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Correction/ tâche finale

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ tâche finale
Message de lesentier posté le 14-12-2020 à 16:04:30 (S | E | F)
Je voudrais savoir si une bonne âme pourrait apporter une correction orthographique à mon travail qui est le suivant:

"Studying abroad is an occasion to see the World, take a new culture and gain experience in my career. So, I would like study in a foreign country.

First, I must choose a host nation where study. Canada is a good choice for several reasons. Indeed, Canadian are very welcoming. I like the history link with France (Canada was an french colony). Moreover, I found a college in East Canada which same in favorable background to study: the University of New Brunswick, located throughout two campus: Fredericton and St-John.

Fredericton and St-John have campus which ensure me a good academic year by comfortable accommodations and activities. Bye the bye, in Fredericton, the campus offers rooms in very nice houses at the entrance of the university where many activities happen. I like St-John campus because here are student rooms like in France, it's comfortable but above all reassuring! I would like live in a campus to network and avoid problems of transportation. Also the proximity with university offered activities during spare time! For example, in St-John, the Green Society could raise awareness among me about environment causes.

To be confident in my choice to study in a university in Canada, I must make sure the academy suggests modules which can enjoys me! St-John and Fredericton own history courses, and the sites arrange the sames modules, as «Prohibition and Rum-running in Canada, 1827-1948». Prohibition is really interesting, and we know rarely his aspects in Canada… Eventually, Environment and Natural Resources is also an option that I can choose, especially because Canada is certainly a good place to study nature!

By this tree arguments, I would like, go to, study and live in dorm of campus at St-John in University of New-Brunswick. I pray to can complete requirement and fund my enrollment in this college!"

Merci d'avance

Réponse : Correction/ tâche finale de gerold, postée le 14-12-2020 à 17:55:33 (S | E)
Bonjour lesentier

xx : il manque un mot (ou plusieurs)

"Studying abroad is an occasion/opportunity (plus courant) to see the World, take xx a new culture and gain experience in my career. So, I would like xx study in a foreign country.

First, I must choose a host nation where xx study. Canada is a good choice for several reasons. Indeed, xx Canadian pluriel are very welcoming. I like the history adjectif link with France (Canada was an forme de l'article indéfini french les adj. de nationalité prennent une majuscule colony). Moreover, I found a college in East Canada which same in "same" n'est pas un verbe, vous devez confondre avec un autre mot xx favorable background to study: the University of New Brunswick, located throughout autre préposition two campus pluriel de campus ?: Fredericton and St-John.

Fredericton and St-John have campus which ensure me a good academic year by autre préposition comfortable accommodations and xx ajoutez un adj., les activités ne sont pas "comfortable" activities. Bye the bye, in Fredericton, the campus offers rooms in very nice houses at the entrance of the university where many activities happen plutôt "avoir lieu". I like St-John campus because here are student rooms like in France, it's comfortable but above all reassuring! I would like xx live in a campus to network and avoid problems of transportation. Also the proximity with autre préposition xx university offered pourquoi le prétérit ? activities during spare time! For example, in St-John, the Green Society could raise awareness among signifie "parmi", pas de sens ici me about environment causes.

To be confident in my choice to study in a university in Canada, I must make sure the academy suggests plutôt un autre verbe modules which can enjoys base verbale après "can" me! St-John and Fredericton own dit-on "posséder des cours" ? history courses, and the sites arrange the sames les adj. sont invariables modules, as «Prohibition and Rum-running in Canada, 1827-1948». Prohibition is really interesting, and we know rarely ordre des mots his la prohibition n'est pas une personne aspects in Canada… Eventually = en fin de compte, est-ce vraiment ce que vous voulez dire ?, Environment and Natural Resources is also an option that I can choose, especially because Canada is certainly a good place to study nature!

By this pluriel de "this" ? tree ? arguments, I would like, xx go to, study and live in xx dorm of campus faites un nom composé at St-John in xx University of New-Brunswick mieux : inversez les lieux. I pray to can complete xx requirement pluriel and fund my enrollment in this college!"

Réponse : Correction/ tâche finale de lesentier, postée le 15-12-2020 à 07:25:31 (S | E)
Bonjour Gerold,

Je vous remercie pour votre aide.

Bien à vous,



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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