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Climate change/correction

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Climate change/correction
Message de lorieginal posté le 01-12-2019 à 17:13:01 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir tout le monde,
j'ai préparé un petit article traitant des industries pétrolières qui ne luttent pas contre le changement climatique. Pourriez-vous y jetez un coup d'oeil pour corriger les grosses fautes s'il vous plait ?

Fossil fuel companies spend billions on high -cost plans each year to extract oil and gas despite the risks to the climate. Investing in fossil energy, these companies are making climate breakdown worse. So, we have difficulty believing that oil industry wants to help save the planet.
Even as concerns about global warming grow, energy firms are planning to increase fossil-fuel production. They just keep drilling more oil and gas, they invests billions in fossils fuels. Shell plans to invest up to $25 billion in 2018, but only $300 million will go to more sustainable projects that aim at helping natural ecosystems. Oil majors claim they are changing and greening their methods, but the reality behind their speech is as grim as their crude oil they exploit. (je tiens beaucoup à cette phrase mais je ne suis pas sûre que le style convienne en anglais, est-il possible de la transformer tout en conservant l'idée et le message à faire passer ?) Shell investments’ figures about renewable energy are hard to find in case they exist while investments into oil and gas do not stop increasing. Investments in clean energy are not leading to enough revenues, that is why oil companies do not bother to shift towards a low -carbon future. The fossil fuel industry is just starting to grapple with their new reality: it may be economically painful to take on new regulations which could favor clean energy; but soon they may not have a choice.
The future world next generation will inherit is threatened by current oil industry which is death machine. Unfortunately, oil companies are always looking to make more money and therefore do not seem willing to change their methods. When will they realize that this is becoming essential ? As the saying goes, another day in paradise.

Merci d'avance pour le temps que vous m'accorderez

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-12-2019 22:12

Réponse : Climate change/correction de laure95, postée le 02-12-2019 à 17:37:05 (S | E)
- the risks to (pas la bonne préposition)the climate.
- So, we have difficulty (mettre au pluriel + il manque une préposition) believing that (article)oil industry wants to help (préposition)save the planet.
- Even as concerns (mal dit)about global warming grow (faute de conjugaison),
- energy firms are planning to increase (article)fossil-fuel production.
- they invests (faute de conjugaison)billions in fossils fuels.
- Shell investments’(pas de s') figures about renewable energy are hard to find
- but soon they may not have a (the pas a)choice.
- The future world (enlever world) next generation will inherit is threatened by current oil industry
- which is death machine: ?

Réponse : Climate change/correction de lorieginal, postée le 02-12-2019 à 18:26:52 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre correction, voici donc les corrections que j'ai apporté :

- the risks on the climate.
- So, we have difficulties in believing that the oil industry wants to help to save the planet.
- Even if concerns about global warming are growing
- energy firms are planning to increase the fossil-fuel production.
- they invest billions in fossils fuels.
- Figures of Shell investments about renewable energy are hard to find
- but soon they may not have 0 choice.
- The future next generation will inherit is threatened by current oil industry
- which is death machine: ? c'est une expression que j'ai trouvé dans un article

Par rapport à cette phrase, est-ce qu'elle passe du coup ?
Oil majors claim they are changing and greening their methods, but the reality behind their speech is as grim as their crude oil they exploit.


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