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Problems/Development today

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Problems/Development today
Message de odug posté le 02-02-2020 à 18:01:39 (S | E | F)
J ai un texte en anglais que je ne comprends pas très bien et je n'arrive pas à répondre à des questions

The extent of world poverty has déclinés significantly during récent Yeats.for exemple ,thé world Bank estimates that from 1981-2005 the percentage to 26 percent during this périod.
These constrasting trends highlight both the problems ans the progresser associates with thé processus of development." on one band ,development vas resulted un serious inequities between states ,whereby large numbers of the world richest countries live in both relative ans absolue luxury.and yet ,due to développement trends ,populations un poor countries are becoming wealthier overtime .a process linked tout globalisation because countries in the developing world van raise their standards of living by integrating with highly developed states .
Today , the problems facing developing countries revolver around what are generally called " structural constraints" to development .first among these geography not just in the historical sense described above.but also in the more contemporary aspect that a modern economy cannot fonction without a division ans diversification of labor.thus,countries with small populations may have trouble to integrate with global markets and expand their économies
Other common constraints on development are high economic poverty ,hunger, high morality rates, unsafe water supplies,poor éducation systèmes,corrupt governments ,war, and poor sanitation.these factors all combine to create what the world bank calls" poverty traps " cycles that must be broken for countries develop.
Countries can avoid poverty trapq,however, with strong policies.likewise geographic avantages do not always résultats on sound development un cases when gouvernements squander valuable natural resources .the world bank, therefore recommends that countries focus on six areas of policy to improve chance development :
Investment in éducation and health

Increasing productivity of small farms
Improving infrastructure(for exemple,roads)
Developing an industrial policy to promote manufacturing
Promoting democracy and human rigths
Ensuring environnental protection

Read the text quickly and sélect the best proposition to be the general idéal.tick only one box.
The text is about:
Actual developments problèmes
Final development problèmes
Présent développent problèms

The words un coloumn A have their définitions or synonyms in column the text carefully and fond them.
Number 1 is an exemple

Column A
1/ poverty (line1)
2/ Halved(line3)
3/ highlight (line5)
4/ mired(line 8)
5/ labor (ligne 17)
6/ landlocked (line 18)
7/ policy (line 28)

Columm B
a/ trapped
b/ divided by 2
c/ work
d/ strategy
e/ show
f/ the state of being pour

Activity 3
Read the text carefully and point out the following information to film in the table.
Use noums or phrases .Do not use sentences
Constraints to poor countries développent
Domaines to Be focused on in ordre to create développent
Actual developments problèmes

Activité 2

Je ne comprends pas très bien et s'il vous plaît pourriez-vous traduire activity 3 en français pour moi?
Merci d'avance


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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