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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de eugge86 posté le 21-03-2020 à 15:50:39 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone!
For my English course, I will be evaluated on a work about Coronavirus.
Could you help me for the correction?
Thanks for your help!

To deal with the coronavirus, it’s necessary to respect the protection measures and to remain informed of the situation without excessive worries. We need to hear about the most fragile and isolated family members to make sure they are well. Children must be reassured and younger should be helped to comply hygiene measures. It’s good to talk about the situation with other to manage anxiety. We have to make useful and sufficient supply for the quarantine, but not in excess in order to avoid a shortage.

I think it’s important to take the situation seriously, but we have to keep the events under control and not succumb to panic. If we let our emotions dictate our behavior, we will make the wrong choices. Crowd movements in stores to get supplies while we have to avoid any contact, are a good example of behaviors that can interfere with the protective measures introduced by the government. Personally, I am young and healthy so I am not worried for myself, however I am worried for my most fragile loved ones. In this story, it’s solidarity that will make it possible to defeat the virus. Everyone has his responsibility to take and has to respect the confinement, if it is not for themselves, at least for those who are more fragile. Finally, I have infinite respect for those on the front lines, the caregivers and others...

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-03-2020 17:46

Réponse : Coronavirus/aide de laure95, postée le 22-03-2020 à 12:28:31 (S | E)
- without (any) excessive worries.
- and (article)younger should be helped
- It’s good to talk about the situation with other (people) to manage anxiety.
- it’s solidarity that will make it possible: construire une phrase simple.
- Finally, I have (article) infinite respect for those on the front lines, the (pas de the)caregivers and others...

You have a good English level!

Réponse : Coronavirus/aide de eugge86, postée le 23-03-2020 à 15:18:45 (S | E)
Here the final correction
Thx for your help

To deal with the coronavirus, it’s necessary to respect the protection measures and to remain informed of the situation without any excessive worries. We need to hear about the most fragile and isolated family members to make sure they are well. Children must be reassured and the younger should be helped to comply hygiene measures. It’s good to talk about the situation with other people to manage anxiety. We have to make useful and sufficient supply for the quarantine, but not in excess in order to avoid a shortage.

I think that we are experiencing an historic moment. It’s important to take the situation seriously, but we have to keep the events under control and not succumb to panic. If we let our emotions dictate our behavior, we will make the wrong choices. Crowd movements in stores to get supplies while we have to avoid any contact, are a good example of behaviors that can interfere with the protective measures introduced by the government. Personally, I am young and healthy so I am not worried for myself, however I am worried for my most fragile loved ones. Everyone has his responsibility to take and has to respect the confinement, if it is not for themselves, at least for those who are more fragile. With solidarity, we are more likely to defeat the virus. Finally, I have an infinite respect for those on the front lines, caregivers and others.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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