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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de asmamoussaoui posté le 12-10-2021 à 20:29:18 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Pouvez-vous s'il vous plait voir si j'ai fait des erreurs dans l'écriture du texte ci-dessous ?
Et merci d'avance !

Exercice: Compare between two of your friends.

In my entire life, I've never had friends more faithful than Yasmine and Sarah. They are very close to me, and I consider them as my sisters.
They are as intelligent as me, but I'm more beautiful than them, and Sarah is prettier than Yasmine. Physically, Yasmine is taller than Sarah, and also slimmer than her, but when they're running, you'll notice that Sarah is as fast as Yasmine.
It's true that Yasmine is quiter than Sarah, but I really enjoy being with Sarah cause she is more pleasant than her. The house of Sarah is not as big as the house of Yasmine, but he is farther from the city than Yasmine's house, and this is a very nice thing.
At last, I always pray and strive to keep them frieds with me, cause they are the best gift from the God, and because they were definitely by my side in all my hard times.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-10-2021 21:14

Réponse : Comparatif/aide de laure95, postée le 15-10-2021 à 10:50:16 (S | E)
- Yasmine is quiter than Sarah,
- The house of Sarah: faire une construction avec un génitif (possesseur + 's + objet possédé) is not as big as the house of Yasmine (même remarque), but he is farther from the city than Yasmine's house
- frieds
- cause they are the best gift from the (pas de the)God,

Réponse : Comparatif/aide de gerold, postée le 15-10-2021 à 12:30:58 (S | E)

"Cause" au sens de "parce que" est familier, il est préférable d'écrire "because" (surtout dans un exercice).

Réponse : Comparatif/aide de gerold, postée le 15-10-2021 à 18:43:49 (S | E)
In my entire life, I've never had friends more faithful friends (les adjectifs épithètes se placent avant le nom, même au comparatif) than Yasmine and Sarah. They are very close to me, and I consider them as my sisters.
They are as intelligent as me acceptable, mais mieux : as I am, but I'm more beautiful than them/they are, and Sarah is prettier than Yasmine. Physically, Yasmine is taller than Sarah, and also slimmer than her, but when they're running, you'll notice that Sarah is as fast as Yasmine.
It's true that Yasmine is quieter than Sarah, but I really enjoy being with Sarah because she is more pleasant than her. Sarah's house is not as big as the à enlever Yasmine's house, but it is farther from the city than Yasmine's house, and this is a very nice thing.
At last, I always pray and strive to keep them friends with me, because they are the best gift from God, and because they were definitely by my side in all my hard times.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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