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Aide/niveau Terminale (1)

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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Aide/niveau Terminale
Message de maissato posté le 24-11-2019 à 14:01:14
Je suis en Terminale S et je dois répondre à des questions.
J'aimerais beaucoup que quelqu'un me le corrige pour demain matin s'il vous plait.
Merci d'avance.

1) How does Artificial Intelligence impact our life today?
For me, Artificial Intelligence has impact our life today because at familly gatherings, we spend more time on our phones, or playing video games than talking with family and having a good time.

5) What aspects of AI can make it dangerous?
Aspects of AI can make it dangerous are robot replace more and more human, as in the store were we repele human with automatic caisses. We become a dependant on the AI, for exemple in mobile phones we have everything, if we look for a place we go on the phone, if we want to call z person we will still be on the phone. But if we are without our phone, as we are dependant on we lose our marks. The AI resone too simplisttic, that is in the 2017 a team of american researchers mit on "stops" panels of black and white stickers, 84% of the autonomous cars tested have thought these stops are signs of 50kM/h. Once the problems is at the heart of the operation of the AI. For exemple a company uses an AI to analyze applications to aposition, the profile of the ideal candidate is calculate from the company's profiles of the company, so if the majority of the employees are white men, who come from the best universities. So the software will conclude that women or profiles that don't have all the other employees will not be so that creates discrimination at hiring. As the price of the AI increases, when a doctor should be consulted in cases of serious illness, there is a ditch between those who at the financial level can go see a doctor who has advanced machines (AI) and those who can not be careful and who suddenly remains sick. The AI can know evrything about us, whithout being like it as Google Brain thanks to that we do on the intenet as when we look at vidéos, which we buy...

6) Why might some people think that too much technology in our lives can cause problems?
Some people might think that too much technology in our lives can cause problems because in our current society there is a lack of communication, at family reunions we spend more time on our phones or playing video games to talk with the family and have a good time. We can notice that the technology goes very quickly, as soon as you buy the last AI that has just been released, a new AI that is of better quality comes out. In high schools and precisely in our high school we can notice that everything revolves around computers, courses are projected through the computer so if there is a computer failure all high school is penalized. To stay with the school, we can notice that the AI ​​create a gulf between the rich and the poor, that is to say that some people can not afford to have internet and this penalizes at the school level. When we go on a trip, for example, we can see that tolls are no longer people but robots that "take care" of us, which creates unemployment. Currently, we are dependent on social networks and that means that we know more people on the other side of the world than our neighbors.

Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-11-2019 18:47

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-11-2019 14:34
Délai dépassé;inutile de corriger désormais.

Réponse : Aide/niveau Terminale de lucile83, postée le 24-11-2019 à 18:53:22
Je ne sais pas si un membre du site verra votre demande tardive...C'est possible.
Merci de patienter un peu car les membres du site, y compris moi-même, sont sans doute occupés ailleurs (vie de famille ou activité professionnelle par exemple); dès qu'un membre pourra vous aider il le fera.
Sachez en outre que des membres anglophones viennent sur le site pendant votre nuit qui est leur journée avec le décalage horaire.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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