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Wh questions/help

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Wh questions/help
Message from mohammad51 posted on 25-02-2021 at 16:23:20 (D | E | F)
Could any one help or review my answers?
Questions are from the book A university English grammar by Quirk
Thank you in advance.

Exercise wh questions ( Wh questions should be fitted to the words written in blue)
8. It was protected by a canyon 2,000 feet deep.
8. How deep was the canyon?

9 Its temples had been built from huge granite stones.
What kind of stones its temples had been built

10 The stones were fitted together without mortar.
How often the stones were fitted ?

11 The world Somerset Maugham entered when, at the age of eighteen, he became a medical student, was a strange one.
How old was Somerset Maugham when he became a strange medical?

12 Somerset Maugham became a medical student at the age of eighteen.
The same above How old was Somerset Maugham when he became a medical student ?

13 It was a world that knew nothing about planes.
Which world knew nothing about planes ?

14 It also knew nothing about radio.
What did it know other than radio ? not clear

15 He paid eighteen shillings a week for two rooms.
How many shillings did he pay per \ a week for two rooms?

16 He paid eighteen shillings for two rooms.
How many rooms did he pay eighteen shillings for ?

17 He paid eighteen shillings for two rooms.
How many rooms did he only pay eighteen shillings for?

18 He was an unsatisfactory medical student for his heart was not in it.
Why was he an unsatisfactory medical student? Reason

19 His first novel was called Liza of Lambeth.
What was his first novel called?

20 The producer thought Somerset Maugham's play might just run for the six weeks till the play he had in mind to follow it with could be produced.
How long ……… ? Please complete this

Re: Wh questions/help from gerondif, posted on 25-02-2021 at 17:21:08 (D | E)
mistakes in blue. The questions are sometimes tricky. Doesn't this grammar-book give the answers in the end ? Sometimes, I would say it is almost impossible to ask a quastion without altering the answer, or I would say nobody in their right sense would ask a question on a detail , number 11, for instance.
It was protected by a canyon 2,000 feet deep.
8. How deep was the canyon it was protected by?

9 Its temples had been built from huge granite stones.
What kind of stones its temples had been built from ? What (material) had its temples been built from ?

10 The stones were fitted together without mortar.
How often the stones were fitted ? How were the stones fitted together?

11 The world Somerset Maugham entered when, at the age of eighteen, he became a medical student, was a strange one.
How old was Somerset Maugham when he became a strange medical? It doesn't mean anything, medical is an adjective, not a noun.
How old was S M when he became a medical student ?
How old was S M when, as a medical student, he entered that strange world ?

12 Somerset Maugham became a medical student at the age of eighteen.
How old was Somerset Maugham when he became a medical student ? The answer will be : S M was eighteen when he became a medical student
At what age did S M become a medical student ?
13 It was a world that knew nothing about planes.
Which world knew nothing about planes ? The answer would be : That world knew nothing about planes, the eighteenth-century-world knew nothing about planes. It was a world that knew nothing about what ?
What did that world know nothing about ?

14 It also knew nothing about radio.
What did it know other than radio ? not clear
What did it also know nothing about ?

15 He paid eighteen shillings a week for two rooms.
How many shillings did he pay per \ a week for two rooms?
How much (money) did he pay a week for two rooms ?

16 He paid eighteen shillings for two rooms.
How many rooms did he pay eighteen shillings for ? What did he pay eighteen shillings for ?

17 He paid eighteen shillings for two rooms.
How many rooms did he only pay eighteen shillings for?

18 He was an unsatisfactory medical student for his heart was not in it.
Why was he an unsatisfactory medical student? Reason

19 His first novel was called Liza of Lambeth.
What was his first novel called?

20 The producer thought Somerset Maugham's play might just run for the six weeks till the play he had in mind to follow it with could be produced.
How long ……… ? Please complete this
The producer thought Somerset Maugham's play might just run for the six weeks until what happened ?
If you had had :
The producer thought Somerset Maugham's play might just run for the six weeks till the play he had in mind to follow it with could be produced.
How long did the producer think Somerset Maugham's play might just run ?

Re: Wh questions/help from lucile83, posted on 25-02-2021 at 17:27:50 (D | E)
Mistakes in blue

10 The stones were fitted together without mortar.
How often the stones were fitted ?

11 The world Somerset Maugham entered when, at the age of eighteen, he became a medical student, was a strange one.
How old was Somerset Maugham when he became a strange medical?

12 Somerset Maugham became a medical student at the age of eighteen.
The same above How old was Somerset Maugham when he became a medical student ?

13 It was a world that knew nothing about planes.
Which world knew nothing about planes ?

14 It also knew nothing about radio.
What did it know other than radio ? not clear

15 He paid eighteen shillings a week for two rooms.
How many shillings did he pay per \ a week for two rooms?

16 He paid eighteen shillings for two rooms.
How many rooms did he pay eighteen shillings for ?

17 He paid eighteen shillings for two rooms.
How many rooms did he only pay eighteen shillings for?

18 He was an unsatisfactory medical student for his heart was not in it.
Why was he an unsatisfactory medical student? Reason

19 His first novel was called Liza of Lambeth.
What was his first novel called?

20 The producer thought Somerset Maugham's play might just run for the six weeks till the play he had in mind to follow it with could be produced.
How long ……… ? Please complete this No, you have to do the job...

Re: Wh questions/help from lucile83, posted on 25-02-2021 at 17:29:04 (D | E)
gerondif and I have answered at the same time...but I didn't give you the answers, I just pointed the mistakes.

Re: Wh questions/help from mohammad51, posted on 25-02-2021 at 19:56:54 (D | E)
Many thanks to you both teachers gerondif and lucile83
Dear teacher gerondif
I think for question 12 it is correct to use ( how many shillings ) because shillings = countable
We can say how many dollars \ how many Iraqi denar ?
So, why to change to ( money )
15 He paid eighteen shillings a week for two rooms.
How many shillings did he pay per \ a week for two rooms?
Ans: He paid eighteen shillings.
Am I not right ?
For question 11 How old was Somerset Maugham when he became a strange medical?
You are right I forgot to add the noun student.
Thank very much
You helped me too much, and I will not forget this help.

Re: Wh questions/help from gerondif, posted on 25-02-2021 at 20:46:56 (D | E)
If only eighteen had been underlined, I would have said : How many shillings.... But as the whole price, eighteen shillings, was underlined, I prefer to use How much or how much money.
Imagine an item were to cost 40 euro cents. It would be ridiculous for me to ask :
How many cents does this brush cost?
I would say :
How much does this brush cost? How much is this brush ?
We are not counting pennies but asking about a price.

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