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Ecrit/school system

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Ecrit/school system
Message de scary posté le 04-12-2019 à 22:57:17 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
je prépare un écrit d anglais, j aimerais s'il vous plait les faire corriger.
Merci d'avance.

Texte 1:
I spent the last 3 years in new york. I learned a lot about this country, especially about its school system and I can tell you that it is better than ours, for several reasons . First ,school work pressure is less heavy than in Belgium teachers are more patient and kind ,they have always a smile on their face. Moreover, the student are very supportive . everybody help each other to pass his exams.
Secondly , the United States court schedule is just perfect.we start classes at 10am, for me it's much better because I'm too tired to work from 7am. Of course the lessons are finished later . then , we have a lot of leisure time during the day . many activities are proposing in the lunch break you can play basketball , football , pick up mushrooms in the garden , ridding a bike or a horse .
Finally, student from all over the world ,many countries are represented . Chinesse , Belgian , japanese its cool. the USA system is more tolerant than in Belgium. indeed I rememberd , when I was in Belgium jenny was called by the director because she was wear the burka . Finally Jenny was sacked.

Texte 2:
when I arrived in England I wanted to join a fraternity to make friend ( I didnt know anyone ) .I had to go through a hazing its student initiation ceremony for freshmen its often inhuman and degrading treatment . I took the test with jony and mark 2 other men. They put us in a big room and presented us with 3 challenges. each of us had to choose a challenge either eating a live fish either drinking pee or playing basketball naked . The fish was eaten by jony and the pee was drunk by mark and me I played basketball naked . It was very embarassing .

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-12-2019 11:42

Réponse : Ecrit/school system de laure95, postée le 05-12-2019 à 11:11:02 (S | E)
Texte 1:
- in new York (majuscule).
- First ,school work pressure is less heavy than in Belgium (virgule) teachers are more patient and kind (adjectif court)
- ,they have always (ordre des mots)a smile on their face(s).
- Moreover, the (pas de the) student (pluriel)are very supportive . everybody (majucsule)help (singulier) each other to pass his (or her) exams.
- .we (majuscule)start classes at 10am,
- Of course the (pas de the)lessons are finished (faute de conjugaison)later . then (majuscule), we have a lot of leisure
- many (majuscule)activities are proposing (pas la bonne forme du verbe, mettre au participe passé)in (pas la bonne préposition ici)the lunch break
- Finally, student (pluriel)(verbe?) from all over the world
- japanese (majuscule)its (orthographe)cool. the (majuscule)USA system is more tolerant than in Belgium. indeed (majuscule)I rememberd (orthographe)
- jenny (majuscule) was called by the director because she was wear (mal conjugué)the burka .

Texte 2:
when (majuscule)I arrived in England (virgule)I wanted to join a fraternity to make friend(s) ( I didnt (orthographe)know anyone ) .
-its often inhuman
- I took the test with jony (majuscule) and mark (passé) 2 other men.
- . each (majuscule)of us had to choose a challenge
- The fish was eaten by jony (majuscule)and the pee was drunk by mark (majuscule) and me

Réponse : Ecrit/school system de scary, postée le 05-12-2019 à 17:29:49 (S | E)
Un grand merci !

Réponse : Ecrit/school system de gerold, postée le 08-12-2019 à 10:05:43 (S | E)
Bonjour scary

... the United States court schedule ..."a court", c'est un tribunal, rien à voir avec l'école ou les cours.
... ridding riding a bike ... attention à la prononciation.
... and me I played basketball ... on ne dit pas normalement "moi, je ..." en anglais. Enlevez le "me" et prononcez I plus fort (en italiques à l'écrit).


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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