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Aide/ Enoch Powell

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/ Enoch Powell
Message de vic2000 posté le 21-03-2020 à 11:20:42 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai rédigé une introduction sur le fameux discours "Rivers of blood", énoncé par Enoch Powell en Angleterre.
Si vous pouviez m'indiquer mes erreurs, cela m'aiderait grandement !
Bonne journée à vous.

Voici ce que j'ai écrit :
The 60’s are a new step in the British imperial society’s crisis. Since the 50's, economic growth is exponential, attracting a large numbers of immigrants, mainly from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is composed by former British colonies. It was created to ease the process of British decolonization and to maintain unity. It has existed since 1931 but has been in crisis since 1966 as a result of British non-intervention in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where a racist state proclaimed independence, supported by South Africa. After the 1965 Race Relation Act that made it illegal to discriminate against someone on the grounds of racial, ethnic or national origin, there was the negotiation of a new one. On March 1st 1968, a second Commonwealth Immigrants acts were enacted (the first one was established in 1962) which strengthened control over immigrants from the Commonwealth.
Enoch Powell was a political nationalist. He was a Conservative member of Parliament from 1950. He tried to be the Conservative’s leader in 1965 but he did not succeed in front of Edward Heath. But he became the British Shadow secretary to the treasury under his direction. It is an opposition government with access to political files. It facilitates political alternation with the Labour Party in power since 1964.
The document is a public speech given on April 20th 1968 by Enoch Powell in Birmingham. It was a Conservative’s party meeting. He is speaking to parliamentary and government officials as well as public opinion. In this text, he is speaking about the British race question. The author aimed to sensibilize the Labour party but also to his rivals within his own party, the Conservatives about his point of view on massive immigration.
How does Enoch Powell, as a representative of the conservative political establishment, participate in the process of building “race relations” as a national public issue?
First, we will see how he manages to enhance the urgent need for further restrictions on post-colonial immigration. Then, we will insist on how he listens to the people to legitimize a transgressive position. To finish, we will study the use of the argument of aggressive minority communitarianism against an anti-discriminatory policy.

Réponse : Aide/ Enoch Powell de laure95, postée le 22-03-2020 à 10:04:26 (S | E)
- Since the 50's, (article)economic growth is exponential: since + present perfect.
- a large numbers (singulier)of immigrants,
- The Commonwealth is composed by (pas la bonne préposition)former British colonies.
- It was created to ease the process of (article) British decolonization
- It has existed since 1931 but (sujet)has been in crisis since 1966
- as a result of (article)British non-intervention
- On March 1st 1968, a second Commonwealth Immigrants acts (singulier) were(faute de conjugaison) enacted
- which strengthened (article)control over immigrants from the Commonwealth.
- It is (passé)an opposition government with access to political files.
- It facilitates political alternation with the Labour Party in power since 1964: since + present perfect
- It was a Conservative’s (pas de 's) party meeting.
- The author aimed to (pas la bonne préposition) sensibilize the Labour party
- he listens to the (pas de the)people to legitimize a transgressive position.

Réponse : Aide/ Enoch Powell de gerold, postée le 22-03-2020 à 11:17:17 (S | E)

The author aimed to (Laure, aim to + infinitif me semble correct) sensibilize sensitise (sensibilize se trouve surtout dans des textes écrits par des non-anglophones) the Labour party but also to à enlever his rivals within his own party.
Il me semble préférable d'éviter de mélanger le présent et le prétérit pour parler d'événements passés, par exemple : It was a Conservative’s party meeting. He is speaking spoke ...

Réponse : Aide/ Enoch Powell de vic2000, postée le 22-03-2020 à 12:10:13 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos corrections !

The ’60s are a new step in the British imperial society’s crisis. Since the ’50s, the economic growth has been exponential, attracting a large number of immigrants, mainly from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is composed of former British colonies. It was created to ease the process of British decolonization and to maintain unity. It has existed since 1931 but it has been in crisis since 1966 as a result of the British non-intervention in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where a racist state proclaimed independence, supported by South Africa. After the 1965 Race Relation Act that made it illegal to discriminate against someone on the grounds of racial, ethnic or national origin, there was the negotiation of a new one. On March 1st 1968, a second Commonwealth Immigrants act was enacted (the first one was established in 1962) which strengthened the control over immigrants from the Commonwealth.
Enoch Powell was a political nationalist. He was a Conservative member of Parliament from 1950. He tried to be the Conservative’s leader in 1965 but he did not succeed in front of Edward Heath. But he became the British Shadow secretary to the treasury under his direction. According to Heath, it was the safest place for Enoch Powell to keep him away from fields where his radical point of view would have divided the party. It was an opposition government with access to political files. It has facilitated political alternation with the Labour Party in power since 1964.
The document is a public speech given on April 20th 1968 by Enoch Powell in Birmingham. It was a Conservative party meeting. He spoke to parliamentary and government officials as well as public opinion. In this text, he is speaking about the British race question. The author wants to sensitise the Labour party but also his rivals within his own party, the Conservatives about his point of view on massive immigration. His aim is to divide the population.
How does Enoch Powell, as a representative of the conservative political establishment, participate in the process of building “race relations” as a national public issue?
First, we will see how he manages to enhance the urgent need for further restrictions on post-colonial immigration. Then, we will insist on how he listens to people to legitimize a transgressive position. To finish, we will study the use of the argument of aggressive minority communitarianism against an anti-discriminatory policy.

Réponse : Aide/ Enoch Powell de gerold, postée le 22-03-2020 à 17:26:18 (S | E)
The ’60s are a new step in the British imperial society’s crisis. Since the ’50s, the economic growth has been exponential, attracting a large number of immigrants, mainly from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is composed of former British colonies. It was created to ease the process of British decolonization and to maintain unity. It has existed since 1931 but it has/had (has si la crise dure toujours, had si elle se situe dans le passé) been in crisis since 1966 as a result of the British non-intervention in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where a racist state had proclaimed independence, supported by South Africa. After the 1965 Race Relation Act that made it illegal to discriminate against someone on the grounds of racial, ethnic or national origin, there was the negotiation of a new one un peu maladroit. On March 1st 1968, a second Commonwealth Immigrants Act was enacted (the first one was established in 1962) which strengthened the control over immigrants from the Commonwealth.
Enoch Powell was a political nationalist. He was a Conservative member of Parliament from 1950. He tried to be the Conservative’s leader in 1965 but he did not succeed in front of Edward Heath. But he became the British Shadow secretary to the treasury under hisHeath's (plus clair) direction. According to Heath, it was the safest place for Enoch Powell contresens to keep him Enoch Powell away from fields where his radical point of view would have divided the party. It was an opposition government with access to political files. It has facilitated political alternation with the Labour Party in power since 1964.
The document is a public speech given on April 20th 1968 by Enoch Powell in Birmingham. It was a Conservative party meeting. He spoke to parliamentary and government officials as well as public opinion. In this text, he is speaking past simple about the British race question. The author wants to sensitise the Labour party but also his rivals within his own party, the Conservatives virgule about his point of view on massive immigration. His aim is to divide the population.
How does Enoch Powell, as a representative of the conservative political establishment, participate in the process of building making “race relations” as a national public issue?
First, weévitez d'employer "we" au sens de "I" will see how he manages to enhance the urgent need for further restrictions on post-colonial immigration. Then, we will insist on how he listens to people to legitimize a transgressive position. To finish Finally, we will study the use of the argument of aggressive minority communitarianism against an anti-discriminatory policy.

Réponse : Aide/ Enoch Powell de gerondif, postée le 22-03-2020 à 17:49:24 (S | E)
to discriminate against someone : je mettrais plutôt anyone au sens de "qui que ce soit".

Réponse : Aide/ Enoch Powell de vic2000, postée le 23-03-2020 à 14:25:22 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ces précieuses corrections.

The ’60s are a new step in the British imperial society’s crisis. Since the ’50s, economic growth has been exponential, attracting a large number of immigrants, mainly from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is composed of former British colonies. It was created to ease the process of the British decolonization and to maintain unity. It has existed since 1931 but it had been in crisis since 1966 as a result of the British non-intervention in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where a racist state had proclaimed independence, supported by South Africa. After the 1965 Race Relation Act that made it illegal to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of racial, ethnic or national origin, a new one has been negotiated. On March 1st 1968, a second Commonwealth Immigrants Act was enacted (the first one was established in 1962) which strengthened the control over immigrants from the Commonwealth. 
Enoch Powell was a political nationalist. He was a Conservative member of Parliament from 1950. He tried to be the Conservative leader in 1965 but he did not succeed in front of Edward Heath. Instead, he became the British Shadow secretary to the treasury under Heath’s direction. According to Heath, it was the safest place to keep him Enoch Powell away from fields where his radical point of view would have divided the party. It was an opposition government with access to political files. It has facilitated political alternation with the Labour Party in power since 1964.
The document is a public speech given on April 20th 1968 by Enoch Powell in Birmingham. It was a Conservative party meeting. He spoke to parliamentary and government officials as well as public opinion. In this text, he spoke about the British race question. The author wants to sensitise the Labour party but also his rivals within his own party, the Conservatives, about his point of view on massive immigration. He aims to divide the population.  
How does Enoch Powell, as a representative of the conservative political establishment, participate in the process of making “race relations” a national public issue? 
First, I will see how he manages to enhance the urgent need for further restrictions on post-colonial immigration. Then, I will insist on how he listens to people to legitimize a transgressive position. Finally, I will study the use of the argument of aggressive minority communitarianism against an anti-discriminatory policy. 

Réponse : Aide/ Enoch Powell de gerold, postée le 23-03-2020 à 16:40:34 (S | E)
The ’60s are a new step in the British imperial society’s crisis. Since the ’50s, economic growth has been exponential, attracting a large number of immigrants, mainly from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is composed of former British colonies. It was created to ease the process of the enlevez l'article British decolonization and to maintain unity. It has existed since 1931 but it had been in crisis since 1966 as a result of the British non-intervention in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where a racist state had proclaimed independence, supported by South Africa. After the 1965 Race Relation Act that made it illegal to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of racial, ethnic or national origin, a new one has been simple past negotiated. On March 1st 1968, a second Commonwealth Immigrants Act was enacted (the first one was established in 1962) which strengthened the control over immigrants from the Commonwealth.
Enoch Powell was a political nationalist. He was a Conservative member of Parliament from 1950. He tried to be the Conservative leader in 1965 but he did not succeed in front of Edward Heath. Instead, he became the British Shadow secretary to the treasury under Heath’s direction. According to Heath, it was the safest place to keep him enlevez Enoch Powell away from fields where his radical point of view would have divided the party. It was an opposition government with access to political files. It has simple past facilitated political alternation with the Labour Party in power since 1964.
The document is a public speech given on April 20th 1968 by Enoch Powell in Birmingham. It was a Conservative party meeting. He spoke to parliamentary and government officials = les hauts fonctionnaires du Parlement et du gouvernement, si vous parlez des membres du Parlement et des ministres du gouvernement, il faudrait dire autrement as well as public opinion. In this text, he spoke about the British race question. The author wants to sensitize (le correcteur orthographique préfère -tize) the Labour party but also his rivals within his own party, the Conservatives, about his point of view on massive immigration. He aims to divide the population.
How does Enoch Powell, as a representative of the conservative political establishment, participate in the process of making “race relations” a national public issue?
First, I will see how he manages to enhance the urgent need for further restrictions on post-colonial immigration. Then, I will insist on how he listens to people to legitimize a transgressive position. Finally, I will study the use of the argument of aggressive minority communitarianism against an anti-discriminatory policy.


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