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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Audio/ devoir
Message de oiame posté le 21-03-2020 à 20:05:21 (S | E | F)
j'ai un audio en anglais à enregistrer pour mardi, de 3 à 5 mn.
Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide.

Voici le sujet:
As a chef, you have recently opened a new restaurant in the most multicultural city in the world: London.
You are interviewed on the radio to present your restaurant. Make a 3-5-minute presentation in which you talk about:
1) The name and concept of your restaurant
2) The reason(s) why you wanted to open it
3) The type of food you propose and why
Use the documents seen in class. Justify your arguments.

Voici mon travail:
- Hi! Mi name is Lidia. I'm the chef of my restaurant's "Always-Eat-Afresh". I want an écologique restaurant Who take Care of the nature. I want a to my restaurant be original and créatif. The food who serves must to be organic.
- I want to open a restaurant reliable.
- We propose indian, french, english, american, canadian and a lot another nationality of food. We bet on the diversity and the repect forthe nature.
I want to open it because I'm passionat , I'm also ready for long hours. I want to give the best experience possible to my customer's. I want to feel a sense of freedom when I choose my hours of work. I'want to Hiring the right people to support you in your business.

Réponse : Audio/ devoir de laure95, postée le 22-03-2020 à 10:10:08 (S | E)
- I'm the chef of my restaurant's (pas de's) "Always-Eat-Afresh".
- I want (mettre au passé) an écologique (mot français)restaurant Who (pas le bon mot)take (faute de conjugaison))Care of the (pas de the) nature. I want a to (enlever a et to)my restaurant (to) be original and créatif (mot français). The food who (pas le bon mot) serves must to be organic (must + infinitif sans to)
- a restaurant reliable: ordre des mots
- indian, french, english, american, canadian: majuscules.
- and a lot (of)another (pas le bon mot)nationality (pluriel)of food.
- passionat: orthographe.
- I'm also ready for long hours: préciser: travailler
- my customer's: enlever '.
- I'want
- to Hiring: to + infinitif. the right people
- to support you in your business.

Ajouter des idées pour tenir de 3 à 5min.

Réponse : Audio/ devoir de oiame, postée le 23-03-2020 à 16:32:09 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de votre aide


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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