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RYB/let's suggest 6

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RYB/let's suggest 6
Message de here4u posté le 11-01-2022 à 22:44:29 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!

Encore et toujours les incertitudes et inquiétudes dues à la période ... De plus en plus de gens touchés (légèrement, espérons ...) et il reste pour beaucoup difficile de se concentrer sur du travail intellectuel, surtout s'il n'est pas indispensable ...
J'essaye tout de même de vous solliciter à nouveau, en espérant que le sujet vous inspirera ...

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum - un seul envoi par personne.)

2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…
Les modalités entières sont accessibles : Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail ).

Le sujet sera ... ce que vous en ferez, ou Correction en ligne le mercredi 26 janvier 2022.
Voici le nouveau sujet !

- What quality do you value most in people? What flaw can't you bear? 130-150 words

May THE FORCE be with You (with many of you! ) Everybody's welcome!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 17-01-2022 à 09:13:58 (S | E)
Hello dear helping friends!

Here is EXPRESSION N°1 (which I had forgotten to post... )

The ability to respect other people is what I value most in people. Not only does it include politeness but it also encompasses consideration for others, empathy and the sense of compromise. It means understanding the needs of others and not ignoring them. Altruism is also an invaluable quality: I admire those who dedicate their lives to save people in distress : their self-sacrifice deserves infinite gratitude.
In contrast, violence is one of the flaws I can least stand. It can take many forms : physical, verbal, psychological or sexual. It arises from hatred, intolerance or the urge to dominate and control other people. Violent people are thoughtless, selfish and can be very dangerous for society : they sometimes have no regard for rules, laws and may take justice into their own hands. (131)

Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you think is clumsy...( suggestions en vert demain matin !)

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 18-01-2022 à 11:18:00 (S | E)
Hello, Dears,

No volunteers to participate... I'll do it... but there aren't many "questionable" words...


The ability to respect other people is what I value most in people. Not only does it include politeness but it also encompasses consideration for others, empathy and the sense of compromise. It means understanding the needs of others and not ignoring them. Altruism is also an invaluable quality: I admire those who dedicate their lives to save people in distress : their self-sacrifice deserves infinite gratitude.
In contrast, violence is one of the flaws I can least stand. It can take many forms : physical, verbal, psychological or sexual. It arises from hatred, intolerance or the urge to dominate and control other people. Violent people are thoughtless, selfish and can be very dangerous for society : they sometimes have no regard for rules, laws and may take justice into their own hands. (131)

Hope everyone's OK!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de maxwell, postée le 18-01-2022 à 20:34:25 (S | E)
I'm a volunteer but I can't see what's wrong with this text, even with what you've underlined

éventuellement : others' needs
Edit 19/1 20h35 : j'ai corrigé ma grossière étourderie ci-dessus

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de lucile83, postée le 18-01-2022 à 21:30:33 (S | E)
I think it should be:
It means to understand the others' needs and not to ignore them.

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 18-01-2022 à 21:42:15 (S | E)

Thanks a lot dear Friends! Hey, Max! Couldn't you find what's wrong (coloured in blue)?

Expression N°2 will be posted tomorrow morning!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 19-01-2022 à 09:41:31 (S | E)
Hello all of you!

Other suggestions regarding EXPRESSION N°1 will be given at the end of the session!

EXPRESSION N°2: de bien vouloir aider à indiquer les erreurs !

I think generousness is a best quality. Some people can give everything for others who have nothing or less that they have. Very often, the generous people haven’t a lot of money, but have the heart in gold, and the very riches do not give to others. Some other give to be admired, not to help. Franchise is an another very good quality. I don’t like people saying lies. Sometimes, they don’t remember their lies (because there are many)and they are just keep contradictions. Yes, I do hate liers ; I want to know someone is saying right things to me. I need to believe people and if people lie a little lie, I never think thay are saynig the right. I need to feel the confidence in people. 129
A lot of mistakes, sorry !

We need you to help make suggestions to correct this text... First: mistakes shown in blue, and what is clumsy should be underlined.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de maxwell, postée le 19-01-2022 à 20:38:27 (S | E)

Dedicate their lives to saving


I think generousness is a best quality. Some people can give everything for others who have nothing or less that they have. Very often, the generous people haven’t a lot of money, but have the heart in gold, and the very riches do not give to others. Some other give to be admired, not to help. Franchise is an another very good quality. I don’t like people saying lies. Sometimes, they don’t remember their lies (because there are many) and they are just keep contradictions. Yes, I do hate liers ; I want to know someone XXX is saying right things to me. I need to believe people and if people lie a little lie, I never think thay are saynig the right. I need to feel the confidence in people. 129

J'hésite pour "is a best quality". Dans le doute, je souligne quand même

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 21-01-2022 à 12:02:20 (S | E)
Hello Dears!

I hope you're doing well...
Though we're lacking the preliminary work, you're now allowed to suggest your solutions in green.
May THE FORCE be with you.

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de maxwell, postée le 21-01-2022 à 20:32:55 (S | E)


I think generosity is the best quality. Some people can give everything to those who have nothing or less than what they have. Very often, generous people don't have a lot of money, but they have a heart of gold while the very rich do not give as much as they could. Others give to be admired, not to help.
Frankness is an another very good quality. I don’t like people who tell lies. Sometimes, they don’t remember their lies (because there are many) and they just contradict themselves. Yes, I do hate liars; I want to know someone who says right things to me. I need to believe and trust people. If I'm told even a little lie, I'll never again believe they are telling the truth. 129

petit commentaire : ça fait beaucoup de "others" et de "people". J'ai essayé d'en enlever et d'alléger

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 22-01-2022 à 11:19:04 (S | E)
Hello you all!

Thanks to you, Max, we'll consider this EXPRESSION N° 2 is ready to receive our combined suggestions... Maxwell for your work.


I salute anyone who has sincere feelings towards others who want to help people who need them in a time of weakness. I salute the people who can keep the secret when it is confessed to them. All my respects for a man to whom I can ask in case of need for money or protection. And also in my neighborhood, I'm so happy to have respectful neirbors. On the other hand I hate a whole human being who lies all the time to the point where I no longer believe it. I hate people who have hatred towards them, they are hypocritical people who smile at each other but they never help each other. The good and the bad must never cross paths on the same path because it is impossible for them to agree. 137 words

We expect you to write what you think is wrong in blue, and underline what might be clumsy...

Please, we need your help! Take care of yourselves!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de maxwell, postée le 22-01-2022 à 20:29:47 (S | E)


I salute anyone who has sincere feelings towards others who want to help people who need them in a time of weakness. I salute the people who can keep the secret when it is confessed to them. All my respects for a man to whom I can ask in case of need for money or protection.(->Here4U would say it's not a sentence ...) And also in my neighborhood, I'm so happy to have respectful neirbors.

On the other hand(punctuation) I hate a whole human being who lies all the time to the point where I no longer believe it. I hate people who have hatred towards them, they are hypocritical people who smile at each other but they never help each other. The good and the bad must never cross paths on the same path because it is impossible for them to agree. 137 words

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 24-01-2022 à 12:15:19 (S | E)
Hello dears!


I salute anyone who has sincere feelings towards others who want to help people who need them in a time of weakness. I salute the people who can keep the secret when it is confessed to them. All my respects for a man to whom I can ask in case of need for money or protection.(->Here4U would say it's not a sentence ...!!! No!I say I understand, but it's quite clumsy! word order - You can do better...) And also in my neighborhood, I'm so happy to have respectful neirbors.

On the other hand(punctuation) I hate a whole human being who lies all the time to the point where I no longer believe it. I hate people who have hatred towards them, they are hypocritical people who smile at each other but they never help each other. The good and the bad (peut-être faux ... mais pas clair, en tout cas!)must never cross paths on the same path because it is impossible for them to agree. 137 words

We're expecting your suggestions in green... Anyone?

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de maxwell, postée le 24-01-2022 à 20:48:00 (S | E)

I salute anyone who has sincere feelings towards those who want to help people in need in a time of weakness. I salute the people who can keep a secret when entrusted with it. All my respect to a man who I can ask for money or protection in case of need. And also in my neighborhood, I'm very happy to have respectful neighbors.

On the other hand, I hate a human being in his entirety if they lie all the time to the point where I no longer believe them. I hate people who have hatred towards others: they are hypocritical: they smile at each other but they never help each other. Good people and bad people should never meet because it is impossible for them to get along.

Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir bien interprété la dernière phrase, mais j'ai simplifié

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 25-01-2022 à 13:57:09 (S | E)

Je laisse encore quelques heures aux potentiels correcteurs pour cette EXPRESSION et posterai la dernière ce soir vers 20H. (le "bleu" et le "vert" pourront être faits consécutivement, en 2 copies différentes du texte postées en même temps.)

à vous !

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 25-01-2022 à 21:26:31 (S | E)
Hello, Dears!

last minute EXPRESSION N°4: You may, in two copies of the (short) text:

- Indicate the possible mistakes in blue.
- underline what you think is clumsy...

My favorite quality is to be hopeful… I don’t like the people when they deseperate and lower the arms without fight… I like the people when they are fighting. The perseverance is important to live in our world of today. It goes with the courage : you fight and never give up. Ever if you miss, when you did what you had to, it’s good.
The most horrible defect is the hypocrisy : you fake and you are false. You say : « I am your friend », but you are not. Sometimes, you consider only your interest and not your « friend ». When you are hypocrite, the people can believe you’re good, and you can hurt them falsely.
It’s bad and you must show you as you are. (113 words.)

Thanks for your help!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de maxwell, postée le 26-01-2022 à 07:30:18 (S | E)


My favorite quality is to be hopeful… I don’t like the people when they deseperate and lower the arms without fight… I like the people when they are fighting. The perseverance is important to live in our world of today. It goes with the courage : you fight and never give up. Ever if you miss, when you did what you had to, it’s good.
The most horrible defect is the hypocrisy : you fake and you are false. You say : « I am your friend », but you are not. Sometimes, you consider only your interest and not your « friend ». When you are hypocrite, the people can believe you’re good, and you can hurt them falsely. (not clear to me)
It’s bad and you must show you as you are. (113 words.)

My favorite quality is to be hopeful… I don’t like people when they get deseperate and throw in the towel without fight… I like people when they are fighting. perseverance is important to live in today's world. It goes with courage: you fight and never give up. Even when you miss, if you did what you had to do, it's good.
The most horrible defect is hypocrisy: you fake and you are false. You say: « I am your friend », but you are not. Sometimes, you only consider your interest and not your « friend ». When you are hypocrite, you may hurt those who believe you're good by disappointing them.
It’s not right! You should always show you as you are. (113 words.)

I think I know who the writer is

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 26-01-2022 à 23:06:43 (S | E)
Hi Max!

Do you? If you do, why didn't you "correct" the errors you have left? Kidding, of course!

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 26-01-2022 à 23:53:13 (S | E)
Hello dear Friends, and dearest writers and "correctors"!


The ability to respect other people is what (I value most in peopleB . (Not only does it include TB politeness but it also encompasses consideration for others, empathy and the sense of compromise. It means understanding (the needs of others and not ignoring them. ( ?) Altruism is also an invaluable quality: I admire those who dedicate their lives (to save people in distress : their self-sacrifice deserves infinite gratitude.
In contrast, violence is one of the flaws I can least stand TB. It can take many forms : physical, verbal, psychological or sexual. It arises from hatred, intolerance or the urge to dominate and control other people. Violent people are thoughtless, selfish and can be very dangerous for society: they sometimes have no regard for rules, laws and may take justice into their own hands. (131)

- TBon emploi de «Not only + inversion du sujet … but also…»
- the sense of compromise: politeness et consideration for others (in general) alors, pourquoi déterminer «sense of compromise»?
- the needs of others and not ignoring them; je trouve cette phrase doublement maladroite ; the needs of others ? puis l’emploi de «them» qui n’est pas clair : à qui, ou quoi se rapporte ce «them»?
- To dedicate to + V + ing: (to est ici une préposition et pas la marque d’un infinitif). Bien corrigé après coup !
- Bon second paragraphe. Bonne expression dans l'ensemble!


I think generousness is a best quality. Some people can give everything for others who have nothing or less that they have. Very often, the generous people haven’t a lot of money, but have the heart in gold, and the very riches do not give to others. Some other give to be admired, not to help. Franchise is an another very good quality. I don’t like people saying lies. Sometimes, they don’t remember their lies (because there are many) and they are just keep contradictions. Yes, I do hate liers ; I want to know someone is saying right things to me. I need to believe people and if people lie a little lie, I never think thay are saynig the right. I need to feel the confidence in people. 129

I think generosity is the best quality. Some people can give everything to those who have nothing or less than what they have. (not clear at all…)Very often, generous people don't have a lot of moneyB , but they have a heart of gold while/ whereas the very rich do not give as much as they could. Others give to be admired, not to help.
Frankness is (an another very good quality. I don’t like people who tell lies. Sometimes, they don’t remember their lies (because there are many) and they just contradict themselves. Yes, I do hate liars; I want to know someone who says right things to me. I need to believe and trust people. If I'm told even a little lie, I'll never again believe they are telling the truth. 129

- Lien internet

- A heart of gold B
- les très riches : the very rich
- ‘Riches’ : les richesses ;
- La franchise : effectivement : frankness. "Franchise" est un faux ami et a plusieurs sens : Lien internet
Le plus fréquent : droit de vote.
- an another very good quality : an another est une erreur de débutant ! an+other=> another
- dire des mensonges : to TELL lies/ a liAr : un menteur. Dire la vérité : to tell THE truth (il n’y a qu’une vérité).
- Lien internet
Leçon à revoir.


I salute anyone who has sincere feelings towards others who want to help people who need them in a time of weakness. I salute the people who can keep the secret when it is confessed to them. All my respects for a man to whom I can ask in case of need for money or protection. And also in my neighborhood, I'm so happy to have respectful neirbors. On the other hand I hate a whole human being who lies all the time to the point where I no longer believe it. I hate people who have hatred towards them, they are hypocritical people who smile at each other but (they) never help each other. The good and the bad must never cross paths on the same path because it is impossible for them to agree. 137 words

Your co-worker has suggested improvements, but I'd like more...

I salute anyone who has sincere feelings towards those who want to help people in need(1) in a time of weakness. I salute the people who can keep a secret (2) when entrusted with it(3). All my respect to a man (who I can ask for money or protection (4) in case of need. And also in my neighborhood, I'm very happy to have respectful neighbors(5).
On the other hand, I hate a human being in his entirety if they lie (6) all the time to the point where I no longer believe them. I hate people who have hatred towards others: they are hypocritical(7): they smile at each other but they never help each other. Good people and bad people should never meet ( 8?) because it is impossible for them to get along.

(1) Correction validée, mais je n’aime pas «salute», qui pour moi, ici, fait vraiment trop référence à l’armée et « au militaire ». Lien internet

Je préférerais un autre verbe …
(2) Bon remplacement de l’article indéfini (on parle de «secrets» en général) au lieu de l’article défini «the», qui lui, évoquait vraiment un secret particulier.
(3) «it is confessed to them» a été avantageusement remplacé par «entrusted with it» Lien internet

Lien internet

Lien internet
Ce verbe est employé au passif : to be entrusted with something : TB
Lien internet

(4) La construction «who I can ask…» est fausse
(5) Je préfère les formes britanniques : neighbours/ neighbourhood (mais c’est moi … ), surtout par souci de cohérence.
(6) a human being in his entirety: je trouve cette forme étrange ("human being" au singulier – déterminé - , suivi de «his», puis de «they/ them» qui l’élargissent et l’universalisent (et avec lesquels je suis d’accord…) Il conviendrait de rendre la phrase plus simple et finalement moins «controversial».
(7) oui… mais pourquoi ne pas utiliser le substantif ?
(8) formulation un peu étrange … (Good people and bad people are bound to « meet » and even « co-exist ». Est-ce la formulation qui me gêne, ou l’idée elle-même ? Nous ne somme pas en train de ré-écrire un texte avec lequel nous ne somme pas forcément d’accord sur tous les points, mais en train de corriger. L’auteur pourrait peut-être nous aider ?


My favorite quality is to be hopeful… I don’t like (the people when they (deseperate and (lower (the arms without (fight… I like (the people when they are fighting. (The perseverance is important to live in (our world of today. It goes with (the courage: you fight and never give up. Ever if you (miss, (when you did what you had to, it’s good. (construction à revoir)
The most horrible defect is (the hypocrisy: you fake and you are false. You say: «I am your friend»(Bonne construction de «say»), but you are not. Sometimes, you (consider only your interest and not your «friend»(1). When you are (hypocrite(2), (the people can believe you’re good, and you can hurt them falsely. (not very clear)
It’s bad and you must show (you as you are. 113

My favorite quality is to be hopeful… I don’t like people when they get deseperate and throw in the towel OK (without fight (à revoir)… I like people when they are fighting(ici, le present simple de généralité serait meilleur …). Perseverance is important to live in today's world(*). It goes with courage B: you fight and never give up. Even when you miss, if you did what you had to do, it's good.(maladroit)
The most horrible defect is hypocrisy: you fake and you are false. You say: «I am your friend», but you are not. Sometimes, you only consider your interest and not your « friend ». When (you are hypocrite, you may hurt those who believe you're good by disappointing them.
It’s not right! You should always show (you as you are. (113 words.)

- Expression un peu courte. (entre 130 et 150 mots)
- Lien internet

- (1) your friend ? or your friend’s ?
- (2)«you are hypocrite»: non ! you’re hypocritical ( ?) / ou substantiver au singulier ou au pluriel.*
- (3) ce n’est pas le bon pronom.
- (*) OK! «today’s world» et aussi «our present world»/

Vous pouvez, bien sûr, reprendre tout ou partie de ces expressions en Follow up Work! (je peux bien rêver, non ? )

Courage à tous. à ceux qui ont bien voulu participer !

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de maxwell, postée le 27-01-2022 à 20:13:02 (S | E)

Follow-up work:

The ability to respect other people is what I value most in people . Not only does it include politeness but it also encompasses consideration for others, empathy and sense of compromise. It means understanding others' needs so as to take them into account. Altruism is also an invaluable quality: I admire those who dedicate their lives to saving people in distress: their self-sacrifice deserves infinite gratitude.

In contrast, violence is one of the flaws I can least stand. It can take many forms : physical, verbal, psychological or sexual. It arises from hatred, intolerance or the urge to dominate and control other people. Violent people are thoughtless, selfish and can be very dangerous for society: they sometimes have no regard for rules, laws and may take justice into their own hands. (131)

I think generosity is the best quality. Some people can give everything to those who have nothing or less than what they need to survive. Very often, generous people don't have a lot of moneyB , but they have a heart of gold while/ whereas the very rich do not give as much as they could. Others give to be admired, not to help.
Frankness is another very good quality. I don’t like people who tell lies. Sometimes, they don’t remember their lies (because there are many) and they just contradict themselves. Yes, I do hate liars; I want to know someone who always tells me the truth. I need to believe and trust people. If I'm told even a little lie, I'll never again believe they are telling the truth. 129

I pay tribute to anyone who has sincere feelings towards those who want to help people in need(1) in a moment of weakness. I send my regards to the people who can keep a secret when entrusted with it. All my respect to a man to whom I can ask for money or protection in case of need. I'm also very happy to have respectful neighbors.

On the other hand, I entirely hate people who lie so often that I can no longer believe them. I detest people who hate others: they are hypocrites: they smile at each other but they never help each other. Good people and bad people should never meet because it is impossible for them to get along.

The last sentence of the original text is not clear at all. I can't do better than that.

My favorite quality is to be hopeful… I don’t like people when they get desperate and throw in the towel without fighting… I like people when they fight. Perseverance is important to live in today's world. It goes with courage: you fight and never give up. Missing is not dramatic: the most important thing is to have done your best.

The most horrible defect is hypocrisy: you fake and you are false. You say: «I am your friend», but you are not. Sometimes, you only consider your interest and not your alleged friend's. When you are an hypocrite, you may hurt those who believe you're good by disappointing them.
It’s not right! You should always show yourself as you are. (113 words.)

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 28-01-2022 à 06:36:23 (S | E)
a lot, Maxwell!
I'll be back asap... for a few remaining mistakes... (ie: A hypocrite )

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 6 de here4u, postée le 28-01-2022 à 10:40:38 (S | E)
Hello !

Voici mes relectures des différents Follow ups. Je vous rappelle que ce n'est pas un corrigé ... Ce sont juste des SUGGESTIONS d'amélioration ...


The ability to respect other people is what I value most in people . Not only does it include politeness but it also encompasses consideration for others, empathy anda sense of compromise. It means understanding others' needs (so as to/and ? take them into account. Altruism is also an invaluable quality: I admire those who dedicate their lives to saving people in distress: their self-sacrifice deserves infinite gratitude.
In contrast, violence is one of the flaws I can least stand. It can take many forms : physical, verbal, psychological or sexual. It arises from hatred, intolerance or the urge to dominate and control other people. Violent people are thoughtless, selfish and can be very dangerous for society: they sometimes have no regard for (the)rules, (the)laws and may take justice into their own hands. (131)

(méfie toi du rythme binaire – à ne pas sur-utiliser …)


I think generosity is the best quality. Some people can give everything to those who have nothing or /less than what they need(not enough?) to survive. Very often, generous people don't have a lot of money, but they have a heart of gold whereas the very rich do not give as much as they could. Some others give to be admired, not to help.
Frankness is another very good quality. I don’t like people who tell lies. Sometimes, they don’t remember their lies (because there are many) and they just contradict themselves. Yes, I do hate liars; I want to know someone (who) always tells me the truth. I need to believe and trust people. If I'm told even a little lie, I'll never again believe they are telling the truth. 129

EXPRESSION 3: ce ne sont que des suggestions …

I pay tribute to(/take off my hat to/ admire) anyone who has sincere feelings towards those who want to help people in need in a moment of weakness. I send my regards to(=plutôt : passer le bonjour/ transmettre mon amitié : fin de lettre … : 'I respect the people…'?) the people who can keep a secret when entrusted with it. All my respect (pour éviter la répétition de ‘respect’: Lien internet
- to a man (to* whom** I can ask for money or protection in case of need. I'm also very happy to have respectful neighbors.
. Lien internet
. : construction de ‘ask’ SANS préposition !
**whom est le bon pronom ici … mais est un peu lourd et formel dans notre contexte : pourquoi ne pas utiliser un passif ? 'a man asked for money'…a man who can be asked… )
On the other hand, I (entirely ?(/really hate the people who lie so often that I can no longer believe them(/they can no longer be believed). I detest(/can’t stand) people who hate others: they are hypocrites: they smile(/ grin) at each other but they never help each other. Good people and bad people should never meet because it is impossible for them to get along.(I’d say that they MUST meet… -and have to, anyway…- but what Max suggested is what the writer meant. )


(My favorite quality is to be hopeful…)/Hopefulness is the quality I prefer. I don’t like people when they(who?) get desperate and throw in the towel without fighting (without a fight/ fighting battles.)… I like people when they fight/(I like persisting people). Perseverance is important to live in today's world. It goes with courage: you fight and never give up. (Missing ?/failing) is not (dramatic a catastrophe … the most important thing is to have done/ doing) your best.
*dramatic= faux ami. Théâtral- Lien internet
- Lien internet

The most horrible defect is hypocrisy: you fake and you are false. You say: «I am your friend», but you are not. Sometimes, you only consider your interest and not your alleged friend's. When you are an : a hypocrite, you may hurt those who believe you're good by disappointing them.
It’s not right! You should always show yourself as you are. (113 words.)

Merci encore à tous ceux qui sont intervenus ... Merci aussi à ceux qui ont lu sans oser intervenir en espérant qu'ils sautent le pas la prochaine fois !


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