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The missing vowels/376

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The missing vowels/376
Message de marit64 posté le 09-12-2020 à 22:31:04 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

You still have all the numbers of vowels.

1- The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. ..... (m t s p) 1

2- Mattress, bedclothes etc. ..... (d g b n d) 2

3- To make less. ..... (l l) 3

4- A raised pathway, road etc over wet ground or shallow water. ..... (w c s) 5

5- Something done; an act. ..... (d d) 2

6- To exercise so as to become able to move easily. ..... (b l m r) 2

7- (Of a sulky child etc) to push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. ..... (t p) 2

8- (Of character) made softer and more mature, relaxed etc by age and/or experience. ..... (l m w l) 2

9- A song sung to make children go to sleep. ..... (b l l l) 3

10- Moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc. ..... (f s f t) 1

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week and stay safe!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/376 de flowermusic, postée le 09-12-2020 à 23:07:10 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. ..... (m t s p) 1 stump

2- Mattress, bedclothes etc. ..... (d g b n d) 2 bedding

3- To make less. ..... (l l) 3 allay

4- A raised pathway, road etc over wet ground or shallow water. ..... (w c s) 5 causeway

5- Something done; an act. ..... (d d) 2 deed

6- To exercise so as to become able to move easily. ..... (b l m r) 2 limber

7- (Of a sulky child etc) to push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. ..... (t p) 2 pout

8- (Of character) made softer and more mature, relaxed etc by age and/or experience. ..... (l m w l) 2 mellow

9- A song sung to make children go to sleep. ..... (b l l l) 3 lullaby

10- Moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc. ..... (f s f t) 1 stiff

Have a sweet sweet week

Coucou à la fine équipe

Réponse : The missing vowels/376 de chocolatcitron, postée le 09-12-2020 à 23:10:29 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 376
Message de marit64 posté le 09-12-2020 à 22:31:04 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks !
Hello Flowermusic, you're the winner!
Hello Sanna and Swan, good luck to you, have fun!
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. (m t s p) 1 stump = moignon, souche.
2- Mattress, bedclothes etc. (d g b n d) 2 bedding = linge de lit, litière.
3- To make less. (l l) 3 allay = dissiper, calmer.
4- A raised pathway, road etc over wet ground or shallow water. (w c s) 5 causeway = chaussée.
5- Something done; an act. (d d) 2 deed = act.
6- To exercise so as to become able to move easily. (b l m r) 2 limber = souple, agile.
7- (Of a sulky child etc) to push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. (t p) 2 pout = faire la moue.
8- (Of character) made softer and more mature, relaxed etc by age and/or experience. (l m w l) 2 mellow = serein, détendu.
9- A song sung to make children go to sleep. (b l l l) 3 Lullaby = berceuse.
10- Moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc. (f s f t) 1 stiff = crispé, raide, courbaturé.

Have a sweet week and stay safe!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/376 de swan85, postée le 16-12-2020 à 07:24:33 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Thank you for this exercise

1-The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. STUMP (m t s p) 1
2- Mattress, bedclothes etc. BEDDING (d g b n d) 2
3- To make less. ALLAY (l l) 3
4- A raised pathway, road etc over wet ground or shallow water. CAUSEWAY (w c s) 5
5- Something done; an act. DEED (d d) 2
6- To exercise so as to become able to move easily. LIMBER (b l m r) 2
7- (Of a sulky child etc) to push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. POUT (t p) 2
8- (Of character) made softer and more mature, relaxed etc by age and/or experience. MELLOW (l m w l) 2
9- A song sung to make children go to sleep. LULLABY (b l l l) 3
10- Moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc. STIFF (f s f t) 1

Hello Flowermusic, Chocolatcitron and nice week to you all.

See you soon.


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