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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de toto1906 posté le 11-11-2019 à 19:16:36 (S | E | F)

Je Nous (moi avec 2 personnes de ma classe) devons faire 2 dialogues à propos de deux patients et un pharmacien. Pourriez-vous corriger s'il vous plaît les quelques phrases qui nous posent problème?

1)What an idiot ! He is outside, he forgotten to go into the pharmacy. I must warn you, he is a little senile.
2) As every monday, I come to see my father to bring food, I heard my father scream. I found it on the floor in the bathroom the length of the bathtub.
3) In any case , I warned you. You should have put a doormat.
4) It's serious, you bleed. Be careful ! it could get infected.
5) Oh dad please ! Please excuse the behavior of my father : He is in shock ! He is offended because he needs me.
6) I think there are a lot of mosquitos on this island. I will get my form
7) I saw with my colleagues, given that you are not a fan of insecticides. I can suggest you essential oils and homeopathy.
8) Dilute the medicines.
9) I have lavender essential oils. It's really effective against UV ray.

D'avance, merci !

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-11-2019 19:19

Réponse : Amélioration/phrases de gerold, postée le 12-11-2019 à 17:56:41 (S | E)
Bonjour toto1906

1)What an idiot ! He is outside, he has forgotten to go into the pharmacy. I must warn you, he is a little senile.
2) As every monday, I came to see my father and to bring him food, I heard my father scream. I found it him on the floor in the bathroom the length of alongside the bathtub.
3) In any case , I warned you. You should have put a doormat.
4) It's serious, you are bleeding. Be careful ! it could get infected.
5) Oh dad please ! Please excuse the behavior of my father : He is in shock ! He is offended because he needs me.
6) I think there are a lots of mosquitos on this island. I will get my form ??
7) I saw with my colleagues/ (mieux)I asked my colleagues for advice, given that you are not a fan of insecticides. I can suggest you essential oils and homeopathy to you.
8) Dilute the medicines.
9) I have lavender essential oils. It's really effective against UV ray.

Réponse : Amélioration/phrases de toto1906, postée le 13-11-2019 à 21:48:35 (S | E)

Merci pour cette correction 😀. Pourriez-vous me corriger ces 2 phrases que j'ai rajouté dans mon dialogue.

1) What's happened on your hand ?
2)I'll see what I can do. I added some medicines.

Réponse : Amélioration/phrases de gerondif, postée le 13-11-2019 à 23:33:39 (S | E)
Plutôt happen to au prétérit en 1 et medecine, nom collectif, ne prend pas le pluriel en 2.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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