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Synthèse/Healthy food

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Synthèse/Healthy food
Message de chamao posté le 07-04-2020 à 10:55:49 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
s'il vous plait j'ai une rédaction à faire en anglais sur le thème "Healthy Food", j'ai fait ça à l'aide d'une vidéo sur youtube, et je voudrais bien que vous me corrigiez les erreurs que j'ai faites et aussi je voudrais bien que vous me conseilliez sur les mots de liaison entre les paragraphes; j'ai un grave problème à ce niveau.
Merci d'avance !

Getting healthy means making a healthier diet, eating food which give the necessary calories to do activities the whole day and make sure that it has a good representation of 5 major food groups: fruits, veggies, grains (whole grains, cereals and breads), proteines (nuts, milk, eggs , fish and other meats) and fats (yogurt, cheese, avocado..). And also try to avoid food that are very high calories, have a lot of sugar or a lot of salt, it means limit the amount of unhealthy food.
When eating something, it will be breaking down in mouth with teeth into smaller pieces, when they go into stomach, they bathe in acid to gets rid of any bad bacteria, then when they go to intestines, they will be broken down by enzymes to very small building blocks, those small building blocks are vitamins and nutrients which are necessary to stay alive, they are delivered by our blood to different areas of our body where they are needed.
The bebefits to eat healthy diet food is to be in better mood, looking better (good skin and hair), be active and having a good energy, in the contrary side, eating poor food, it means putting ourselves at the risk of getting diabetes, overweight and to be not able to do no activities, losing energy very quickly.
So making this simple and small changes by getting a good habits of food consumption, it help live a long healthier life.

Réponse : Synthèse/Healthy food de laure95, postée le 07-04-2020 à 11:07:33 (S | E)
Tu peux commencer par mettre "first".

- to do activities (during)the whole day
- EVITER AND en début de phrase: à remplacer par "morevover", "then", "besides", "after", "in addition"...
And also try to avoid food that are very high calories: ?

- it means limit (mal construit)the amount of unhealthy food.
- When (pas le bon mot ici, mettre "pendant que")eating something, it will be breaking (pas le bon temps) down in mouth
- when they go into (possessif)stomach,

- (mettre "as a consequence", "consequently")The bebefits (faute de frappe?) to eat healthy diet food
- in the contrary side: ?
- eating poor food, it (pas de reprise de sujet)means putting
-to be not (ordre des mots) able to do no activities (singulier)losing energy very quickly.
- a good habits; a + singulier.
- it help (faute de conjugaison)(préposition) live a long healthier life.

Réponse : Synthèse/Healthy food de chamao, postée le 08-04-2020 à 21:09:02 (S | E)
Merci pour votre réponse, j'ai refait la synthèse j'espère que j'ai bien fait cette fois ci, j'attendrai toujours votre réponse et votre remarque que je prendrai en considération !

Healthy Food

Getting healthy means making a healthier diet, eating food which gives the necessary calories to do activities during the whole day, moreover making sure that it has a good representation of 5 major food groups: fruits, veggies, grains such as whole grains, cereals and breads, proteins like nuts, milk, eggs , fish, other meats and fats like yogurt, cheese, avocado... as well as trying to avoid food that are very high calories that is to say limit the amount of unhealthy food, and this includes food which has a lot of sugar or a lot of salt.

while eating something, it will be broken down in mouth with teeth to smaller pieces, when they go to stomach, they bathe in acid to gets rid of any bad bacteria, then they go to intestines, they will be broken down by enzymes to very small building blocks, those small building blocks are vitamins and nutrients which are necessary to stay alive, they are delivered by our blood to different areas of our body where they are needed.

As a consequence of eating healthy diet food is to be in better mood, looking better (good skin and hair), be active and having a good energy, By contrast , eating poor food means putting ourselves at the risk of getting diabetes, overweight and being not able to do no activity, losing energy very quickly.
This is the reason why making this simple and small changes by getting good habits of food consumption, helps live a long healthier life.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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