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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de roy10 posté le 23-04-2020 à 13:40:01 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Est-ce qu'il serait possible de m'aider à corriger mon devoir ?
Merci d'avance à ceux qui prendront le temps de répondre !

With the promotional poster, we can assume that it should depicted a “haunting” which takes place in a haunted house : indeed, we see a house that we can find in a typical horror movie because it is seemed to be located in a place where no one lives because we see in the back of the poster mountains. There is any sign of life. Moreover, children are also present in the poster so we can think it is a movie like Ça where a group of children face paranormal phenomena. Therefore, we can assume that this is a group of children who decide to penetrate in an abandoned house and some creepy things start to happen.

We can relate this extract from Emily Dickinson’s poem with the poster by the fact that maybe children think the house is haunted while maybe it is not so they start to imagine creepy stories and the little strange fact would make them afraid.

As far as I am concerned, being “haunted” means that something like a ghost or a spirit is present in a place. For example, we used to say abandoned houses or a house where someone die are haunted because people think the spirit of the formal habitant is always over there and it manifests when someone approach. It can also mean that something is obsessed us. Some people are haunted by a memory because it affect them and they are not able to forget that.

In a horror trailer, we can expect a mysterious music background. Then, we can also find the disruptive element like the disparition of someone or the discovery of a haunted house. To make this more horrorful, we can often see a screamer at the end of the trailer.

Trauma is depicted “as a wound inflicted not upon the body but upon the mind” so it would mean that it is something which hurts us psychologically. This injury is more painful than a physical wound because these memories reminds on our minds and we can’t forget this.

We can relate this trauma definition with the trailer because it seems that some members of the family in the trailer have already lived in that house. At that time, some horribles things should have been happened like a death. After many years, when they return over there, these memories come back and haunted them and the house. Therefore, we can say that it is “a wound inflicted upon the mind” so a trauma. It is a trauma because they always have a fear in them, they are not able to turn the page.

Réponse : Correction/devoir de gerondif, postée le 23-04-2020 à 14:11:03 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu

With the promotional poster, we can assume that it should depicted(le ed est faux) a “haunting” which takes place in a haunted house : indeed, we see a house that we can find in a typical horror movie because it is seemed(ce temps n'existe pas, elle est sembla) to be located in a place where no one lives because we can see mountains in the back of the poster mountains. There is any(any signifie n'importe lequel en forme affirmative) sign of life. Moreover, some children are also present in the poster so we can think it is a movie like Ça where a group of children face paranormal phenomena. Therefore, we can assume that this is a group of children who decide to penetrate into an abandoned house and some creepy things start(+ ing) to happen.

We can relate this extract from Emily Dickinson’s poem with to the poster by the fact that maybe children think the house is haunted while maybe it is not so they start to imagine creepy stories and the little strange fact would make them afraid.

As far as I am concerned, being “haunted” means that something like a ghost or a spirit is present in a place. For example, we used to say abandoned houses or a house where someone die(dies, died) are haunted because people think the spirit of the formal inhabitant is always(always signifie toujours au sens de continuellement, sans cesse, alors que still signifie toujours au sens de encore) over there and it manifests itself when someone approaches. It can also mean that something is obsessed us.(est obsédé par nous ou nous obsède , la construction est fausse) Some people are haunted by a memory because it affects them and they are not able to forget that.

In a horror trailer, we can expect a mysterious music background. Then, we can also find the disruptive element like the disparition of someone or the discovery of a haunted house. To make this more horrorful (ça existe?? je connaissais horrible...), we can often see a screamer (un hurleur ?) at the end of the trailer.

Trauma is depicted “as a wound inflicted not upon the body but upon the mind” so it would mean that it is something which hurts us psychologically. This injury is more painful than a physical wound because these memories reminds(le sujet est pluriel) on our minds and we can’t forget this.

We can relate this trauma definition with the trailer because it seems that some members of the family in the trailer have already lived in that house. At that time, some horribles (adjectifs incariables en anglais sauf these et those) things should have been happened(temps inexistant, ont été arrivées) like a death. After many years, when they return over there, these memories come back and haunted(à mettre au présent) them and the house. Therefore, we can say that it is “a wound inflicted upon the mind” so a trauma. It is a trauma because they always have a fear in them, they are not able to turn the page (je ne sais pas si ça se dit comme ça, je ne trouve pas dans le dictionnaire sous turn ou sous page).


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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