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A day in my summer/ daily routine

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A day in my summer/ daily routine
Message de pitou posté le 31-08-2021 à 17:06:08 (S | E | F)
Salut à tous

J'ai écrit un court texte, je souhaite que quelqu'un me le corrige s'il vous plait, merci d'avance.

Today, I woke up at 6:00 am, I was full of energy and I was so excited to realize my day's plan. Soo, I took a hot coffee with some cockies. Then I cleaned my whole house''deep cleaning''. It takes all of the day to clean it. After that I took afast bath and my money then got outside to search a restaurant to eat.
Next I went to do my favorite activity that is walking on the beach and listening to the waves'sound and specially watching the wonderful sunset. Finally, I come back home after spending a log day, I went to the bed to read a book and sleep.

À bientôt.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-08-2021 22:13
gris + daily routine (ordre des mots)

Réponse : A day in my summer/ daily routine de laure95, postée le 31-08-2021 à 18:29:32 (S | E)
Bonsoir pitou,
- to realize (pas le bon verbe ici, to realize: prendre conscience de))my day's plan.
- Soo: ?
- I took (pas le bon verbe + on prend "une tasse" de café)a hot coffee
- cockies: ?
- It takes (passé) all of (pas de of) the day to clean it.
- afast: détachés.
- a restaurant to eat: to have lunch? dinner?
- I come (passé) back home
- a log day: ?
- I went to the (pas de the) bed to read a book and sleep.

Réponse : A day in my summer/ daily routine de gerondif, postée le 31-08-2021 à 18:57:30 (S | E)
A day in my summer's daily routine.(ordre des mots)

a quick shower (c'est vous qui vous dépêchez) plutôt que a fast shower (ce serait la douche elle-même qui serait rapide)

cf : I had a quick lunch at a fast food restaurant.

Réponse : A day in my summer/ daily routine de pitou, postée le 02-09-2021 à 13:55:05 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous
voila la correction de mon texte

Today, I woke up at 6:00 am. I was full of energy and I was so excited to do my day's plan. I drunk a hot coffee with some cookies. Then, I cleaned my whole house'' deep cleaning''. It takes all the day to clean It. After that. I took a quick shower and my money then I got outside to search a restaurent to have dinner. Next ,Iwent to do my favorite activity that is walking on the beach and listening to the wave's sound, and specially watching the beautiful and wonderful sunset. Finally, I came back home after spending a long day , I went to bed to read a book and sleep.

Merci à vous de m'avoir aidé.
Have a good day.

Réponse : A day in my summer/ daily routine de gerondif, postée le 02-09-2021 à 15:20:15 (S | E)
Today, I woke up at 6:00 am. I was full of energy and I was so (plutôt very) excited to do my day's plan. I drunk (a) hot coffee with some ( a few) cookies. Then, I cleaned my whole house'' deep cleaning''. It takes all the day (all day ou all day long ou the whole day )to clean It. After that. I took a quick shower and my money then I got outside (I got out oui, I got outside est moins courant, I went out serait mieux) to search a restaurent to have dinner.
to search signifie fouiller avec ses mains, to look for signifie chercher, être à la recherche de :
The police searched me, searched my pockets, searched my house because they were looking for drugs.

Next ,I went to do my favorite activity, that is (on pourrait remplacer that is par namely, c'est à dire) walking on the beach and listening to the wave's sound (waves n'étant pas un être humain, le génitif ne se justifie pas, the sound of the waves), and especially watching the beautiful and wonderful sunset. Finally, I came back home after spending a long day out.(il vaut mieux dire où ou à quoi vous avez passé votre longur journée à faire. I had a long day se dit, I spent a long day working, welding, décorating...) I went to bed to read a book and eventually go to sleep.

Réponse : A day in my summer/ daily routine de pitou, postée le 02-09-2021 à 19:25:25 (S | E)
Bonjour gerondif
J'espère que mon texte soit correct cette fois -ci.

Today, Iwoke up at 6:00 am. I was full of energy and I was very excited to do my day's plan. Idrunk a hot coffee with a few cookies. then, I cleaned my whole house''deep cleaning''. It takes all day to clean It. After that, I took a quick shower and my money, then I went out to look for a restaurant to have dinner. Next, I went to do my favorite activity namely walking on the beach and listening to the sound of the waves, and especially watching the beautiful and wonderful sunset. finally, I came back home after spending a long day out cleaning. I went to bed to read a book and eventually go to sleep.

Je vous demande gerondif est-ce que le contenu du texte vous a plu

Réponse : A day in my summer/ daily routine de gerondif, postée le 02-09-2021 à 19:55:58 (S | E)
Comment pouvez-vous passer une longue journée à nettoyer alors que vous avez passé l'après midi à la plage ? spending, pas spinding .

Réponse : A day in my summer/ daily routine de pitou, postée le 02-09-2021 à 20:15:22 (S | E)
Bonsoir gerondif

Le ''sunset'' était à7:30pm, et le nettoyage était terminé vers 5:24 pm, aprés une douche, le dîner et j'étais àla plage à 7:30 à la seconde, c'est possible non?

Réponse : A day in my summer/ daily routine de gerondif, postée le 02-09-2021 à 23:28:24 (S | E)
Oui, ok, mais après le côté agréable de la promenade à la plage, conclure a une journée épuisante est un anticlimax. Sinon,votre texte est à présent correct.

Réponse : A day in my summer/ daily routine de pitou, postée le 02-09-2021 à 23:42:31 (S | E)
Bonsoir gerondif

Je vous remercie beaucoup, à bientôt pour un nouveau texte.

Passez une bonne soirée, bye


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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