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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de ours posté le 15-05-2020 à 12:38:48 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody !
J'aimerais une correction pour mon paragraphe s'il vous plaît!
Yesterday, It was rainy, the night was cloudy, I have been afraid, because they had too thunders,It was a relky bad weater.So It is good for the plants so they can surveive such for the human and animals.
Today, the weather is beautiful without clouds nor rains. That's way I have to think for a walk on the beach with my best friend for spending a good day where her and me can find the relax.
In conclusion, I prefer the spring rather than the winter.
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-05-2020 17:55
Verbe ajouté dans la phrase

Réponse : Weather/correction de gerondif, postée le 15-05-2020 à 21:47:38 (S | E)
Vous semblez faire du mot-à-mot francais traduit en anglais approximatif comme they had à la place there had lui même faux pour dire il y avait there were...
erreurs en bleu

Yesterday, It was rainy, the night was cloudy, I have been(prétérit car action datée par yesterday) afraid, because they had too(deux, two ? ou trop, too many) thunders( thunder, c'est le tonnerre, a thunderstorm, un orage),It was a relky (really?)bad weater(weather ?).So It is good for the plants so they can surveive such for(pareil pour ? c'est faux) the human(faux human beings) and animals.
Today, the weather is beautiful without clouds nor(le n est en trop après without négatif) rains. That's way(plutôt that's why) I have to think(j'ai pensé à aller me promemener ? le for est en trop, il faut du prétérit) for a walk on the beach with my best friend for spending(to + infinitif pour dire pour, notion de but. I went to the beach to have a good time with my friend) for +ing c'est pour exprimer une cause : Thanks for helping me) a good day where her and me can(prétérit) find the relax.(faux)
In conclusion, I prefer the spring rather than the winter. I prefer spring TO winter.

Réponse : Weather/correction de ours, postée le 19-05-2020 à 11:03:40 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous !
voilà j'ai essayé de corriger mon paragraphe, je'espère qu'il est juste cette fois-çi 💯
Yesterday,It was rainy, the night was cloudy, I was afraid, because there was thunder, It was relly bad weather.fortunately, that's good for the nature,men and animals.
Today, the weather becomes beautiful, without clouds nor rains. That's why I thought for a walk on the beach with my best friend for spending a good time, where her and me could find the rest, in conclusion,I prefer spring to winter .
Passez une bonne journée . ⚓

Réponse : Weather/correction de gerondif, postée le 21-05-2020 à 14:00:06 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
Yesterday,It was rainy, the night was cloudy, I was afraid, because there was thunder, It was relly bad weather.fortunately, that's good for the nature,men and animals.
Today, the weather becomes beautiful, without clouds nor rains with neither clouds nor rain serait correct, mais without étant négatif, without (either) clouds or rain). That's why I thought for a walk (ne se dit pas: I decided to go for a walk with my friend, I thought my friend and I could go for a walk...)on the beach with my best friend for spending(vous recopiez les mêmes erreurs, for spending est une cause et non un but: He was condemned for spending all his wife's money he had stolen from her. Le but s'exprime avec to + base verbale. I went for a walk to have a good time) a good time, where her and me could find the rest, in conclusion,I prefer spring to winter .

Réponse : Weather/correction de ours, postée le 27-05-2020 à 10:37:10 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous
Yesterday, It was raining, the night was cloudy, I was afraid, because there was thunder, It was really bad weather.Fortunately,that's good for nature,men and animals.
Today,the weather becomes beautiful, neither clouds nor rain.That's why I decided to go for a walk with my best friend on the beach, I hope to spend a good time, where her and me could find rest.
In conclusion,I prefer spring to winter.

Réponse : Weather/correction de gerold, postée le 27-05-2020 à 12:11:08 (S | E)

... where her and me she and me (ou mieux she and I) could find rest.

Réponse : Weather/correction de gerondif, postée le 27-05-2020 à 12:55:53 (S | E)
Ou where we could both find rest.

Réponse : Weather/correction de ours, postée le 27-05-2020 à 16:11:29 (S | E)
Yesterday, It was raining, the night was cloudy, I was afraid, because there was thunder, It was really bad weather. Fortunately, that's good for nature, men and animals.
Today, the weather becomes beautiful, neither clouds nor rain. That's why I decided to go for a walk with my best friend on the beach, I hope to spend a good time, where we could both find rest.
Merci à vous deux de m'avoir corrigé

Réponse : Weather/correction de gerondif, postée le 27-05-2020 à 21:00:17 (S | E)
Yesterday, It was raining, the night was cloudy, I was afraid, because there was thunder (there were claps of thunder / I could hear thunder), It was really bad weather. Fortunately, that's good for nature, men and animals.
Today, the weather becomes beautiful, with neither clouds nor rain. That's why I decided to go for a walk with my best friend on the beach, I hope to spend have a good time, where during which we could will both find some rest.
un moment n'est pas un lieu , on ne peut pas mettre where.
le moment où se dit the time when.
le jour où se dit the day when.

Réponse : Weather/correction de ours, postée le 28-05-2020 à 11:12:15 (S | E)
Bonjour gerondif !
Where .c'est où le lieu normalement c'est juste, je pense⚓
The place where I can find rest.
Bonne journée

Réponse : Weather/correction de gerold, postée le 28-05-2020 à 15:39:11 (S | E)

ce n'est pas un complément de lieu, mais un complément de temps : ... un bon moment pendant lequel ... Donc "where" ne convient pas.

Réponse : Weather/correction de lucile83, postée le 28-05-2020 à 15:52:18 (S | E)
En outre 'where during which' ne veut rien dire...Il suffit d'employer un mot que gerondif vous a soufflé, et que gerold a identifié et sous-entendu.

Réponse : Weather/correction de ours, postée le 28-05-2020 à 16:41:20 (S | E)
Bonjour à vous tous⚓

Hello! gerondif
Yesterday, It was raining, the night was cloudy, I was afraid, because there were claps of thunder,It was really bad weather.
Fortunately, that's good for nature, men and animals.
Today, the weather becomes beautiful, with neither clouds nor rain.
That's why I decided to go for a walk with my best friend on the beach, I hope to have a good time, during which we will both find some rest, in conclusion, I prefer spring to winter.
Merci beaucoup gerondif, je pense que mon texte est ''amazing''
n'est ce pas ?

Réponse : Weather/correction de gerondif, postée le 28-05-2020 à 18:57:25 (S | E)
Je ne sais pas, mais en tous cas, il est terminé ! Congratulations !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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