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Help correction/USA

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Help correction/USA
Message de mrnch posté le 24-11-2019 à 18:11:53 (S | E | F)
est-ce possible d'avoir de l'aide pour la correction de ce texte partie 1 s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Intro : born in the usa
Born in the USA is a song written and performed by Bruce Springsteen. It was published on the 4th of June 1984, on the album of the same name.The Album “Born in the USA” sold 30 million copies in the worldwide and became one of the best-selling albums of all time. It was one of the greatest successes in the last century. This song became a golden record.

présentation chanteur
Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen was born on 29th September 1949 in New Jersey in USA. He was born in working-class area.
His career began in 1964 He is singer, songwriter and musician. His musical genre is Rock. He’s fan of Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan. His surname is The Boss because he was bossy with his musicians and he paid them himself at the end of each concert.
He was a member of the group E Street Band since 1972. His first album with his group was “Greetings from Asbury Park” .They made lot of tours together. His first solo album was Nebraska in 1982.
Thanks to his album “ Born in the USA”, Bruce Springsteen became the icon for the working-class in USA
Springsteen had got lot of Academy Award like Emmy award, Grammy Award. In 2009, he sang during during the halftime of thE Super Bowl.
During the same year, he came at the festival “Les Vieilles Charrues”;

Chanteur engagée:
In 1979, Springsteen participated in a demonstration “No Nukes” against the use of nuclear power.
Moreover, in 1988, Springsteen played in East Germany. At the end of the concert he said in german “ I’m not here for or against any government. I came to play rock’n’roll for you East Berliners in the hope that one day all the barriers will be torn down.”
In addition, during the war in Iraq, bruce said “ I sang this song, to denounce the consequences of the Vietnam War, today i sing Born in the Usa for peace. In 2002, he commemorated the attack of september 11 2001, he protested against the war in Iraq, he supported democrats during election 2004 and 2008. He also sang during the last meeting of Obama during the election in 2008. Recently he protested in favor of the cause of homosexual. So we can say that Bruce Springsteen is a very engaged singer.

Le son et son contexte :
This song was created for the movie “born in the usa” from paul schrader.
At the beginning, the song’s name was “Vietnam” but Paul schrader asked the song to be renamed by “Born in the USA” which was the name of his movie.
Born in the USA is about the return of American soldiers to their country after the Vietnam War. Bruce wrote the song in 1981, 6 years after the end of the war in vietnam. The Vietnam war began in 1955 and stopped in 1975. In reality, The United States went back in 1963 in this War. They took action to fight against communism. This war lasted 20 years, 57 000 american soldiers and one and a half million vietnamese soldiers were killed. American men had to go at the war, they didn’t have a choice.
This war was very contested because it was seen as a colonisation. This war shows the imperialism of the united states during the Cold war. Its detractor qualified it of careless war because the USA attacked vietnam which was weaker than the usa to fight the USSR. American media were very important because they broadcasted photos and video about horrors done by Americans in Vietnam. Those photos shocked the public and attacked patriotism of American people and its moral which had trust in her army. In addition, The United States lost this war, so that was the first defeat of the American Army.
Besides, “Born in the Usa” is a tribute for one of his friend Bart Haynes who was the drummer in his first band “The Castiles”. Bruce Springsteen had motorbike crash at the age of 19, since his crash he has been limping, so Springsteen was an invalid to and couldn’t be drafted into the army.
The album “Born in the Usa” was released in 1984 which was an election year. The song Born in the Usa was used as a hymn for his election campaign in 1984 by Ronald Reagan. He congratulated Springsteen for his patriotism. In reality, the lyrics of the song are a criticism of the American model and liberalism. Born in the USA was not a declaration of love for his country.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-11-2019 18:38

Réponse : Help correction/USA de gerold, postée le 25-11-2019 à 07:38:12 (S | E)
Bonjour mrnch

ntro : born in the usa
Born in the USA is a song written and performed by Bruce Springsteen. It was published on the 4th of June 1984, on the album of the same name.The Album “Born in the USA” sold 30 million copies in the worldwide and became one of the best-selling albums of all times. It was one of the greatest successes in the last century. This song became a golden record.

présentation chanteur
Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen was born on 29th September 1949 in New Jersey in xx (il manque un mot) USA. He was born in a working-class area.
His career began in 1964. He is a singer, songwriter and musician. His musical genre is Rock. He’s fan of Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan. His surname nickname (surname == nom de famille) is The Boss because he was bossy with his musicians and he paid them himself at the end of each concert.
He was autre temps, à cause de "since" a member of the group E Street Band since 1972. His first album with his group was “Greetings from Asbury Park” .They made lot of tours together. His first solo album was Nebraska in 1982.
Thanks to his album “ Born in the USA”, Bruce Springsteen became the icon for the working-class in USA
Springsteen had got lots of Academy Awards like Emmy award, Grammy Award. In 2009, he sang during during the halftime of the Super Bowl.
During the same year, he came at the festival “Les Vieilles Charrues”;

Chanteur engagée:
In 1979, Springsteen participated in a demonstration “No Nukes” against the use of nuclear power.
Moreover, in 1988, Springsteen played in East Germany. At the end of the concert he said in German “ I’m not here for or against any government. I came to play rock’n’roll for you East Berliners in the hope that one day all the barriers will be torn down.”
In addition, during the war in Iraq, Bruce said “ I sang this song, to denounce the consequences of the Vietnam War, today i sing Born in the Usa for peace. In 2002, he commemorated the attack of september 11 2001, he protested against the war in Iraq, he supported democrats during the election 2004 and 2008 elections. He also sang during the last meeting of Obama during the election in 2008. Recently he protested in favor of the cause of homosexual. So we can say that Bruce Springsteen is a very engaged singer.

Le son ? et son contexte :
This song was created for the movie “born in the Usa” from Paul schrader.
At the beginning, the song’s name of the song (en principe, le cas possessif est réservé aux êtres vivants, sauf exception)was “Vietnam” but Paul Schrader asked for the song to be renamed by “Born in the USA” which was the name of his movie.
Born in the USA is about the return of American soldiers to their country after the Vietnam War. Bruce wrote the song in 1981, 6 years after the end of the war in vietnam. The Vietnam war began in 1955 and stopped in 1975. In reality, The United States went back ? in 1963 in this War. They took action to fight against communism. This war lasted 20 years, 57 000 american soldiers and one and a half million Vietnamese soldiers were killed. American men had to go at autre préposition the war, they didn’t have a choice.
This war was very contested because it was seen as a colonization (mais plutôt un autre mot sur la même racine en -ism, et sans article). This war shows the imperialism of the United States during the Cold war. Its detractor qualified it of careless war because the USA attacked Vietnam which was weaker than the Usa to fight the USSR. American media were very important because they broadcasted verbe irrégulier photos and videos about horrors done by Americans in Vietnam. Those photos shocked the public and attacked autre verbe ? xx patriotism of American people and its moral placer à la fin which had trust in her army. In addition, The United States lost this war, so that was the first defeat of the American Army.
Besides, “Born in the USA” is a tribute for one of his friend Bart Haynes who was the drummer in his first band “The Castiles”. Bruce Springsteen had motorbike crash at the age of 19, since his crash he has been limping, so Springsteen was an invalid to ? and couldn’t be drafted into the army.
The album “Born in the Usa” was released in 1984 which was an election year. The song Born in the Usa was used as a hymn for his election campaign in 1984 by Ronald Reagan. He congratulated Springsteen for his patriotism. In reality, the lyrics of the song are a criticism of the American model and liberalism. Born in the USA was not a declaration of love for his country.


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