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Message de yasemin posté le 15-04-2021 à 20:39:49 (S | E | F)
J'ai un oral à passer en anglais, s'il vous plaît pouvez-vous corriger mes fautes ?
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, we hope you are all doing well today and we would like to thank you all for being here. For those of you who don’t know us, my name is X and my colleague is X and we are junior student in Psychology at the university of Nimes.
Today, we are going to talk to you about a recent psychological therapeutic approach. This therapeutic approach is the Emotional Freedom tachnique or EFT which was founded in the USA in 1993 by an american engineer by the name of Gary Craig. Our talk is particularly relevant to those of you who want to change their life without the help of psychologist because the EFT can be practiced autonomously by anyone. So, by the end of this talk each of you will be able to practice EFT autonomously to change your life.
We have divided our presentation into three main parts. We will start off by explaining what is EFT. Then, we will go on to look at for the applications of EFT. And finally, we will see how to practice the EFT.
So, let's move on to our first part: What's the EFT? EFT is a form of acupuncture that allows an emotional deconditioning.
Many discoveries have highlighted that emotional disturbances are caused by an energetic imbalance. In fact, when we experience an event with negative emotions and we don’t express them, the energy is blocked inside our body. EFT, which is a form of acupuncture with the fingers for the reason that it uses the same meridian points as acupuncture, allows to release this energy and allows it to recirculate normally in order to rebalance our emotional state. More precisely, EFT allows to remove a negative emotion that we feel in the face of a dreaded problem or event. In other words, EFT is an emotional deconditioning that allows to no longer feel negative emotion in the face of an event that normally generates unpleasant emotions.
I would like to sum up this part, so we have talked about what the EFT was and we have seen that it is a form of acupuncture with the fingers and that it allows to carry out an emotional deconditioning. This leads me directly to the next part of my talk.
Now, let's have a look at the EFT's applications. Numerous studies have proven that the EFT can be used to treat a lot of disorder notably emotional but also physical and behavioral. To clarify that, let's look at the next slide which illustrating a picture with some examples of troubles which can be treated with EFT and its efficiency. First, this picture illustrate a study result and it shows us, through the 3 arrows in the second-row, some examples of emotional disorders that can be treated with EFT. Those are anxiety which can be decreased by 40%, depression which can be decreased by 35% or post traumatic-stress disorder which can be decreased by 32%. Then, if you look at in the top right-hand corner of the picture you can see a blue arrow pointing downward which represents an example of a physical disorder which is pain. So, EFT can treat pain and decrease its intensity by 57%. Finally, if you look at the bottom right corner, you can see a green arrow which represent an example of a behavioral disorder which is food cravings. This behavior could be decreased by 74%. We can also see with the two arrows at the top and the one at the bottom that the EFT have also an effect on cortisol level decrease and on blood pressure and immune system markers increase.
Let’s go back to what we were discussing earlier and let us summarize this part, the EFT can be applied to numerous disorders such as anxiety, depression or post traumatic stress disorder. Let’s move on to our third and last part.
So, to finish, I will tell you about how to practice the EFT. First of all, there are various stages to go on in order to practice the EFT. In this way, the first stage is to construct a sentence that describes as precisely as possible the problem or event and the unpleasant emotion that this problem or event generates. Then, we assess the unpleasant emotion’s intensity from 0 to 10 with 0: I don't feel any emotion and 10: I feel a lot of emotion. Then, once the assessment is completed, we perform a round of EFT by tapping 3 to 5 times with our fingers on the meridian points while repeating the sentence that describes our problem and our emotion. During the tapping, it is also significant to focus on the emotion. Now, in order to better understand a round of EFT, let's look at the image at the next slide. So, this image depicts the different meridian's point stimulated with EFT. Thus, a round of EFT consists at first in stimulating the top of the head, then the edge of the eyebrow, under the nose, under the chin, under the collarbone and at last under the arms. So, the take-home message with that image is the order in which we must stimulate meridian points.
If we return to our EFT's stages, once the EFT round is over, we take a deep breath and exhale. The last stage is to reassess the emotion’s intensity. If the intensity is still high, the round can be repeated until the intensity drops.
The significant thing about this part is to tap on the meridian points while expressing the sentence which describe the problem and the emotion and focusing on the emotion.
Now, let us briefly summarize what we have said so far. Well, we have seen what EFT is and in particularly that it is a form of acupuncture to remove negative emotions related to feared events. Then, we continued with the applications of EFT and finally ended with the practice of EFT. So, we have finished our talk yet. We trust you have understood this recent psychological therapeutic approach and you'll use it for yourself. We are very happy to take any questions and think you very much for your listening.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-04-2021 21:43

Réponse : Correction/devoir de gerondif, postée le 15-04-2021 à 21:42:56 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, we hope you are all doing well today and we would like to thank you all for being here. For those of you who don’t know us, my name is X and my colleague is X and we are junior students in Psychology at the university of Nimes.
Today, we are going to talk to you about a recent psychological therapeutic approach. This therapeutic approach is the Emotional Freedom technique or EFT which was founded in the USA in 1993 by an American engineer by the name of Gary Craig. Our talk is particularly relevant to those of you who want to change their life without the help of psychologists because the EFT can be practised autonomously by anyone. So, by the end of this talk each of you will be able to practice EFT autonomously to change your life.
We have divided our presentation into three main parts. We will start off by explaining what is EFT(inversez, style indirect). Then, we will go on to and look at for the EFT applications. And finally, we will see how to practise the EFT.(practise est le verbe anglais, practice le nom anglais et le verbe américain)
So, let's move on to our first part: What's the EFT? EFT is a form of acupuncture that allows an emotional deconditioning.
Many discoveries have highlighted that emotional disturbances are caused by an energetic imbalance. In fact, when we experience an event with negative emotions and we don’t express them, the energy is blocked inside our body. EFT, which is a form of acupuncture with the using fingers for the reason that because it uses the same meridian points as acupuncture, allows to release this energy and allows it to recirculate normally in order to rebalance our emotional state. More precisely, EFT allows to remove a negative emotion that we feel in the face of a dreaded problem or event. In other words, EFT is an emotional deconditioning that allows to no longer feel negative emotion(s) in the face of an event that normally generates unpleasant emotions.
I would like to sum up this part, so we have talked about what the EFT was and we have seen that it is a form of acupuncture with the fingers and that it allows to carry out an emotional deconditioning. This leads me directly to the next part of my talk.
Now, let's have a look at the EFT's applications. Numerous studies have proven that the EFT can be used to treat a lot of disorders, notably emotional ones but also physical and behavioral ones. To clarify that, let's look at the next slide which illustrating(présent simple ou ing sans which) a picture with some examples of troubles which can be treated with EFT and its efficiency. First, this picture illustrates a study result and it shows us, through the 3 arrows in the second-row, some examples of emotional disorders that can be treated with EFT. Those are anxiety which can be decreased by 40%, depression which can be decreased by 35% or post traumatic-stress disorder which can be decreased by 32%. Then Now, if you look at in the top right-hand corner of the picture, you can see a blue arrow pointing downwards(adverbe) which represents an example of a physical disorder which is pain. So, EFT can treat pain and decrease its intensity by 57%. Finally, if you look at the bottom right corner, you can see a green arrow which represents an example of a behavioral disorder which is food-craving (sans s). This behavior could be decreased by 74%. We can also see with the two arrows at the top and the one at the bottom that the EFT have also(inversez et accordez le vebre: has) an effect on cortisol level decrease and on blood pressure and immune system markers increase.
Let’s go back to what we were discussing earlier and let us summarize this part, the EFT can be applied to numerous disorders such as anxiety, depression or post traumatic stress disorder. Let’s move on to our third and last part.
So, to finish, I will tell you about how to practise the EFT. First of all, there are various stages to go on in order to practise the EFT. In this way, the first stage is to construct a sentence that describes as precisely as possible the problem or event and the unpleasant emotion that this problem or event generates. Then, we assess the unpleasant emotion’s intensity (normalement, le cas possessif s'applique à des humains, j'aurais donc dit the intensity of that unpleasant emotion) from 0 to 10 with 0: I don't feel any emotion and 10: I feel a lot of emotion. Then, once the assessment is completed, we perform a round of EFT by tapping 3 to 5 times with our fingers on the meridian points while repeating the sentence that describes our problem and our emotion. During the tapping, it is also significant to focus on the emotion. Now, in order to better understand a round of EFT, let's look at the image at the next slide. So, this image depicts the different meridian points(nom composé) stimulated with EFT. Thus, a round of EFT consists at first in stimulating the top of the head, then the edge of the eyebrow, under the nose, under the chin, under the collarbone and at last under the arms. So, the take-home message with that image is the order in which we must stimulate meridian points.
If we return to our EFT's stages, once the EFT round is over, we take a deep breath and exhale. The last stage is to reassess the emotion’s intensity. If the intensity is still high, the round can be repeated until the intensity drops.
The significant thing about this part is to tap on the meridian points while expressing the sentence which describes the problem and the emotion while focusing on the emotion.
Now, let us briefly summarize what we have said so far. Well, we have seen what EFT is and in particularly(soit in particular, soit l'adverbe particularly) that it is a form of acupuncture to remove negative emotions related to feared events. Then, we continued with the applications of EFT and finally ended with the practice of EFT. So, we have finished our talk yet.(en interrogative oui : Have you finished yet ? mais pas en forme affirmative) We trust you have understood this recent psychological therapeutic approach and that you'll use it for yourself. We are (un futur irait mieux) very happy to take any questions and think (thank) you very much for your listening.

Réponse : Correction/devoir de yasemin, postée le 16-04-2021 à 11:56:34 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup gerondif. Passez une très belle journée !

Réponse : Correction/devoir de gerondif, postée le 16-04-2021 à 12:31:09 (S | E)
Merci. J'aurai appris avec vous l'existence de cette science.
Cela me rappelle que je m'étais sérieusement bloqué le dos en 1996 dans mon camping-car en Angleterre et que, arrivé aux urgences , la "head-nurse" au moins aussi sévère que celle de "Vol au dessus d'un Nid de Coucous" m'avait dit : "Vous avez mal au dos, c'est le mal du siècle,vous n'êtes pas une urgence, je vais vous envoyer voir notre généraliste de service aujourd’hui", un acuponcteur qui m'avait planté quelques aiguilles dans le dos sans le moindre résultat bien sûr, et j'étais donc resté bloqué à l'horizontale au moins deux semaines dans un camping. Je ne suis pas sur que l'EFT m'aurait été d'un grand secours non plus...


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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