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Ecrit / Scams-2

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Ecrit / Scams-2
Message de kusanagi posté le 20-03-2020 à 15:05:59 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
J'ai une présentation orale à faire et j'aurais aimé avoir une relecture sur mon texte !
Merci d avance pour votre aide
partie 2/2

Finally, the last scam that we will discuss in this tfe will be the so-called 419 scam, the name coming from the article number of the Nigerian code sanctioning this type of fraud. This is one of the oldest scams on the Internet since it has been around since the 1980s, despite the fact that it has been around since then and still has many victims today. There are different variants but always with the same modus operandi, you receive an e-mail that tries to make itself credible as a result of a great prince, a minister, CEO or others. In this email it will start by flattering you, you will value you as if you were close "I don't know you well, but I know that you are a good person". Then he will tell you that he is in a situation of great distress and that he needs your help to get him out of it. Reasons being diverse and varied range from the great prince needing you to flee the persecution of his country to the great CEO who is looking for someone kind in Europe to help him in his bank transfer of several million euros. The purpose is always the same, the promise of a very generous financial reward. Only if you agree to help him, that is where the problems begin indeed, he will explain to you that you must first send him a few thousand euros to start the transfers.
or that you have to pay fees, imaginary of course. the average amount stolen from the victims of scams and scams is 20,000 euros! Again, these scams are mainly effective on desperate people in precarious financial situations and who are made to act without thinking too much about it by the promise of a quick and easy way out.

As you can see in this video many people are falling for these scams. In order to avoid being fooled as well, I will give you some Tips and advice to protect you against it
Install antivirus software
Antivirus, or security software is designed to prevent malware from embedding on your computer or device. If the software detects malicious code, like a virus or a worm, it works to disarm or remove it.

Don’t click on links, open attachments, reply to the message, attempt to unsubscribe, or call any telephone number listed in suspicious messages. And don’t give out any money, credit card details, or other personal details.
If you receive a spam mail don’t just delete mark it as a junk to recognize a dangerous email
Check your url carefully if it doesn't match the content or if it seems too long.
Moreover the real website have a green lock and https in the url. If they does that's a good sign because it means the site's been checked.
If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t respond to the message.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Réponse : Ecrit / Scams-2 de here4u, postée le 20-03-2020 à 18:49:11 (S | E)

Finally, the last scam that we will discuss in this tfe will be the so-called "419 scam", the name coming from the article number ( from the section of Nigerian law) of the Nigerian code sanctioning this type of fraud. This is one of the oldest scams on the Internet since it has been around since the 1980s, despite the fact that it has been around since then (very clumsy!) and still has many victims today. There are different variants but always with the same modus operandi, you receive an e-mail that tries to make itself credible as a result of a great prince, a minister, CEO or others. In this email it will start by flattering you, you will value you as if you were close "I don't know you well, but I know that you are a good person". Then he will tell you that he is in a situation of great distress and that he needs your help to get him out of it. Reasons being diverse and varied range from the great prince needing you to flee the persecution of his country to the great CEO who is looking for someone kind in Europe to help him in his bank transfer of several million euros. The purpose is always the same, the promise of a very generous financial reward. Only if you agree to help him, that is where the problems begin indeed, he will explain to you that you must first send him a few thousand euros to start the transfers.(Punctuation!)
or that you have to pay fees, imaginary of course. the average amount stolen from the victims of scams and scams is Not clear at all!) 20,000 euros! Again, these scams are mainly effective on desperate people in precarious financial situations and who are made to act without thinking too much about it by the promise of a quick and easy way out.

As you can see in this video many people are falling for these scams. In order to avoid being fooled as well, I will give you some Tips and advice to protect you against it
Install antivirus software
Antivirus, or security software is designed to prevent malware from embedding on your computer or device. If the software detects X malicious code, like a virus or a worm, it works to disarm or remove it.

Don’t click on links, (I think I'd repeat "Don't"!) open attachments, reply to the message, attempt to unsubscribe, or call any telephone number listed in suspicious messages. And don’t give out any money, credit card details, or other personal details.
If you receive a spam mail don’t just delete mark it as a junk to recognize a dangerous email
Check your url carefully if it doesn't match the content or if it seems too long.
Moreover the real website have a green lock and https in the url. If they does that's a good sign because it means the site's been checked.
If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t respond to the message.

Réponse : Ecrit / Scams-2 de kusanagi, postée le 23-03-2020 à 13:20:11 (S | E)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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