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Correction/GA Custer

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/GA Custer
Message de eperw46 posté le 06-03-2021 à 19:53:04 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous corriger ces parties de mon exposé sur le Colonel Custer ? Je ne suis pas sûre qu'elles soient justes...
Merci beaucoup

Custer was ultimately saved by the outbreak of the Civil War and the desperate need for officers : he was commissioned a second lieutenant.
But, do you remember what the Civil war was ? In a nutshell, the American Civil war, from 1861 to 1865, was fought between northern states and southern states that had seceded the Union to form the Confederate States of America. In fact, they thought that the Lincoln policy would put an end to the enslavement of black people who worked for them in cotton fields. The two sides are often referred to by the color of their official uniforms, blue for the Union, gray for the Confederates.
General Custer fought on the side of the Union.

Despite serving from the war’s earliest days to its end, Custer remained unharmed. That was what he called the “Custer’s Luck.”

Conclusion :
To summarize, we looked at the life, heroic journey and controversial personality of Colonel Custer, not to mention the Custer’s Last Stand.
As of his death, his wife will maintain the myth of the hero (it is one of the most published American personalities ; Sitting Bull and Little Bighorn, also occupying a large place in American culture), with flattering and famous anecdotes.
To end this presentation, he was a variable figure, both admired and hated. But we have chosen to take what Sitting Bull said about him : "Custer was a brave chief. The Indians respected him and did not scalp him".

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-03-2021 21:34
Colonel ou Général? ...exposé sur le Colonel Custer...C'est le dernier grade qui compte.

Réponse : Correction/GA Custer de gerold, postée le 07-03-2021 à 18:03:35 (S | E)
Bonjour eperw46

Custer was ultimately saved by the outbreak of the Civil War and the desperate need for officers : he was commissioned a second lieutenant.
But, do you remember what the Civil war was ? In a nutshell, the American Civil war, from 1861 to 1865, was fought between northern states and southern states that had seceded xx il manque une préposition the Union to form the Confederate States of America. In fact, they thought that the Lincoln policy would put an end to the enslavement of black people who worked for them qui est "they" ou "them" ? Ce n'est pas clair in cotton fields. The two sides are often referred to by the color of their official uniforms, blue for the Union, gray for the Confederates.
General Custer fought on the side of the Union.

Despite serving from the war’s earliest days to its end, Custer remained unharmed. That was what he called the “Custer’s Luck.” (pas d'article avec le cas possessif)

Conclusion :
To summarize, we looked at the life, heroic journey and controversial personality of Colonel Custer, not to mention the Custer’s Last Stand.
As of his death, his wife will maintain le futur pour parler d'un événement passé, cela me semble inhabituel en anglais the myth of the hero (it is one of the most published ce n'est pas un écrivain, plutôt : populaire, célèbre ... American personalities ; Sitting Bull and Little Bighorn, also occupying a large place in American culture), with flattering and famous anecdotes.
To end this presentation, ajoutez quelque chose comme "nous pouvons dire que ..." he was a variable cherchez comment on dit "à facettes multiples" figure, both admired and hated. But we have chosen to take what Sitting Bull said about him : "Custer was a brave chief. The Indians respected him and did not scalp him".

Réponse : Correction/GA Custer de eperw46, postée le 15-03-2021 à 21:07:33 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup ! J'ai modifié :

Custer was ultimately saved by the outbreak of the Civil War and the desperate need for officers : he was commissioned a second lieutenant.
But, do you remember what the Civil war was ? In a nutshell, the American Civil war, from 1861 to 1865, was fought between northern states, which formed the Union, and southern states that had seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America. In fact, the southern states thought that the Lincoln policy would put an end to the enslavement of black people who worked for them in cotton fields. The two sides are often referred to by the color of their official uniforms, blue for the Union and gray for the Confederates.
General Custer fought on the side of the Union.

Despite serving from the war’s earliest days to its end, Custer remained unharmed. That was what he called “Custer’s Luck.”

Conclusion :
To summarize, we looked at the life, heroic journey and controversial personality of Colonel Custer, not to mention the Custer’s Last Stand.
As of his death, his wife maintained the myth of the hero (it is one of the most popular American personalities ; Sitting Bull and Little Bighorn, also occupying a large place in American culture), with flattering and famous anecdotes.
To end this presentation, we can say that he was a multy-faced figure, both admired and hated. But we have chosen to take what Sitting Bull said about him : "Custer was a brave chief. The Indians respected him and did not scalp him".

Réponse : Correction/GA Custer de gerold, postée le 16-03-2021 à 09:22:08 (S | E)
Bonjour eperw46

... To summarize, we looked at the life, heroic journey and controversial personality of Colonel Custer, not to mention the Custer’s Last Stand.
As of his death, his wife maintained the myth of the hero (it he is one of the most popular American personalities ; Sitting Bull and Little Bighorn, also occupying a large place in American culture), with flattering and famous anecdotes.
To end this presentation, we can say that he was a multy-faced multifaced (ou multifaceted) figure, both admired and hated. ...
Le reste me semble correct.


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