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Bac/Spaces and exchanges

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Spaces and exchanges
Message de lucie4569 posté le 27-04-2020 à 23:46:20 (S | E | F)
Je suis en pleine préparation de mes oraux d'anglais pour l'épreuve du Bac et je souhaiterais avoir un avis sur une première partie de mon oral sur la notion "Spaces and Exchanges". J'ai quelques difficultés en anglais et je sais ainsi que j'ai certainement dû laisser des fautes dans mon sujet, c'est pour cela que j'aimerais vous demander votre aide pour apporter une correction à cet oral.
Je ne demande pas une copie sans l'once d'une faute mais si au moins quelqu'un avait l'amabilité de m'aider à corriger les fautes majeures de mon sujet, cela ne serait pas de refus !
Merci d'avance.

(première partie sans mon introduction )

In the first place, I will explain the reasons why people leave their countries to go in America.
There are several reasons why immigrants come to the United States. First of all, the United States is considered a land of welcome for all exiles. A place where they can pursue their dreams, have opportunities and succeed socially. This is what we call the "American Dream". The poem "New Colussus" illustrates the fact that the United States is a land of hospitality. Emma Lazarus in this poem calls the Statue of Liberty the "mother of exiles" and writes that this "colossus" welcomes all who seek hope for freedom. All those rejected.
This first document therefore helps to explain why people choose to leave their homeland.
We will now turn to an audio document consisting of two testimonies. The first testimony is that of Fang Yi Sheu, a woman who left Taiwan to come to New York. She chose to emigrate in order to have more opportunities in her career as a modern dancer. Thanks to this choice, she was able to join a famous company. The second testimony is that of Farah Naficy who left Iran to settle with her family in California. She emigrated twice to the United States: the first as a child and the second as an adult. When she was a child her mother made the decision to leave Iran so that Farah could become an independent woman and have more rights and freedom, and the second time it was Farah who after returning to live in her native country decided to return to the United States to live in a better democracy.
These two documents allowed us to see the reasons why some people choose to settle in the United States. However, we will see in the second part that the integration of these migrants is complicated.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2020 09:58

Réponse : Bac/Spaces and exchanges de gerondif, postée le 28-04-2020 à 11:07:54 (S | E)
Ayez davantage confiance en vous, votre expression anglaise est plutôt correcte et les quelques erreurs qui s'y trouvent mineures.
Erreurs en bleu.
In the first place, I will explain the reasons why people leave their countries to go in to America.(in: on y est to: on y va)
There are several reasons why immigrants come to the United States. First of all, the United States is considered a land of welcome for all exiles. A place where they can pursue their dreams, have opportunities and succeed socially. This is what we call the "American Dream". The poem "New Colussus" illustrates the fact that the United States is a land of hospitality. Emma Lazarus in this poem calls the Statue of Liberty the "mother of exiles" and writes that this "colossus" welcomes all who seek hope for freedom, all those who were rejected.
This first document therefore (ce par conséquent ne me parait pas indispensable ici) helps to explain why people choose to leave their homeland.
We will now turn to an audio document consisting of two testimonies. The first testimony is that of Fang Yi Sheu, a woman who left Taiwan to come to New York. She chose to emigrate in order to have more opportunities in her career as a modern dancer. Thanks to this choice, she was able to join a famous company. The second testimony is that of Farah Naficy who left Iran to settle with her family in California. She emigrated twice to the United States: the first as a child and the second then as an adult. When she was a child, her mother made the decision to leave Iran so that Farah could become an independent woman and have more rights and freedom, and the second time it was Farah who, after returning to live in her native country, decided to return to the United States to live in a better democracy.
These two documents allowed us to see (helped us understand) the reasons why some people choose to settle in the United States. However, we will see in the second part that the integration of these migrants is complicated.

Réponse : Bac/Spaces and exchanges de lucie4569, postée le 28-04-2020 à 12:13:52 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour avoir pris le temps de corriger mon oral.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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