AGED five weeks and a half, but had lost her mother when she was only three weeks old! She was very aggressive towards me for five years. My doctor, my friends, my sisters told me I should abandon her. I refused to do so!!! My she-cat was in my life, and I had to learn about her behaviour… Naturally, THAT’S WHAT I did! I never regretted keeping her near me, although she bit me and lacerated me. She WOULD SET ON ME, violently with her claws, over and over, heavily clinging to my arm. She went at me fiercely: four small kilos of furious muscles, with both an impressive strength and a determination to make me pay for THE pain she had felt. Why did she have excessive energy and FELL so bad? She could not have self control because she hadn’t been taught how to do SO! Kittens’mothers teach them about everything: hers DIDN’T: she couldn’t… I had to teach her how to drink, to eat, to wash her face, to use her litter, … , so that she no longer FEARED the mirrors, her shadow, as if I were a cat. However she was always angry BECAUSE OF that noisy apartment in which we were living! Then, three years ago, we finally moved into a quieter flat with its small private garden. Over the years, that rubbish tip HAS become an earthly paradise. EVERSINCE, my fourteen-year-old cat HAS KEPT her cool, most of the time, providing that I also know how to read all her feelings… from her body language! 😺😺

Thank you Gerondif, have a great week!

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de gerondif, postée le 10-12-2019 à 11:28:17 (S | E)
Dans ce cas, they chase/pester/ the females renlentlessly

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de gerondif, postée le 10-12-2019 à 11:43:40 (S | E)
I will eventually succeed in writing correct English, won't I ? (eventually = en fin de compte. Sens: Je finirai bien par....
Oui, depuis plus de 49 ans j'essaie d'améliorer mon anglais…, je ne ménage pas mes efforts, reste positive et enthousiaste, malgré les difficultés !

Comme avec Here4u, je remets mes changements en majuscules, (sans crier pour autant). Dans cette troisième partie, je soulève deux points et les explicite.

Kittens are not toys. Their needs must be satisfied and they are very sensitive. Adoption is for ever, and people should know it is a constant commitment for the owner. We SHOULD*1* abandon an animal neither because we have got lots of problems in everyday life, nor because our pet is sick and requires a lot of money (en fait je verrais plutôt: We should never abandon an animal for any reason whatsoever, because we have got lots of problems in everyday life or because our pet is sick and requires a lot of money (its vet, its grooming, or its catsitter for some of them). Of course, its hair PERVADES (invades va mieux) IN THE WHOLE house, so what ? We must COPE (ou deal with) with that problem! Who will COME AND HELP US IN ORDER TO take care of him (bon, il faudrait savoir, votre chat passe du féminin au neutre au masculin) during our vacation? What else? Pets are abjectly ALWAYS(inversez) abandonned for SOME BAD REASON or OTHER*2*. The law asks us not to adopt an animal which is LESS than two months old… According to the law, in France, we can't ENTRUST (plutôt trust) SUCH A YOUNG ANIMAL with somebody (plutôt anybody, qui que ce soit). Kittens need their mothers till they are at least three months old.

*1* : Dans must, je vois une obligation morale et légale : l’adoption est un acte responsable ; mais dans should, je ne vois que le conseil de bon sens, (et tout le monde ne l’a pas…), êtes-vous d’accord avec moi ? Oui mais must donne l'impression que c'est dieu qui parle et qui décide au nom d'une loi toute puissante qui tombe du ciel.

: Pour moi, il n’y a aucune raison valable d’abandonner un animal, je le prouve par ce qui suit. Est-ce bien ce que j'ai écrit en anglais ?

Tous les animaux que j’ai récupérés ont été des sauvetages. Leurs anciens « propriétaires» s’en sont débarrassés lâchement. Ils les ont abandonnés, sans vraiment s’occuper de leurs sorts, ni à qui ils les confier, pourvu qu’ils ne les voient plus.
Ils ont permis leurs naissances, (en ne stérilisant pas la mère), ont jeté la mère dehors, et distribué les petits orphelins, bien avant un sevrage complet. Peu importe leur avenir, ou les problèmes comportementaux qui sont la conséquence directe de leurs propres agissements. 😺😺

My she-kitten came into my life AGED five weeks and a half, but had lost her mother when she was only three weeks old! She was very aggressive towards me for five years. My doctor, my friends, my sisters told me I should (ou had better) abandon her. I refused to do so!!! My she-cat was in my life (part of my life), and I had to learn about her behaviour… Naturally, THAT’S WHAT I did! I never regretted keeping her near me, although she bit me and lacerated me. She WOULD SET ON ME, violently with her claws, over and over, heavily clinging to my arm. She went at me fiercely: four small kilos of furious muscles, with both an impressive strength and a determination to make me pay for THE pain she had felt. Why did she have excessive energy and FELL(non ! Why did she feel se reduira à feel) so bad? She could not have (prête à confusion; she couldn't exercise any self-control) self control because she hadn’t been taught how to do SO! Kittens’mothers teach them (about) everything: hers DIDN’T: she couldn’t… I had to teach her how to drink, to eat, to wash her face, to use her litter, … , so that she no longer FEARED the mirrors, her shadow, as if I were a cat. However she was always angry BECAUSE OF that noisy apartment in which we were living! Then, three years ago, we finally moved into a quieter flat with its small private garden. Over the years, that rubbish tip HAS become an earthly paradise. EVERSINCE, my fourteen-year-old cat HAS KEPT her cool, most of the time, providing that I also know how to read all her feelings… from her body language! 😺😺

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de chocolatcitron, postée le 10-12-2019 à 23:05:09 (S | E)

Merci Gerondif pour votre aide et vos explications !

Why are their coats so different from other babies'? Because their mother needs to mate several times before being pregnant, and tomcats PESTER the females RELENTLESSY… when they are receptive because they are in heat.///// The end of the second part.

Kittens are not toys. Their needs must be satisfied and they are very sensitive. Adoption is for ever, and people should know it is a constant commitment for the owner. We should NEVER abandon an animal FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, because we have got lots of problems in everyday life, OR because our pet is sick and requires a lot of money (its vet, its grooming, or its catsitter for some of them). Of course, its hair INVADES THE whole house, so what ? We must DEAL with that problem! Who will come and help us in order to take care of IT during our vacation? What else? Pets are ALWAYS ABJECTLY abandonned for some bad reason other. The law asks us not to adopt an animal which is less than two months old… According to the law, in France, we can't TRUST such a young animal with ANYBODY. Kittens need their mothers till they are at least three months old.

Dans ce dernier, une de mes chattes est mise sur la sellette. Elle est un des membres de ma famille, j'utilise she.

My she-kitten came into my life aged five weeks and a half, but had lost her mother when she was only three weeks old! She was very aggressive towards me for five years. My doctor, my friends, my sisters told me I HAD BETTER abandon her. I refused to do so!!! My she-cat was PART OF my life, and I had to learn about her behaviour… Naturally, that 's what I did! I never regretted keeping her near me, although she bit me and lacerated me. She would set on me, violently with her claws, over and over, heavily clinging to my arm. She went at me fiercely: four small kilos of furious muscles, with both an impressive strength and a determination to make me pay for the pain she had felt. Why did she have excessive energy and FEEL (, sorry, dyslexia) so bad? She COULDN'T EXERCISE ANY SELF-CONTROL because she hadn’t been taught how to do SO! Kittens’mothers teach them everything: hers didn't: she couldn’t… I had to teach her how to drink, to eat, to wash her face, to use her litter, … , so that she no longer feared the mirrors, her shadow, as if I were a cat. However she was always angry because of that noisy apartment in which we were living! Then, three years ago, we finally moved into a quieter flat with its small private garden. Over the years, that rubbish tip has become an earthly paradise. Eversince, my fourteen-year-old cat has kept her cool, most of the time, providing that I also know how to read all her feelings… from her body language! 😺😺

Non, pas de mauvaise manipulation, simplement je travaillais dessus, avec une connexion bâtarde… !
Bonne journée !

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de chocolatcitron, postée le 11-12-2019 à 01:43:06 (S | E)
la version retravaillée est postée.

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-12-2019 à 12:53:23 (S | E)
juste pour relancer la page…
Merci à Here4u et Gerondif qui m'ont beaucoup aidée !
Bonne journée !

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de gerondif, postée le 15-12-2019 à 16:37:38 (S | E)
Je relis votre texte en me disant que le ping-pong commence à être long. Mais comme j'ai une sœur qui fait partie d'une association qui recueille, fait stériliser et élève les chatons abandonnés avant de les mettre à l'adoption, ce texte me parle. Bien sûr, je trouve exagéré qu'elle ait dix chats plus les recueillis. Cependant, je vois bien chez elle que chaque chat a sa personnalité, sa façon de se comporter, ses tics et j'admire la façon dont ma sœur sait interpréter leur communication. Donc je vois en vous lisant qu'elle n'est pas la seule avec un amour immodéré des chats. Bien sûr, tout en aimant bien ses différentes bestioles, je lui demande parfois pourquoi on ne fait pas ça pour toutes les autres, les renards, les blaireaux, les écureuils, les lièvres qui doivent bien de "débrouiller" tout seuls et meurent ou ont faim ou froid sans qu'on s'en émeuve outre mesure.

Tiens, j'ai pensé à to swoop on, fondre sur sa proie ou "won't leave the females alone" because they are in heat pour varier un peu. Après, comme le disait Here4U, il arrive un moment ou on ne peut plus améliorer une phrase, sauf à la réécrire différemment.

Why are their coats so different from other babies'? Because their mother needs to mate several times before being pregnant, and tomcats PESTER the females RELENTLESSY… when they are receptive because they are in heat.///// The end of the second part.

Kittens are not toys. Their needs must be satisfied and they are very sensitive. Adoption is for ever, and people should know it is a constant commitment for the owner. We should NEVER abandon an animal FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, because(plutôt even if, même si) we have got lots of problems in everyday life, OR because our pet is sick and requires a lot of money (its vet, its grooming, or its catsitter for some of them). Of course,(ce serait plus clair de vous mettre en scène ici: Ok, I admit it, their hair will invade your whole house, but so what ? You just have to deal with /cope with/ make the best of that problem. Of course, you wonder who will come and help you take care of it during your vacation, but it's not the end of the world) its hair INVADES THE whole house, so what ? We must DEAL with that problem! Who will come and help us in order to take care of IT during our vacation? What else? Pets are ALWAYS ABJECTLY abandonned for some bad reason or other (for no good reason whatsoever ). The law asks us not to adopt an animal which is less than two months old… According to the law, in France, we can't TRUST such a young animal with ANYBODY.(no cat should be given for adoption until they are three months old) Kittens need their mothers till they are at least three months old.

Dans ce dernier, une de mes chattes est mise sur la sellette. Elle est un des membres de ma famille, j'utilise she.

My she-kitten came into my life aged five weeks and a half, but had lost her mother when she was only three weeks old! She was very aggressive towards me for five years. My doctor, my friends, my sisters told me I HAD BETTER abandon her. I refused to do so!!! My she-cat was PART OF my life, and I had to learn about her behaviour… Naturally, that's what I did! I never regretted keeping her near me, although she bit me and lacerated me. She would set on me, violently with her claws, over and over, heavily clinging to my arm. She went at me fiercely: four small kilos of furious muscles, with both an impressive strength and a determination to make me pay for the pain she had felt. Why did she have excessive energy and FEEL so bad? She COULDN'T EXERCISE ANY SELF-CONTROL because she hadn’t been taught how to do SO! Kittens’mothers teach them everything: hers didn't: she couldn’t… I had to teach her how to drink, to eat, to wash her face, to use her litter, … , so that she no longer feared the mirrors, her shadow, as if I were a cat (as if I were her cat mother). However she was always angry (she kept being angry donne plus l'idée d'un problème non résolu)because of that noisy apartment in which we were living! Then, three years ago, we finally moved into a quieter flat with its small private garden. Over the years, that rubbish tip has become an earthly paradise. Eversince, my fourteen-year-old cat has kept her cool,(has behaved au sens de s'est bien comportée) most of the time, providing that I also know how to read all her feelings… from her body language! 😺😺

PS un article que je viens de parcourir : Lien internet

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de here4u, postée le 15-12-2019 à 21:32:58 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Choco,

Gérondif a raison ... pendant que je suis bloquée dans les embouteillages et en train d'essayer de me remettre du stress qu'ils occasionnent, en préparation de la semaine suivante, il a beaucoup avancé et amélioré ton texte qui n'a plus besoin de corrections ... Bravo pour ce bel effort ...
(Ils te rapportent des pauvres oiseaux massacrés, tes chats ? Tu leur donnes quoi pour leurs repas ? Dis-moi ça en mp ! )
Encore bravo à vous deux ...

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de chocolatcitron, postée le 16-12-2019 à 04:23:27 (S | E)
Bonjour Gérondif, et bonjour Here4u !

Bonjour !

Pour celles et ceux qui vivent des problèmes avec leurs chats (agressivité, mutilations, destructions, hyperactivité, etc.), voici deux livres parmi plus de trois cents lus, qui m'ont aidée réellement à comprendre ce qui se passait et comment ma chatte me l'exprimait : Joël Dehasse et Valérie Dramard sont deux vétérinaires.
Lien internet

Lien internet

En France, la loi nous interdit de détenir pour soigner, ou élever les orphelins jusqu'au stade adulte en vue de leurs relâchements, des renards, blaireaux, hérissons, écureuils, loups, sangliers, cervidés, mésanges, martinets, tortues, singes, enfin toute faune sauvage ! La loi est très stricte, sans Certificat Capacitaire, on est passible d'une très forte amende !!! 😥

C'est un bien, d'un côté, car il faut préserver leurs natures et leurs spécificités, car il pourrait y avoir des abus envers les animaux sauvages.

De l'autre, les personnes qui bravent le Droit pour s'occuper des animaux sauvages blessés ou orphelins, de façon clandestine, s'exposent à de lourdes peines, si elles étaient dénoncées.
D'autres personnes agissent sous couvert de petites associations œuvrant pour venir en aide aux animaux orphelins ou blessés.
Avoir du cœur, de la compassion, même pour un animal sauvage, serait considéré comme illégal en France. (…) ?!?
Si la loi française interdit de faire, elle devrait en retour soutenir financièrement, et multiplier sur son territoire les associations de Protections Animales, non ?
Or la valeur d'une société quelconque se juge sur la capacité à prendre en compte le bien-être et les territoires de tous, de manière équitable et juste, sans aucun privilège pour une espèce au détriment d'une autre, voire même des autres. Nous en sommes encore loin !
Il y a eu par le passé des animaux, recueillis et adoptés par leurs amis humains, mais finalement abattus car "anciens sauvages". Certes, ces animaux trop imprégnés par l'humain ne pouvaient plus retourner dans la nature : était-il nécessaire de les éliminer pour autant ? Je suis persuadée que non, pour moi c'est du bon sens !!!

Le problème en France c'est qu'il y a trop peu, voire pas de structures pour recueillir les animaux sauvages blessés ou orphelins. Ces structures ne vivent que par les dons de particuliers, sans aucune subvention de l'État. Les soins, la nourriture qui respectent la nature de l'animal coûtent très cher ! Les martinets seront malades s'ils mangent de la viande ou des croquettes pour chats, (…) (La LPO le reconnaît enfin !!!), puisque les martinets sont des insectivores : leurs plumes vont se dégrader très rapidement, (ils ne pourront plus voler), mais surtout leurs organes internes seront gravement atteints ! L'oiseau est condamné !!!

Le problème des oiseaux n'est pas tant les chats. Vous connaissez l'adage : "qui veut noyer son chien l'accuse de la rage…".
Les insecticides, les raticides, et autres pesticides sont utilisés massivement, dans les champs et les jardins.
Le pain, distribué (à tort) car nocif pour tous les oiseaux, fait encore de trop nombreuses victimes qu'on ne voit pas mourir… Des victimes bien inutiles, puisqu'il suffit d'aller chercher les bonnes informations parmi les pires, (…), dans les livres ou sur Internet !
Tout le vivant est imbriqué : en détruisant une espèce, en utilisant des graines génétiquement modifiées, toutes les espèces qui s'en nourrissent en subissent les conséquences, nous inclus.
Il n'y a aucune énergie qui soit vraiment propre : les éoliennes happent les oiseaux, à leurs passages entre les pales des hélices.
Leurs habitats sont envahis par nos activités humaines. La forêt est défrichée, les jardins nettoyés… , les vieilles bâtisses ou souches d'arbres qui leur servaient de nichoirs sont détruites…, ainsi que leurs garde-manger, les eaux deviennent de plus en plus polluées, etc.
Combien d'oiseaux meurent totalement brûlés par les acides répandus dans les points d'eau, via les batteries et piles jetées négligemment ?

Il en va de même pour toute la faune sauvage qui s'éteint à cause de nos activités humaines et de notre impact sur les différents milieux ! Les milieux naturels sont jonchés de nos déchets. Vous le savez Gérondif… !!!

Non Here4u, mes deux chattes, (stérilisées), ne chassent pas les oiseaux que je nourris. Quand elles vont dans le jardin, je suis avec elles, et je veille, quitte à jouer l'épouvantail ! Au pire ma plus jeune chatte, née pour chasser, gobe une mouche. Mais celle que j'ai décrite n'a pas l'instinct de chasse, elle claque des dents en voyant un oiseau, mais trop peureuse, finalement !
Quant à l'alimentation de mes chattes, je n'en ai pas fait des végétariennes, voire des végans : elles mangent des croquettes, de temps en temps des soupes pour leur plaisir et, pour ma plus âgée qui l'adore : du fromage de manière exceptionnelle. Mes chattes sont carnivores, c'est leur nature, je la respecte.

J'aime tous les animaux, tous ont leur utilité, tous ont leur place sur cette Terre, tous ont autant le droit et l'envie de vivre leur vie sans stress, de voir la lumière, libres de leurs mouvements, tous ont quelque chose de fascinant, or je constate le massacre quotidien et l'horrible insulte faite à la vie. (…)

J'ai une de mes amies qui a plus d'une grande classe (une bonne quarantaine) de chats chez elle, puisqu'elle fait comme votre sœur, en nourrissant et stérilisant les chats de la rue, en plus de tous les siens. Je m'étais amusée à les lui mettre en scène : tous uniques, tous avec une personnalité bien marquée.

Une autre, ses chats lui permettent de s'occuper d'oiseaux sauvages : le temps des soins nécessaires avant d'être relâchés une fois rétablis, les oiseaux hors de la boîte peuvent s'envoler librement pour s'entraîner devant la truffe du chat qui les regarde placide !

Ce texte n'est qu'un petit exercice d'écriture à partir d'un forum de Here4u. Si ces discussions fort intéressantes pouvaient faire prendre conscience des problèmes soulevés, et faire évoluer les choses de manière positive, que ce soit sur le plan légal, sur le plan des mentalités, ou des habitudes néfastes et ignorantes !

Quelles horreurs m'annoncez-vous à travers votre lien, Gérondif ! L'humain est le seul responsable, à jouer les apprentis sorciers… il se tire une balle dans les pieds, en accusant les autres !!!

Merci à tous les deux pour votre aide précieuse sur ce texte "Kittens", et belle semaine ! 😺😺

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de chocolatcitron, postée le 16-12-2019 à 07:48:02 (S | E)
Hello !
Je reprends ce qui est censé être le mieux entre le fond et la forme, à partir de ce qui existait :

Kittens are the cats'babies of a she-cat and lots of tomcats. Kittens can neither hear nor see, are completely deaf and blind, until they are ten days old. So, they move by crawling up attracted by their mother’s odour to be fed. Each of them gets a teat, and first come, first served, until the end of their weanings. They already meow and purr before opening their eyes, and hearing the noises around them! Of course, they completely depend on their mother till they are one month old. Since their birth, they have drunk only milk, but begin to taste their mother’s meal.
As they get very sharp new teeth and claws, their mother suffers while feeding her kittens.

From now on, they are beginning to imitate their mother, litle by litle, their mother teaches them how to become independent and don’t want them to be fed at her teats, that’s why their mother pushes them away and yowls or gives some swipes of the claws to her babies till they are two months old. Then until they are three months old, kittens have to be taught a lot about their world, from their mother, from their brothers and sisters, and every living being around them. This is the main time for their socialisation. They will be taught how not to bite, and how they have to control their claws!
Why are not all the cats of a litter of the same colour or breed?
Why are their coats so different from other babies'? Because their mother needs to mate several times before being pregnant, and tomcats pester the females relentlessy… when they are receptive because they are in heat.

Kittens are not toys. Their needs must be satisfied and they are very sensitive. Adoption is for ever, and people should know it is a constant commitment for the owner. We should never abandon an animal for any reason whatsoever, even if we have got lots of problems in everyday life, or because our pet is sick and requires a lot of money (its vet, its grooming, or its catsitter for some of them).
Of course, ok, I admit it: their hair will invade your whole house, but so what ? You just have make the best of that problem. Pick up and give the cats' hair to birds, in self-service, as I do… for their nestlings !
Of course, you wonder who will come and help you take care of it during your vacation, but it's not the end of the world… Haven’t you found any friend or family member, neighbour or petsitter in times, so why not go on holiday with your pets?
What else? Pets are always abjectly abandonned for no good reason whatsoever. The law asks us not to adopt an animal which is less than two months old… According to the law, in France, no cat should be given for adoption until they are eight weeks old However, kittens need their mothers till they are at least three months old.

My she-kitten came into my life aged five weeks and a half, but had lost her mother when she was only three weeks old! She was very aggressive towards me for five years. My doctor, my friends, my sisters told me I had better abandon her. I refused to do so!!! My she-cat was part of my life, and I had to learn about her behaviour… Naturally, that's what I did! I never regretted keeping her near me, although she bit me and lacerated me. She would set on me, violently with her claws, over and over, heavily clinging to my arm. She went at me fiercely: four small kilos of furious muscles, with both an impressive strength and a determination to make me pay for the pain she had felt. Why did she have excessive energy and feel so bad? She couldn’t exercise any self control because she hadn’t been taught how to do so! Kittens’mothers teach them everything: hers didn't: she couldn’t… I had to teach her how to drink, to eat, to wash her face, to use her litter, … , so that she no longer feared the mirrors, her shadow, as if I were her cat mother. However she kept being angry because of that noisy apartment in which we were living! Then, three years ago, we finally moved into a quieter flat with its small private garden. Over the years, that rubbish tip has become an earthly paradise. Eversince, my fourteen-year-old cat has behaved most of the time, providing that I also know how to read all her feelings… from her body language! 😺😺

"Tiens, j'ai pensé à to swoop on, fondre sur sa proie ou "won't leave the females alone" because they are in heat pour varier un peu. Après, comme le disait Here4U, il arrive un moment ou on ne peut plus améliorer une phrase, sauf à la réécrire différemment."

1 - Pas mal l’idée de swoop on, mais comme elle m’attaquait sans réellement fondre comme un oiseau, elle pouvait monter sur un des meubles pour plonger sur moi, car j’avais aménagé mon espace pour elle. J’ai trouvé pounce on me, her prey… ! Swoop on a pour image un oiseau, plongeant d’une hauteur… Là, ma chatte agit un peu à la manière des ursidés, canidés, félidés, quand ils entendent un animal à l’abri dans son terrier ils bondissent pour le déloger et le croquer.

2 - Il y a vraiment ce côté harcèlements répétés des tomcats, envers les femelles ! Je préfère votre idée précédente. 😉
Lien internet

Merci à mes deux correcteurs, Here4u et Gérondif, sans qui ce travail n'aurait pas évolué ! ❤️😺😺

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de gerondif, postée le 16-12-2019 à 13:58:32 (S | E)
Ma version de ce que je pense vous vouliez dire :
Kittens are the babies of a she-cat and lots of tomcats. Kittens can neither hear nor see, are completely deaf and blind, until they are ten days old. As they can't see, they crawl and smell their way to their mother's teats to be fed. Each of them gets a teat, and first come, first served, until the end of their weaning. They already meow and purr before opening their eyes, just hearing the noises around them! Of course, they completely depend on their mother till they are one month old. They drink only milk first but begin after one month to taste their mother’s meals.
As they get very sharp new teeth and claws, their mother suffers while feeding her kittens.

From then on, they begin to imitate their mother. Little by little, their mother teaches them how to become independent . Because she doesn’t want them to be fed at her teats, their mother pushes them away and yowls or gives them some swipes of her claws till they are two months old. Then, until they are three months old, kittens have to be taught a lot about their world, from their mother, from their brothers and sisters, and every living being around them. This is a crucial time for their socialisation. They will be taught (how) not to bite, and how (they have) to control their claws!
Why are not all the cats of a litter of the same colour or breed?
Why are their coats so different from one baby to the other? Because their mother needs to mate several times before being pregnant, and tomcats pester the females relentlessly when they are receptive because they are in heat.

Kittens are not toys. Their needs must be satisfied and they are very sensitive. Adoption is for ever, and people should know it is a constant commitment for the owner. We should never abandon an animal for any reason whatsoever, even if we have got lots of problems in everyday life, or because our pet is sick and requires a lot of money to pay for its vet, its grooming, or its catsitter for some of them).
Ok, I admit it: their hair will invade your whole house, but so what ? You just have to make the best (s'accomoder au mieux de)of that problem. Pick it up and give the cats' hair to birds, in self-service, as I do… for their nestlings ! (Pauvres oiseaux !Imaginez qu'ils soient allergiques aux poils de chats comme moi aux poils de fluffy ones comme les siamois ! Bon, je ne "nid" pas que ce soit une bonne idée))
Of course, you wonder who will come and help you take care of them during your vacation, but it's not the end of the world… If you haven’t found any friend or family member, neighbour or petsitter in time, so why not go on holiday with your pets?

What else can I tell you ? / You know what ? Pets are always abjectly abandonned for no good reason whatsoever. The law asks us not to adopt an animal which is less than two months old… According to the law, in France, no cat should be given for adoption until they are eight weeks old. However, kittens need their mothers till they are at least three months old.

My she-kitten came into my life when she already was five and a half weeks old, but had lost her mother when she was only three weeks old! For five years. She was very aggressive towards me ! My doctor, my friends, my sisters told me I had better abandon her but I refused to do so!!! My she-cat was part of my life, and I had to (it was my duty to) learn about her behaviour… Naturally, that's what I did! I never regretted keeping her near me, although she bit me and lacerated me. She would set on me over and over again, violently, with all claws out, heavily clinging to my arm. She went at me fiercely: four small kilos of furious sinews and muscle, with both an impressive strength and a determination to make me pay for the pain she had felt. Why did she have excessive energy and feel so bad? She couldn’t exercise any self control because she hadn’t been taught how to do so! Kittens’mothers teach them everything: hers didn't: she couldn’t... I had to play the part of her cat mother and teach her how to drink, to eat, to wash her face, to use her litter, … , so that she would no longer fear the mirrors, her shadow .However she kept being angry because of that noisy apartment in which we were living! Then, three years ago, we finally moved into a quieter flat with its small private garden. Over the years, that rubbish tip has become an earthly paradise. Eversince, my fourteen-year-old cat has behaved most of the time, providing that I also know how to read all her feelings… from her body language!

Réponse : Texte/ Kittens de chocolatcitron, postée le 18-12-2019 à 01:42:10 (S | E)
Hello !
Merci Gérondif ! Je recopie le texte sans passer par un copier-coller, juste pour qu'il n'y ait plus d'erreur, comme pour little… que je sais pourtant écrire ! Je corrige avec ce que j'ai voulu dire, toujours en majuscules.

Kittens are the babies of a she-cat and lots of tomcats. Kittens can neither hear nor see, are completely deaf and blind, until they are ten days old. As they can't see, they crawl and smell their way to their mother's teats to be fed. Each of them gets a teat, and first come, first served, until the end of their weaning.
They already meow and purr before opening their eyes, EVEN BEFORE hearing the noises around them! Of course, they completely depend on their mother till they are one month old. They drink only milk first, but begin after one month to taste their mother's meals. As they get very sharp new teeth and claws, their mother suffers while feeding her kittens.

From then on, they begin to imitate their mother. Little by little, their mother teaches them how to become independent.Because she doesn't want them to be fed at her teats, their mother pushes them away and yowls or gives them some swipes of her claws till they are two months old. Then, until they are three months old, kittens have to be taught a lot about their world, from their mother, from their brothers and sisters, and every living being around them. This is a crucial time for their socialisation. They will be taught not to bite, and how to control their claws! Why are not all the cats of a litter of the same colour or breed? Why are their coats so different from one baby to the other? Because their mother needs to mate several times before being pregnant, and tomcats pester the females relentlessly when they are receptive because they are in heat.

Kittens are not toys. Their needs must be satisfied and they are very sensitive. Adoption is for ever, and people should know it is a constant commitment for the owner. We should never abandon an animal for any reason whatsoever, even if we have got lots of problems in Everyday life, or because our pet is sick and requires a lot of money to pay for its vet, its grooming, or its catsitter for some of them).
Ok, I admit it: their hair will invade your whole house, but so what? You just have to make the best of that problem. Pick it up and give the cat's hair to birds, in self -service, as I do… for their nestlings! *
Of course, you wonder who will come and help you take care of them during your vacation, but it 's not the end of the world… If you haven't found any friend, or family member, neighbour or petsitter in time, so why not go on holiday with your pets? MUST YOU CHANGE YOUR PLANS YET, SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?

What else can I tell you? Pets are always abjectly abandonned for no good reason whatsoever. The law asks us not to adopt an animal which is less than two months old…
According to the law, in France, no cat should be given for adoption until they are eight weeks old. However, kittens need their mother till they are at least three months old.

My she-kitten came into my life when HARDLY WAS SHE five and a half weeks old, SO SMALL THAT SHE ENTIRELY HELD IN MY HAND, but had lost her mother when she was only three weeks old! For five years, she was very aggressive towards me! My doctor, my friends, my sisters told me I had better abandon her but I refused to do so!!! My she-cat was part of my life, and it was my duty to learn about her behaviour… Naturally, that's what I did! I never regretted keeping her near me, although she bit me and lacerated me. FEROCIOUS, MY BLACK PANTHER WOULD HARPOON ME WITH ALL CLAWS OUT, HER MOUTH OPEN OFFERED ME THE DEEP BITE OF HER FANGS, TILL THE BLOOD, over and over again, violently and heavily clinging to my arm. SUCH A BLITZ THAT HAD A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT BECAUSE I ENDED UP DISTRUSTING HER, HAVING NO ABILITY TO FLEE OR PROTECT ME FROM HER SUDDEN EMOTIONAL CHANGE, WHICH I WAS UNABLE TO SPOT; SO THE WARNING SIGNS ARE SO TINY WHEN WE UNKNOW THEM! She went at me fiercely: four small kilos of furious sinews and muscle, with both an impressive strength and a determination to make me pay for the pain she had felt. Why did she have excessive energy and feel so bad? She couldn't exercise any self control because she hadn't been taught how to do so! Kittens'mothers teach them everything: hers didn't: she couldn't… I had to play the part of her cat mother and teach her how to drink, to eat, to wash her face, to use her litter, …, so that she would no longer fear the mirrors, her shadow. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I PLAYED WITH HER AND GENTLY BIT HER EAR OR TAIL WITH MY TEETH, NOT TO THE BLOOD, SO THAT SHE UNDERSTANDS MY PAIN WHEN SHE BITES ME? However, she kept being angry because of that Noisy apartment in wich we were living!
Then, three years ago, we finally moved into a quieter flat with its small private garden. Over the years, that rubbish tip has become an earthly paradise.
Eversince, my fourteen-year-old cat has behaved most of the time, providing that I also know how to read all her feelings… from her body language!

* "Pauvres oiseaux ! Imaginez qu'ils soient allergiques aux poils de chats comme moi aux poils de fluffy ones comme les siamois ! Bon, je ne "nid" pas que ce soit une bonne idée."

Set on ne me convient pas pour décrire la violence de la scène, car ça l'était vraiment !

Bonne semaine !
See you soon.


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