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Correction texte/oral

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction texte/oral
Message de chd3 posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:46:41 (S | E | F)
j’ai analysé une fresque et je dois ensuite passer à l’oral pour la présenter.
Pouvez-vous m’aider à corriger mon texte?

Voici mon texte:
This mural was produced in 2001 by the designer Nicolas de Crécy, it’s entitled "New York en Charente". It’s the most monumental and emblematic work of Angouleme. Indeed it extends over 260 square meters. The artist was inspired by his comic strip "New York sur Loire" to create this mural. We can see a sea in the foreground with small black boats and a huge red boat; in the background there is a pig disguised as a hero with the symbol S jumping or flying. In addition, there is a building on the left with real windows. In the background, there is a city with lots of skyscrapers. The colors are warm, there are mainly yellow and red. This mural refers to Verrazano, navigator of the 16 th century, who discovered New York and who baptized this new city "Angoulesme" to pay homage to king François 1er, count of Angoulême. I think this mural is very pretty because it embellishes the city and has a historic dimension. In addition as it’s very large, I find it very surprising and impressive.

Merci par avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-12-2019 10:47

Réponse : Correction texte/oral de laure95, postée le 19-12-2019 à 11:16:38 (S | E)
- This mural was produced (painted)in 2001 by the designer
- It’s the most monumental and emblematic work of (pas la bonne préposition)Angouleme.
- We can see a sea in the foreground with (some)small black boats and a huge red boat
- In addition, there is a building on the left with real windows.
- The colors are warm, there are (enlever there are)mainly yellow and red.
- This mural refers to Verrazano,(article) navigator of the 16 th century
- , who discovered New York and who (who pas obligatoire)baptized this new city "Angoulesme"
- to pay homage to king François 1er, (article)count of Angoulême.
- I think (mal dit, dire plutôt: in my opinion ou for me) this mural is very pretty
- In addition as (enlever as) it’s very large

Réponse : Correction texte/oral de chd3, postée le 19-12-2019 à 13:23:52 (S | E)
Voici mon texte:
This mural was painted in 2001 by the designer Nicolas de Crécy, it’s entitled "New York en Charente". It’s the most monumental and emblematic mural ever made in Angouleme. Indeed it extends over 260 square meters. The artist was inspired by his comic strip "New York sur Loire" to create this mural. We can see a sea in the foreground with some small black boats and a huge red boat; in the background there is a pig disguised as a hero with the symbol S jumping or flying. In addition, there is a building on the left with real windows. In the background, there is a city with lots of skyscrapers. The colors are warm, mainly yellow and red. This mural refers to Verrazano, a navigator of the 16 th century, who discovered New York and baptized this new city "Angoulesme" to pay homage to king François 1er, a count of Angoulême. In my opinion this mural is very pretty because it embellishes the city and has a historic dimension. In addition it’s very large, I find it very surprising and impressive.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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