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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de dadoush35 posté le 03-11-2019 à 20:25:12 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Est-ce que vous pourriez m'aider à corriger mon texte en anglais s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance!

Hello everyone, today during our oral presentation, we will tell you where we stand in the progress of our work and we will introduce you a key term from our work : the localism.
Clothilde will explain you what is the localism and its consequences.
I am going to talk to you you about the work we have done so far, and give you some recommendations we thought about to fight against localism.
To conclude, we will see what the next steps in our work are.

What have we done until today ?
We firstly did a list of the key points what would need to be studied, and some researches about them :
The localism (we are going to explain it today)
The influx of surfers
The resources management
The sustainable development of the companies working in the surf industry
And we thought about some recommendations and we divided the work to highlight what already exists and what we could implement. We are still doing some researches and we are already explaining some projects. I will give you examples in the second part of this oral.
Thursday, 17 October, Anais did her oral presentation about the influx of surfers.
The week before the holidays, an email was sent to Trent Hodges, but we directly received an automatic answer telling that he is currently in Brazil for a seminar. We are still waiting a return from him. We would like to plan an interview to get more information about the actions taken by Save the Waves in Pichilemu

I am going to talk about the three main recommendations we have to fight against localism. We have others but I won’t introduce all of them.
At first, we thought of organizing competitions between tourists and locals. Of course, the goal is not to put even more rivalries between them. That’s why we are currently considering a method that would make it possible, remaining in good vibes, without creating conflicts.
Then, we would like to encourage the surfers to surf in the off-peak hours. It would avoid an influx of surfers and the surfers could enjoy the goods waves without being on top of each other. For example, we thought about creating some discounts in the food trucks or other shops, a kind of “happy hour”.
Last idea : We would like to set up meetings with Ticos/expatriates and tourist people to explain how to live well with both sides and to remind the security rules to everyone.

Merci beaucoup. Bonne soirée!

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2019 20:56

Réponse : Correction/localism de here4u, postée le 03-11-2019 à 22:19:21 (S | E)

Hello everyone, today during our oral presentation, we will tell you where we stand in the progress of our work and we will introduce you XX a key term from our work : the localism.
Clothilde will explain you what is the localism and its consequences. ( 0déterminant + interrogative indirecte ...)
I am going to talk to you you about the work we have done so far, and give you some recommendations we thought about to fight against localism.
To conclude, we will see what the next steps in our work are.

What have we done until today ?
We firstly did a list of the key points what would need to be studied, and some researches about them :
The localism (we are going to explain it today)
The influx of surfers
The resources management
The sustainable development of the companies working in the surf industry
And we thought about some recommendations and we divided the work to highlight what already exists and what we could implement. We are still doing some researches and we are already explaining some projects. I will give you examples in the second part of this oral.
Thursday, 17 October, Anais did her oral presentation about the influx of surfers.
The week before the holidays, an email was sent to Trent Hodges, but we directly received an automatic answer telling that he is currently in Brazil for a seminar. We are still waiting a return from him. We would like to plan an interview to get more information about the actions taken by Save the Waves in Pichilemu

I am going to talk about the three main recommendations we have to fight against localism. We have others but I won’t introduce all of them.
At first, we thought of organizing competitions between tourists and locals. Of course, the goal is not to put even more rivalries between them. That’s why we are currently considering a method that would make it possible, TO? remaining in good vibes, without creating conflicts.
Then, we would like to encourage the surfers to surf in the off-peak hours. It would avoid an influx of surfers and the surfers could enjoy the goods waves without being on top of each other. For example, we thought about creating some discounts in the food trucks or other shops, a kind of “happy hour”.
Last idea : We would like to set up meetings with Ticos/expatriates and touristS people to explain how to live well with both sides and to remind the security rules to everyone.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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