Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En basPlague/Text
Message de thomas1906 posté le 25-11-2020 à 12:06:15 (S | E | F)
dans le cadre d'un exposé je dois présenter très rapidement la peste.
Serait-il possible de me montrer mes erreurs pour ces 2 parties qui m'ont particulièrement posé problème lors de leur rédaction.
Merci d'avance de votre aide !
There are 2 types of plagues:
Bubonic plague is one of three types of plague caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis. It follows on from a flea bite. The incubation period is to 2 to 6 days, sometimes more. Then appear some symptoms: Fever, muscular pains, joint pains, asthenia … The patient feels a pain at a lymph node or several lymph nodes close by the flea bite. The lymph nodes get bigger and are particularly painful with a pink or red coloration. This lymph nodes are also called bubons.
Bubonic plague can progress and reach poumons: It's pneumonic plague. The plague symptoms gather on the respiratory system with cough for example. The patient spits blood and pus. Then an oedema appears and causes a respiratory distress. This kind of plague is more rare than bubonic plague. However, this disease is more dangerous and lethal in 2 or 3 days.
Plague can be avoid by some different actions:
The epidemiological surveillance of suspect case and medicine prophylaxis are always necessary.
During an epidemic, it is important not to kill rats. The fleas contaminated by the bacteria will research then another source of blood and particularly humans. Nevertheless, we can move away rats of homes, of village by avoiding to put wastes or bins in the street for example.
There is a vaccine used to protect people with a high risk: Militaries in endemic zones, researchers working on the plague. The vaccine's protection is limited in the time. We need regular boosters which provoque bad-side effects. In addition, this vaccine is only effective for bubonic plague.
The main means of prevention is to inform the populations.
Message de thomas1906 posté le 25-11-2020 à 12:06:15 (S | E | F)
dans le cadre d'un exposé je dois présenter très rapidement la peste.
Serait-il possible de me montrer mes erreurs pour ces 2 parties qui m'ont particulièrement posé problème lors de leur rédaction.
Merci d'avance de votre aide !
There are 2 types of plagues:
Bubonic plague is one of three types of plague caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis. It follows on from a flea bite. The incubation period is to 2 to 6 days, sometimes more. Then appear some symptoms: Fever, muscular pains, joint pains, asthenia … The patient feels a pain at a lymph node or several lymph nodes close by the flea bite. The lymph nodes get bigger and are particularly painful with a pink or red coloration. This lymph nodes are also called bubons.
Bubonic plague can progress and reach poumons: It's pneumonic plague. The plague symptoms gather on the respiratory system with cough for example. The patient spits blood and pus. Then an oedema appears and causes a respiratory distress. This kind of plague is more rare than bubonic plague. However, this disease is more dangerous and lethal in 2 or 3 days.
Plague can be avoid by some different actions:
The epidemiological surveillance of suspect case and medicine prophylaxis are always necessary.
During an epidemic, it is important not to kill rats. The fleas contaminated by the bacteria will research then another source of blood and particularly humans. Nevertheless, we can move away rats of homes, of village by avoiding to put wastes or bins in the street for example.
There is a vaccine used to protect people with a high risk: Militaries in endemic zones, researchers working on the plague. The vaccine's protection is limited in the time. We need regular boosters which provoque bad-side effects. In addition, this vaccine is only effective for bubonic plague.
The main means of prevention is to inform the populations.
Réponse : Plague/Text de lucile83, postée le 25-11-2020 à 18:46:30 (S | E)
Réponse : Plague/Text de gerondif, postée le 26-11-2020 à 00:03:28 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu
There are 2 types of plagues:
Bubonic plague is one of three types of plague caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis. It follows on from a flea bite. The incubation period is to 2 to 6 days, sometimes more. Then appear some symptoms (construction à la française, en imitation du texte traduit sans doute): Fever, muscular pains, joint pains, asthenia … The patient feels a pain at a lymph node or several lymph nodes close by (caused by /close to) the flea bite. The lymph nodes get bigger and are particularly painful with a pink or red coloration. This lymph nodes are also called bubons.
Bubonic plague can progress and reach poumons: It's pneumonic plague. The plague symptoms gather on the respiratory system with cough for example. The patient spits blood and pus. Then an oedema appears and causes a respiratory distress. This kind of plague is more rare(rare est considéré comme adjectif court) than bubonic plague. However, this disease is more dangerous and lethal in 2 or 3 days.
Plague can be avoid(participe passé) by some different actions:
The epidemiological surveillance of suspect cases and medicine prophylaxis are always necessary.
During an epidemic, it is important not to kill rats. The fleas contaminated by the bacteria will research(mauvais choix de verbe, utilisez look for derrière then) then another source of blood and particularly humans. Nevertheless, we can move away rats of(c'est away from) homes, of village by avoiding to put wastes or bins in the street for example.
There is a vaccine used to protect people with a high risk: Militaries in endemic zones, researchers working on the plague. The vaccine's protection is limited in the time. We need regular boosters which provoque bad-side effects. In addition, this vaccine is only effective for bubonic plague.
The main means of prevention is to inform the populations.
Réponse : Plague/Text de thomas1906, postée le 27-11-2020 à 18:45:13 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour pour cette aide !
J'ai rajouté quelques courtes parties. Serait il possible de me les corriger ?
Je vous remets mes deux anciennes parties. N'hésitez pas me dire si vous voyez encore des erreurs.
Bubonic plague is one of three types of plague caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis. It follows on from a flea bite. The incubation period is from 2 to 6 days, sometimes more. Then appear some symptoms: Fever, muscular pains, joint pains, asthenia … The patient feels a pain at a lymph node or several lymph nodes caused by the flea bite. The lymph nodes get bigger and are particularly painful with a pink or red coloration. This lymph nodes are also called bubons.
Septicemic plague is a complication of bubonic plague. The bacterium multiplies and spreads in blood circulation. It can cause a liver or spleen destruction but also a gangrene
Bubonic plague can progress and reach lungs : It's pneumonic plague. The plague symptoms gather on the respiratory system with cough for example. The patient spits blood and pus. Then an oedema appears and causes respiratory distress. This kind of plague is more frequent than bubonic plague. However, this disease is more dangerous and lethal in 2 or 3 days.
Plague can be avoided by different actions:
The epidemiological surveillance of suspect cases and medicine prophylaxis are always necessary.
During an epidemic, it is important not to kill rats. The fleas contaminated by the bacteria will then look
another source of blood and particularly humans. Nevertheless, we can move away rats from homes, of
village by avoiding to put waste or bins in the street for example.
There is a vaccine used to protect people with a high risk: Militaries in endemic zones, researchers
working on plague. The vaccine's protection is limited in time. We need regular boosters which
provoque bad-side effects. In addition, this vaccine is only effective for bubonic plague.
The main means of prevention is to inform the populations.
Some studies suggest that plague, among other things, confers resistance to HIV. Indeed, the bacteria attaches to the same cell receptor as HIV. Yersinia pestis causes a mutation on the receptor. HIV will not recognize this receptor and will not provoke an infection
Réponse : Plague/Text de gerondif, postée le 27-11-2020 à 19:13:53 (S | E)
Bubonic plague is one of three types of plague caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis. It follows on from a flea bite. The incubation period is from 2 to 6 days, sometimes more. Then appear some symptoms(inversez): Fever, muscular pains, joint pains, asthenia … The patient feels a pain at a lymph node or several lymph nodes caused by the flea bite. The lymph nodes get bigger and are particularly painful with a pink or red coloration. This lymph nodes are also called bubons.
Septicemic plague is a complication of bubonic plague. The bacterium multiplies and spreads in blood circulation. It can cause a liver or spleen destruction but also (a)(à ôter) gangrene
Bubonic plague can progress and reach lungs : It's pneumonic plague. The plague symptoms (une maladie peut toucher les poumons, pas un symptôme qui est la manifestation d'une maladie, la toux sera le symptôme de la peste. J'aurais dit Pneumonic plague affects the respiratory system with symptoms like a cough for example))gather on the respiratory system with cough for example. The patient spits blood and pus. Then an oedema appears and causes respiratory distress. This kind of plague is more frequent than bubonic plague. (pas clair ! si c'est la peste bubonique qui est lus dangereuse et mortelle, faites le apparaitre clairement)However, this disease is more dangerous and lethal in 2 or 3 days.
Plague can be avoided by(through) different actions:
The epidemiological surveillance of suspect cases and medicine prophylaxis are always necessary.
During an epidemic, it is important not to kill rats. The fleas contaminated by the bacteria will then look for
another source of blood and particularly humans. Nevertheless, we can move away rats(inversez) from homes, of
village by avoiding to put waste or bins in the street for example.
There is a vaccine used to protect people with a high risk: Militaries in endemic zones, researchers
working on the plague. The vaccine's protection is limited in time. We need regular boosters which
provoque bad-side effects. In addition, this vaccine is only effective for bubonic plague.
The main means of prevention is to inform the populations.
Some studies suggest that plague, among other things, confers resistance to HIV. Indeed, the bacteria attaches to the same cell receptor as HIV. Yersinia pestis causes a mutation on the receptor. HIV will not recognize this receptor and will not provoke an infection
Réponse : Plague/Text de thomas1906, postée le 01-12-2020 à 18:56:35 (S | E)
Vous n'avez pas vu d'erreur pour la dernière partie du texte (VIH/Plague) ?
J'ai l'impression que la concordance des temps ne va pas ?
En vous remerciant par avance ...
Réponse : Plague/Text de gerondif, postée le 01-12-2020 à 19:54:34 (S | E)
La partie en vert ? Non, je ne vois pas de temps qui jurent.
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