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Message de andyflies posté le 19-05-2020 à 20:05:57 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à vous tous,
je vais écrire un petit texte en anglais. Cela serait super si vous pouviez, s'il vous plaît, me faire un feedback, si vous le souhaitez bien sûr. Je vais faire en sorte d'y ajouter plusieurs notions C1.
Pour information, je suis censé, comme susmentionné, passer tout prochainement mon C1-2, (à voir encore avec le COVID). Je vous en informe afin que vous puissiez, éventuellement me "marquer" les points sur lesquelles travailler.
Il n'y pas d'obligation bien sûr.
Le vocabulaire est très important, mais c'est en priorité l'aspect grammatical que je souhaite analyser maintenant.
Le texte est long, si vous avez l'impression que ce n'est pas l'endroit idéal parce que ce n'est pas un centre de correction, faites le moi savoir et je supprimerai le post.
Aussi, j'ai suivi le fil de mes pensées sans grand contexte, j'espère que cela vous conviendra.
Vous remarquerez que je n'ai pas été constant avec le formel et l'informel, ce n'est pas la priorité pour moi aujourd'hui
Je précise que, par rapport à l'aspect familial, le texte n'est que pure imagination...
Enjoy reading!

Studies, COVID and .. Family, What's more?

Since I started my year at University of Lausanne in Switzerland, I have learned a lot more things than I would have imagined at the beginning of the semester.
Indeed, we have been learning 3 languages for almost 2 semesters now, that is why I must say that it can sometimes be rather exhausting.
Obviously, If I had known how difficult it would be, I would probably have considered it more carefully.
However, It is also my dream to speak several languages, I do love them and I could never live without them. They are like "a key" which allows you to open any doors that you need in order to talk to anybody about anything and at anytime.
Though my studies require much time, I know that they will enable myself for getting a job later. Since I'm speaking about job I'm gonna tell you such a funny story, So I recently heard that my brother had gotten an interesting job at Nestle. That was a really good news and to be honest I couldn't help feeling a bit depressed at that time due to the COVID, but after this great latest, it made me feel much better! That was exactly what I needed. I had been waiting for something like that!
And now, watch out, find out what I am about to share with you, it is quite amusing! Shame on my brother! : "He would have told you about it when you had been in.... how to say.. in better shape" Those are precisely my mother's words. Firstly I was so glad for him, who wouldn't?, but why did my mother tell me that? or I should write; why had my brother behaved that way? as if, now, I would become upset just because he had been taken on by Nestle. Brother! Is that what you call it?
Of course, I had answered my mother that I didn't mind hearing that, on the contrary!
Basically, I was used to living this type of scenarios, at least, as long as my brother had been staying with us. But I mean.... It was pretty weird... wasn't it? I was just slightly apathetic because of the virus that's all he could have informed me about his job, I would not have gone ballistic or something!

Did I already tell you about my sister? Not yet? Let's get started! She is Amy, also called Em, she is much taller than me, easy-going, very bossy and also fussy! yes, I suppose a bit contradictory, don't worry it is a nonsense for me as well. BUT everything is true! She is like Doloris Umbridge (a harry potter's character). If I had been told who I would be growing up with... I mean, unbelievable. So I want to skip this part of my family or either I risk having my computer broken in the next minutes or to be wanted by her until death. I especially don't want to be given a lesson and not to be blamed for that either.
In brief and general, not only do they behave oddly but in addition they are just like kids. Even when I was a child.. it was as much weird: my sister was given some strange things, (I still don't know why) my brother used to play in the bathroom (we don't have it anymore) all week and my mother would sing the same track constantly, (she was miming)...she could do it again by the way... I sometimes wish I were in another family...
And right now I have to leave you because I must have my sister take out the trashs, it is her turn not mine!

See you later and take care of you that's important!

Many Thanks..
I didn't mean to be so long, 🤔
By the way, I'm tinking about taking up a new activities such as writing!

Réponse : Texte/correction de gerondif, postée le 19-05-2020 à 23:42:11 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
Studies, COVID and .. Family, What's more?

Since I started my year at University of Lausanne in Switzerland, I have learned a lot more things than I would have imagined at the beginning of the semester.
Indeed, we have been learning 3 languages for almost 2 semesters now, that is why I must say that it can sometimes be rather exhausting.
Obviously, If I had known how difficult it would be, I would probably have considered it more carefully.
However, It is also my dream to speak several languages, I do love them and I could never live without them. They are like "a key" which allows you to open any doors that you need in order to talk to anybody about anything and at anytime.
Though my studies require much time, I know that they will enable myself for getting(me to get) a job later. Since I'm speaking about job I'm gonna tell you such( a very funny story serait moins surprenant) a funny story, So I recently heard that my brother had gotten an interesting job at Nestle. That was a(news ne marche pas avec a, c'est un moy collectif, on dit a piece of news) really good news and to be honest I couldn't help feeling a bit depressed at that time due to the COVID, but after this great latest(latest n'est pas un nom), it made me feel much better! That was exactly what I needed. I had been waiting for something like that!
And now, watch out, find out what I am about to share with you, it is quite amusing! Shame on my brother! : "He would have told you about it when you had been(plutôt were) in.... how to say.. in better shape" Those are precisely my mother's words. Firstly I was so glad for him, who wouldn't?, but why did my mother tell me that? or I should write; why had my brother behaved that way? as if, now, I would become upset just because he had been taken on by Nestle. Brother! Is that what you call it?
Of course, I had answered my mother that I didn't mind hearing that, on the contrary!
Basically, I was used to living this type of scenarios(singulier), at least, as long as my brother had been staying with us. But I mean.... It was pretty weird... wasn't it? I was just slightly apathetic because of the virus that's all(point) he could have informed me about his job, I would not have gone ballistic or something!

Did I already tell you about my sister? Not yet? Let's get started! She is Amy, also called Em, she is much taller than me, easy-going, very bossy and also fussy! yes, I suppose a bit contradictory, don't worry, it is a nonsense for me as well. BUT everything is true! She is like Doloris Umbridge (a Harry Potter's character). If I had been told who I would be growing up with... I mean, unbelievable. So I want to skip this part of my family or either I risk having my computer broken in the next few minutes or to be wanted (pursued/chased) by her until death. I especially don't want to be given a lesson and not to be blamed for that either.
In brief and general, not only do they behave oddly but in addition they are just like kids. Even when I was a child.. it was as much(so) weird: my sister was given some strange things, (I still don't know why) my brother used to play in the bathroom (we don't have it anymore) all week and my mother would sing the same track constantly, (she was miming)...she could do it again by the way... I sometimes wish I were in another family...
And right now I have to leave you because I must have my sister take out the trashs(singulier, mot collectif. les mots en sh font un pluriel en es a brush, two brushes), it is her turn, not mine!

Réponse : Texte/correction de andyflies, postée le 20-05-2020 à 00:10:59 (S | E)
Merci infiniment!!! Vous êtes génial! 👍

Réponse : Texte/correction de gerondif, postée le 20-05-2020 à 10:00:06 (S | E)
Ah, veuillez cesser de me sous-estimer ! ☺️

Réponse : Texte/correction de andyflies, postée le 20-05-2020 à 12:00:26 (S | E)
Je ne me permettrais pas 😆☺

Blague à part, il est vrai que c'est en soi un travail que de corriger le travail des autres.

Le faire volontairement et aider les autres de manière bénévole est très admirable, je trouve.

Grâce à ce site j'ai beaucoup progresser. À l'université trop peu d'aspects sont traités, à mon sens. Par exemple, apprendre du vieil anglais comme nous le faisons à raison de 3 h par semaine ne m'aidera pas à appliquer la grammaire actuelle ou a parler.. et 3 h c'est long, on devrait plutôt, je trouve, s'exprimer pour améliorer la prononciation. Même si ça aussi nous en faisons déjà.

Modifié par andyflies le 20-05-2020 12:38


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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