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The missing vowels /362

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The missing vowels /362
Message de marit64 posté le 26-08-2020 à 22:39:20 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is still given.

1- Not hurrying; taking plenty of time. ..... (s l l r) 5

2- To arrange in a large, usually neat, pile. ..... (k s c t) 1

3- A wooden beam used in the building of a house, ship etc. ..... (b t r m) 2

4- Having many leaves. ..... (f l) 3

5- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. ..... (p n c) 3

6- A border or fringe round a garnment. ..... (g g d n) 2

7- To be an omen of or to foretell bad or good fortune. ..... (d b) 2

8- Liquid; watery. ..... (n r n) 2

9- A broad smile. ..... (n g r) 1

10- To dare to go. ..... (t v n r) 3

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week and stay safe!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /362 de chocolatcitron, postée le 26-08-2020 à 22:47:41 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 362
Message de marit64 posté le 26-08-2020 à 22:39:20 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks!
Hi Flowermusic and Swan, good luck to you, have a fun: it's quite easy!
Hi everybody!

1- Not hurrying; taking plenty of time (s l l r) 5 leisurely = tranquillement nonchalamment.
2- To arrange in a large, usually neat, pile. (k s c t) 1 stack = tas.
3- A wooden beam used in the building of a house, ship etc. (b t r m) 2 timber = madrier, poutre.
4- Having many leaves. (f l) 3 leafy = feuillu.
5- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. (p n c) 3 canopy = ciel de lit.
6- A border or fringe round a garnment. (g g d n) 2 edging = bordure.
7- To be an omen of or to foretell bad or good fortune. (d b) 2 bode = augurer, présager.
8- Liquid; watery. (n r n) 2 runny = baveux, coulant.
9- A broad smile. (n g r) 1 grin = large sourire, avoir la banane.
10- To dare to go. (t v n r) 3 venture = s'aventurer, se risquer.

Have a very sweet week and stay safe!
See you soon.

Le typo est corrigé en bleu, j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir encore y accéder... , merci Marit64 !

Réponse : The missing vowels /362 de swan85, postée le 31-08-2020 à 17:22:38 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Thank you for these new words.

Hi Chocolatcitron. Waiting for Flowermusic…

1- Not hurrying; taking plenty of time. LEISURELY (s l l r) 5
2- To arrange in a large, usually neat, pile. STACK (k s c t) 1
3- A wooden beam used in the building of a house, ship etc. TIMBER (b t r m) 2
4- Having many leaves. LEAFY (f l) 3
5- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. CANOPY (p n c) 3
6- A border or fringe round a garnment. EDGING (g g d n) 2
7- To be an omen of or to foretell bad or good fortune. BODE (d b) 2
8- Liquid; watery. RUNNY (n r n) 2
9- A broad smile. GRIN (n g r) 1
10- To dare to go. VENTURE (t v n r) 3

Have a nice week.
See you.

Réponse : The missing vowels /362 de flowermusic, postée le 01-09-2020 à 12:03:54 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

J'arrive j'arrive !!!

Voici mes propositions:

1- Not hurrying; taking plenty of time. ..... (s l l r) 5 leisurely

2- To arrange in a large, usually neat, pile. ..... (k s c t) 1 stack

3- A wooden beam used in the building of a house, ship etc. ..... (b t r m) 2 timber

4- Having many leaves. ..... (f l) 3 leafy

5- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. ..... (p n c) 3 canopy

6- A border or fringe round a garnment. ..... (g g d n) 2 edging

7- To be an omen of or to foretell bad or good fortune. ..... (d b) 2 bode

8- Liquid; watery. ..... (n r n) 2 runny

9- A broad smile. ..... (n g r) 1 grin

10- To dare to go. ..... (t v n r) 3 venture

See you soon very soon

Grand salut à Chocolat et Swan


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