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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de perfect posté le 17-09-2020 à 20:20:50 (S | E | F)
Hello !
Would you like to help me please ?
I created a dialogue bewteen two big figures : Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. They are discussing about this emerging new technology : the AI.

(Z)- Hi Mr Elon Musk, nice to meet you.

(E) - Good morning Mr Zuckerberg it's a pleasure to meet you too. How are you doing ?

(Z) - Doing great, thank you. What about you ?
(E) - Great, thanks. Let's talk about the IA. Do you consider it can lead to progresses because I heared you in an conference glorifying this technology but I'm a bit skeptic.
(Z) - I must say I'm surprised of your belief because you are the CEO of many conpanies which need this process to perform as well as needed. Indeed, I have a different vision of yours : I'm really about optimistic about AI which can improve our daily lives.
(E) - Excepted the benefit for the self-driving cars, I don't see any interest. I even think that it far more dangerous than nukes.
(Z) - I'm not on the same page as you. The development of this new technology will give us a huge amount of positive things : what do you think about the fact that it can help us to identify and cure diseases, keep our communities safe ?
(E) - All this on paper is impressive and promises a lot, but what about in reality? I don't think peope will use AI as you wish to do so. I think you're too optimistic because beyond this, many dreams like that have waged to drifts totally completely contrary to their primary objectives and I'm sure AI will follow this path.
(Z) - The future will say it to us ! We'll see how it will evolve. In any case, it as a pleasure to talk with you.
(E) - Pleasure shared, see you soon!

Thank you for all your answers.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-09-2020 21:33

Réponse : Dialogue/correction de elizabethf, postée le 18-09-2020 à 10:40:18 (S | E)
J'ai essayé de corriger quelques fautes. Je suis peut-être passée à côté de certaines.

(Z)- Hi Mr Elon Musk, nice to meet you. (Is Mr Zuckerberg a friend of Mr Musk ?)

(E) - Good morning Mr Zuckerberg it's a pleasure to meet you too. How are you doing ?

(Z) - Doing great, thank you. What about you ?
(E) - Great, thanks. Let's talk about the IA. Do you consider it can lead to progresses because I heared you in an conference glorifying this technology but I'm a bit skeptic.
(Z) - I must say I'm surprised of your belief because you are the CEO of many conpanies which need this process to perform as well as needed. Indeed, I have a different vision of yours : I'm really about optimistic about AI which can improve our daily lives.
(E) - Excepted the benefit for the self-driving cars, I don't see any interest. I even think that it (verbe) far more dangerous than nukes.
(Z) - I'm not on the same page as you. The development of this new technology will give us a huge amount of positive things : what do you think about the fact that it can help us to identify and cure diseases, keep our communities safe ?
(E) - All this on paper is impressive and promises a lot, but what about in reality ? I don't think peope will use AI as you wish to do so. I think you're too optimistic because beyond this, many dreams like that have waged to drifts totally completely (l'un ou l'autre) contrary to their primary objectives and I'm sure AI will follow this path.
(Z) - The future will say it to us (the future will tell) ! We'll see how it will evolve. In any case, it as a pleasure to talk with you.
(E) - Pleasure shared, see you soon!


Réponse : Dialogue/correction de perfect, postée le 18-09-2020 à 18:51:19 (S | E)

Thanks a lot !
Here are my modifications and I add a few ideas ! Don't hesitate to advice on what is the most relevant to keep or not.

(Z)- Hello Mr Elon Musk, nice to meet you.

(E) - Good morning Mr Zuckerberg it's a pleasure to meet you too. How are you doing ?

(Z) - Doing great, thank you. What about you ?
(E) - Great, thanks. Let's talk about the AI. Do you consider it can lead to progresses because I heard you in a conference glorifying this technology but I'm a bit skeptical.
(Z) - I must say I'm surprised of your belief because you are the CEO of many conpanies which need this process to perform as well as needed. Indeed, I have a different vision of yours : I'm really optimistic about AI which can improve our daily lives.

(E) - Excepted the benefit for the self-driving cars, I don't see any interest. I even think that it is far more dangerous than nukes. Our privacy will be for sure hampered by the miuse of this technology. Another moot point is the lack of control which can occur if we don't take care to be able to develop IA within a regulated and controlled framework and you know as well as I do that it is far from being the case.

(Z) - I'm not on the same page as you. The development of this new technology will give us a huge amount of positive things : what do you think about the fact that it can help us to identify and cure diseases, be more pratical for surgeons, keep our communities safe ?

(E) - All this on paper is impressive and promises a lot, but what about in reality ? I don't think peope will use AI as you wish to do so. I think you're too optimistic because beyond this, many dreams like that have waged to drifts totally contrary to their primary objectives and I'm sure AI will follow this path.

(Z) - The future will tell ! We'll see how it will evolve. In any case, it was a pleasure to talk with you.
(E) - Pleasure shared, see you soon!

Have a nice evening!

Modifié par perfect le 18-09-2020 18:53


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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