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The missing vowels /326

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The missing vowels /326
Message de marit64 posté le 11-12-2019 à 22:54:22 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.

1- A little ball or similarly-shaped object. ..... (l p t l) 2

2- The state of being married. ..... (d k l w c) 2

3- To give "information". ..... (p m t r) 2

4- To climb, go, or rise up. ..... (c d s n) 2

5- To defeat (someone) by being cleverer than he is. ..... (w t t) 3

6- A piece of skin, bone etc which is grafted. ..... (f r t g) 1

7- Noticeable or impressive. ..... (k t n s g r) 2

8- To remain in hiding without giving any sign of one's presence. ..... (g g d) 2

9- To bring metal to the right degree of hardness by heating and cooling. ..... (p t r m) 2

10- Never known to have happened before. ..... (p d n c r d t n) 5

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /326 de chocolatcitron, postée le 11-12-2019 à 23:38:26 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 326
Message de marit64 posté le 11-12-2019 à 22:54:22 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks!
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- A little ball or similarly-shaped object. (l p t l) 2 Pellet = boulette.
2- The state of being married. (d k l w c) 2 Wedlock = mariage (expression archaïque).
3- To give "information". (p m t r) 2 impart = transmettre, communiquer, révéler.
4- To climb, go, or rise up. (c d s n) 2 ascend = s'élever, gravir.
5- To defeat (someone) by being cleverer than he is. (w t t) 3 outwit = se montrer plus malin que… (proposé dans le 246...)
6- A piece of skin, bone etc which is grafted. (f r t g) 1 graft = greffon, greffe.
7- Noticeable or impressive. (k t n s g r) 2 striking = saisissant, frappant.
8- To remain in hiding without giving any sign of one's presence. (g g d) 2 doggo = se terrer, se cacher en faisant le mort.
9- To bring metal to the right degree of hardness by heating and cooling. (p t r m) 2 temper = tremper (my father worked with these workers and gave them pieces … to be tremped… ! ).
10- Never known to have happened before. (p d n c r d t n) 5 unprecedented = sans précédent.

Un peu plus long cette fois-ci : une heure ! Bonne chance à Daisy, Swan, et Flowermusic !
Bienvenue aux autres membres, afin d'agrandir notre groupe de fans pour cette course aux voyelles manquantes !

Good luck and have fun!
Have a very sweet Week, each of You!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels /326 de flowermusic, postée le 11-12-2019 à 23:51:32 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

1- A little ball or similarly-shaped object. ..... (l p t l) 2 pellet

2- The state of being married. ..... (d k l w c) 2 wedlock

3- To give "information". ..... (p m t r) 2 impart

4- To climb, go, or rise up. ..... (c d s n) 2 ascend

5- To defeat (someone) by being cleverer than he is. ..... (w t t) 3 outwit

6- A piece of skin, bone etc which is grafted. ..... (f r t g) 1 graft

7- Noticeable or impressive. ..... (k t n s g r) 2 striking

8- To remain in hiding without giving any sign of one's presence. ..... (g g d) 2 doggo

9- To bring metal to the right degree of hardness by heating and cooling. ..... (p t r m) 2 temper

10- Never known to have happened before. ..... (p d n c r d t n) 5 unprecedented

Have a sweet sweet Week

Tiens j'aperçois Chocolatcitron, on dirait

Réponse : The missing vowels /326 de daisy50, postée le 12-12-2019 à 02:39:42 (S | E)
Hello marit,

Here's my try :

1- A little ball or similarly-shaped object. ... PELLET

2- The state of being married. ... WEDLOCK

3- To give "information". ... IMPART

4- To climb, go, or rise up. ... ASCEND

5- To defeat (someone) by being cleverer than he is. ... OUTWIT

6- A piece of skin, bone etc which is grafted. .... GRAFT

7- Noticeable or impressive. .... STRIKING

8- To remain in hiding without giving any sign of one's presence. ... DOGGO

9- To bring metal to the right degree of hardness by heating and cooling. ... TEMPER

10- Never known to have happened before. ... UMPRECEDENTED

Very interesting this word search! Thanks a lot Marit!

Coucou Chocolatcitron et Flowermusic, toujours plus rapides que l'éclair! Un petit coucou également à Swan! Good night, friends!

Réponse : The missing vowels /326 de swan85, postée le 15-12-2019 à 20:56:55 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Thank you for this exercise

1- A little ball or similarly-shaped object. PELLET (l p t l) 2
2- The state of being married. WEDLOCK (d k l w c) 2
3- To give "information". IMPART (p m t r) 2
4- To climb, go, or rise up. ASCEND (c d s n) 2
5- To defeat (someone) by being cleverer than he is. OUTWIT (w t t) 3
6- A piece of skin, bone etc which is grafted. GRAFT (f r t g) 1
7- Noticeable or impressive. STRIKING (k t n s g r) 2
8- To remain in hiding without giving any sign of one's presence. DOGGO (g g d) 2
9- To bring metal to the right degree of hardness by heating and cooling. TEMPER (p t r m) 2
10- Never known to have happened before. UNPRECEDENTED (p d n c r d t n) 5

Bonsoir à vous et bonne semaine.


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