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RYB/ let's suggest 13

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RYB/ let's suggest 13
Message de here4u posté le 26-04-2022 à 15:05:51 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!

Voici un nouvel exercice d'expression ... Espérons que vous allez vous y risquer ...
Je vous en prie ... Osez participer ! N'ayez pas peur de vous tromper, de faire des fautes, ou d'écrire "hors sujet". Les fautes nous sont utiles, puisqu'elles permettent de réfléchir, de faire des corrections et de donner des explications ...
Paradoxalement, faire une faute est la meilleure chose qui puisse NOUS arriver, à vous, comme à moi ! Merci à ceux qui en font !
N'ayez pas de scrupules, vous ne serez pas jugés, mais simplement guidés et aidés ...
C'est en pratiquant, encore et souvent, que les progrès viendront ! N'hésitez donc pas à intervenir, pour la correction des expressions de vos co-workers, comme pour l'écriture de votre propre expression si vous le désirez ... (Vous pouvez aussi - et certains ne s'en privent presque pas ...) écrire sur le "mode de la conversation", comme vous "parleriez" !)

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum.)

2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…
Les modalités entières sont accessibles : Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )

Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez, ou Correction en ligne le mercredi 11 mai 2022.
Voici le nouveau sujet !

"Do you think there is any point in commemorating past historical events, wars, for example?" (130 - 150 mots au maximum.)

May THE FORCE be with You (with all of you! ) Everybody's welcome! Do not hesitate to write!

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de here4u, postée le 01-05-2022 à 00:52:05 (S | E)
Hello dears,


It may still be useful to commemorate important events in our story. Especially those that have changed the course of history and tranformed mentalities, morals and ways of life.
After some particularly violent and destructive events such as the French revolution or the first world war , the World has completely evolved and nothing has ever been the same again.
We can't really say that this was a good thing, but at least we can remember it and pass on to future generations who will learn from.
Some people can think that it is useless because human beings are always ready to make the same mistakes.
Nevertheless, a commemoration forces us to reflect. Putting the emphasis back on the heroes. Thinking about the dead people for the fatherland, who died fighting for freedom, can bring people pride and courage. So giving back a sens of values and respect. (147)

de signaler les erreurs possibles en bleu, et de souligner ce qui vous semble maladroit !

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de maxwell, postée le 01-05-2022 à 09:14:52 (S | E)
Hello dears,


It may still be useful to commemorate important events in our story. Especially those that have changed the course of history and tranformed mentalities, morals and ways of life.
After some particularly violent and destructive events such as the French revolution or the first world war , the World (pourquoi cette majuscule ?) has completely evolved and nothing has ever been the same again.
We can't really say that this was a good thing, but at least we can remember it and pass on to future generations who will learn from.
Some people can think that it is useless because human beings are always ready to make the same mistakes.
Nevertheless, a commemoration forces us to reflect. Putting the emphasis back on the heroes. Thinking about the dead people for the fatherland, who died fighting for freedom, can bring people pride and courage. So giving back a sens of values and respect(*). (147)

(*) si giving est un gérondif, sujet de la phrase, il manque le verbe

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de here4u, postée le 01-05-2022 à 10:41:53 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Allez, allez ! On n'hésite pas ! On signale erreurs et maladresses ... (... et on n'oublie pas de regarder la ponctuation ! )

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de here4u, postée le 02-05-2022 à 09:35:00 (S | E)

Come on! Still a whole day to indicate possible mistakes and underline what you consider is clumsy in EXPRESSION N°1...
I have several EXPRESSIONS in the waiting line!

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de amalia80, postée le 02-05-2022 à 10:00:43 (S | E)

It may still be useful to commemorate important events in our story. Especially those that have changed the course of history and transformed mentalities, morals and ways of life.
After some particularly violent and destructive events such as the French revolution or the first world war , the World has completely evolved and nothing has ever been the same again.
We can't really say that this was a good thing, but at least we can remember it and pass on to future generations who will learn from.
Some people can think that it is useless because human beings are always ready to make the same mistakes.
Nevertheless, a commemoration forces us to reflect. Putting the emphasis back on the heroes. Thinking about the dead people for the fatherland, who died fighting for freedom, can bring people pride and courage. SO giving back a sense of values and respect). (147)
(je pense qu'il manque un verbe.)

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de here4u, postée le 03-05-2022 à 10:43:01 (S | E)
Hello dears,

EXPRESSION N°1: ready for further suggestions.

EXPRESSION N°2: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue, and underline what you think is clumsy.

In France, we have two public holidays to commemorate the two last world wars. People are not supposed to work during these days, therefore we may wonder if we're turning away from present and future. More generally, is commemorating a means for public authorities to revive feelings of glory or revenge -for instance to claim lands-?
Well, we're commemorating wars to pay tribute to the soldiers, the fighters who sacrificed their lives to seve their country, to preserve freedom for future generations. Therefore, mourning those who have died is a duty. We have to maintain the collective memory because, caught up in their daily lives, people tend to forget. Commemorating wars is a way to assert values. It reminds us of the fragility of peace. By this ceremony, we solemnly pledge never to go to war again.
This is one of the very few subjects of political consensus. (150)

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de amalia80, postée le 03-05-2022 à 13:27:35 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°2: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue, and underline what you think is clumsy.

In France, we have two public holidays to commemorate the two last world wars. People are not supposed to work during these days, we may therefore wonder if we're turning away from present and future. More generally, is commemorating a means for public authorities to revive feelings of glory or revenge -for instance to claim lands-?
Well, we're commemorating wars to pay tribute to the soldiers, the fighters who sacrificed their lives to serve their country, to preserve freedom for future generations. Therefore, mourning those who have died is a duty. We have to maintain the collective memory because, caught up in their daily lives, people tend to forget. Commemorating wars is a way to assert values. It reminds us of the fragility of peace. By this ceremony, we solemnly pledge never to go to war again.
This is one of the very few subjects of political consensus. (1

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2022 13:42
Pour souligner les mots il faut modifier le post et cliquer sur le S à droite des carrés de couleur au-dessus du texte .
Je l'ai fait et vous pourrez le faire par la suite .

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de maxwell, postée le 03-05-2022 à 20:18:33 (S | E)
Hello !

EXPRESSION 1 : Further suggestions
It may still be useful to commemorate important events in our history, especially those that have changed the course of history and transformed mentalities, morals and ways of life.
After some particularly violent and destructive events such as the French revolution or the first world war, the world has completely evolved and nothing has ever been the same again.
We can't really say that those events were a good thing, but at least we can remember them and pass them on to future generations who will learn from them.
Some people can think that commemorating past events is useless because human beings are always likely to make the same mistakes again.
Nevertheless, a commemoration forces us to reflect and put the emphasis back on the heroes. Thinking about the people who died for the fatherland, fighting for freedom, can bring pride and courage to the new generations and also a sense of values and respect. (147)


In France, we have two public holidays to commemorate the two last world wars. People are not supposed to work during these days, therefore we may wonder if we're turning away from present and future. More generally, is commemorating a means for public authorities to revive feelings of glory or revenge -for instance to claim lands-?
Well, we're commemorating wars to pay tribute to the soldiers, the fighters who sacrificed their lives to seve their country, to preserve freedom for future generations. Therefore, mourning those who have died is a duty. We have to maintain the collective memory because, caught up in their daily lives, people tend to forget. Commemorating wars is a way to assert values. It reminds us of the fragility of peace. By this ceremony, we solemnly pledge never to go to war again.
This is one of the very few subjects of political consensus. (150)

Et je me suis relu pourtant

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de here4u, postée le 05-05-2022 à 14:21:23 (S | E)

"vert" autorisé pour EXPRESSION N°2, mais à part la coquille, il reste plusieurs fautes ...

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de maxwell, postée le 05-05-2022 à 21:09:23 (S | E)

In France, we have two public holidays to commemorate the last two world wars. People are not supposed to work during these days, therefore we may wonder if we're turning away from the present and the future. More generally, is commemorating a means for public authorities to revive feelings of glory or revenge -for instance to claim lands-?
Well, we're commemorating wars to pay tribute to the soldiers, the fighters who sacrificed their lives to serve their country, to preserve freedom for future generations. Therefore, mourning those who have died is a duty. We have to maintain the collective memory because, caught up in their daily lives, people tend to forget. Commemorating wars is a way to assert values. It reminds us of the fragility of peace. By this ceremony, we solemnly pledge never to go to war again.
This is one of the very few subjects of political consensus. (150)

J'espère t'avoir rendu le sourire

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de here4u, postée le 08-05-2022 à 14:31:00 (S | E)

You did, Max! No other suggestions... OK, then!

EXPRESSION N°2: Ready for suggestions:

In France, we have two public holidays to commemorate the last two world wars. People are not supposed to work during these days, therefore we may wonder if we're turning away from the present and the future. More generally, is commemorating a means for public authorities to revive feelings of glory or revenge -for instance to claim lands-?
Well, we're commemorating wars to pay tribute to the soldiers, the fighters who sacrificed their lives to serve their country, to preserve freedom for future generations. Therefore, mourning those who have died is a duty. We have to maintain the collective memory because, caught up in their daily lives, people tend to forget. Commemorating wars is a way to assert values. It reminds us of the fragility of peace. By this ceremony, we solemnly pledge never to go to war again.
This is one of the very few subjects of political consensus. (150)

EXPRESSION N°3: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline clumsy constructions.

Nowdays,in France,there are a lot of commemorations;but does everyone understand their importance and their meaning?
The purpose of a commemoration is to perpetuate the memory of an event in the collective history.Commemorations often involve official ceremonies with members of the government or political parties.However ,a monument,an exhibition or even a simple plaque at a corner street,can honour the victims and heroes of past wars.
If commemorations are important to strength national sentiment and to "ensure integration into society"(A.Kaspi); it is important to think carefully about which commemoration you choose and how you celebrate it .
Without perhaps,imitate the United States,which by instituting the Memorial day,have considerably reduced their number;would not it be wise to admit that we cannot commemorate everything and anything?
I would like to conclude by saying that in my opinion too many commemorations lower their importance as well as their duty of memory. 152 words

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de maxwell, postée le 08-05-2022 à 18:38:13 (S | E)

Nowdays,in France,there are a lot of commemorations;but does everyone understand their importance and their meaning?
The purpose of a commemoration is to perpetuate the memory of an event in the collective history.Commemorations often involve official ceremonies with members of the government or political parties.However ,a monument,an exhibition or even a simple plaque at a corner street,can honour the victims and heroes of past wars.
If commemorations are important to strength national sentiment and to "ensure integration into society"(A.Kaspi);(punctuation) it is important to think carefully about which commemoration you choose and how you celebrate it .
Without perhaps, imitate the United States,which by instituting the Memorial day,have considerably reduced their number;(punctuation)would not it be wise to admit that we cannot commemorate everything and anything?
I would like to conclude by saying that in my opinion(punctuation) too many commemorations lower their importance as well as their duty of memory. 152 words

Pb récurrent d'espace avant/après la ponctuation. Je ne le signale pas partout mais je le corrigerai

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de here4u, postée le 10-05-2022 à 11:38:09 (S | E)
Hello, dears,

"Green" expected ( Your suggestions are most welcome! )

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de amalia80, postée le 10-05-2022 à 12:16:17 (S | E)

Nowdays, in France,there are a lot of commemorations; but does everyone understand their importance and their meaning?
The purpose of a commemoration is to perpetuate the memory of an event in the collective history. Commemorations often involve official ceremonies with members of the government or political parties.However, a monument, an exhibition or even a simple plaque at a corner street, can honour the victims and heroes of past wars.
If commemorations are important to strengthen national sentiment and to "ensure integration into society"(A.Kaspi); (punctuation) it is important to think carefully about which commemoration you choose and how you celebrate it .
Without perhaps, imitating the United States, which by instituting the Memorial day, have considerably reduced their number; (punctuation)would not it be wise to admit that we cannot commemorate everything and anything?
I would like to conclude by saying that in my opinion, (punctuation) too many commemorations lower their importance as well as their duty of memory. 152 words

Modifié par amalia80 le 10-05-2022 12:17
J'ai fait du mieux possible pour la ponctuation, mais j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide. Merci!

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de maxwell, postée le 10-05-2022 à 20:32:49 (S | E)

Nowdays, in France, there are a lot of commemorations; but does everyone understand their importance and their meaning?
The purpose of a commemoration is to perpetuate the memory of an event in the collective history. Commemorations often involve official ceremonies with members of the government or political parties. However, a monument, an exhibition or even a simple plaque at a street corner, can honour the victims and heroes of past wars.
If commemorations are important to strengthen national sentiment and to "ensure integration into society" (A.Kaspi), it is important to think carefully about which commemoration you choose and how you celebrate it.
Without going as far as the United States which have considerably reduced their number by instituting the Memorial day, wouldn't it be wise to admit that we cannot commemorate everything and anything?
I would like to conclude by saying that in my opinion, too many commemorations lower their importance as well as their duty of memory. 152 words

Je suis parti de la version corrigée par Amalia (je suis d'accord avec les corrections)

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de here4u, postée le 11-05-2022 à 23:28:00 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Voici les suggestions finales que vous avez faites, et celles que vous m'avez inspirées ...

"Do you think there is any point in commemorating past historical events, wars, for example?" (130 - 150 mots au maximum.)


It may still be useful to commemorate important events in our (story(. E)specially those that have changed the course of history and (tranformed mentalities, morals and ways of life.
After some particularly violent and destructive events such as the French revolution or the (first world war , the World has completely evolved and nothing has ever been the same again.
We can't really say that this was a good thing, but at least we can remember it and pass on (Complément?)to future generations who will learn from XXXX.
Some people can think that it is? useless because human beings are always ready to make the same mistakes.
Nevertheless, a commemoration forces us to reflect(. P)utting the emphasis back on the heroes. Thinking about the dead people for the fatherland, who died fighting for freedom, can bring people pride and courage. So giving back a sensE of values and respect. (147)

EXPRESSION 1: Further suggestions

It may still be useful to commemorate important events in our history B, especially those that have changed the course of history B and transformed mentalities, morals and ways of life.
After some particularly violent and destructive events such as the French (revolution or (the first world war, the world has completely evolved and nothing has ever been the same again.
We can't really say that those events were a good thing, but at least we can remember them and pass them on to future generations B who will learn from them.
Some people can think that commemorating past events is useless because human beings are always likely to make the same mistakes again.B
Nevertheless, a commemoration forces us to reflect and put the emphasis back on the heroes. Thinking about the people who died for the fatherland, fighting for freedom, can bring pride and courage to the new generations and also a sense of values and respect. (147) TBonne correction (Follow up Work inutile)

I don’t know why, but I winced at «fatherland», being used to «motherland» . Therefore, I tried to find my answer…
Lien internet

Motherland noun [ U ]UK /ˈmʌð.ə.lænd/ US /ˈmʌð.ɚ.lænd/
the country in which you were born, or the country with which you feel most connected
Synonyme : mother country Comparer : fatherland

Donc, je n’ai pas pu m’arrêter !
Lien internet

Lien internet

There is "patrie" in French, but there is no "matrie".
However, as the country (France) is a feminine noun, it can be referred to as "la mère patrie", joining father and mother in the same expression. Also valid for Spanish in "la madre patria", Portuguese in "a mãe pátria", etc.

In Russian, the root of родина / rodina is related to the idea of birth. It can also be referred to as a mother.
There is also the word отечество / otechestvo that derivates from the word "father".
In Czech:
Vlast[fem.] (by etymology has common root with vlastní = own)(very rarely used (and little strange) term is domovina[fem.] - homeland)
In Lithuanian: Tėvynė[fem.] (tėvas = father; meaning of word is fatherland)

In Japanese: 我が国[wagakuni] means our country (reserved for Japanese, not for translations from other languages).

The Arabic word is وطن (waTan), which is not related to either "mother" or "father." It has its own root.

In Vietnamese, the word for country is "nuoc". The same word means "water".

I assume that the meanings are related in some sense, because the word for "the state" is "nha nuoc" (Lit. house [and] water).

Romanian: patrie.

Vaterland (masculinum) = fatherland = patria
Heimat (femininum) = 'homeland' = fatherland = patria
Heimatland (neutrum) = Heimat = fatherland = patria

In Turkish, we use ''vatan'' or ''yurt''. It's true that the word ''yurt'' also means a nomadic tent. We also use ''anavatan'' meaning ''motherland''.

Our motherland is Turkey= Anavatanımız Türkiye'dir.

In Polish it's called Ojczyzna - fatherland, though the word itself is feminine.

Italian, la Madrepatria, which thus basically means 'the mother land of the fathers'.

In Russian, it's родина, like in Bulgarian, or sometimes Родина. It comes from the word родить, родиться - to give birth to/ to be born.

Greek: «Πατρίδα» [paˈtriða] (fem.) --> native land, fatherland, homeland < Classical 3rd declension fem. nominal «πατρίς» pătrís (nom. sing.), «πατρίδος» pătrídŏs (gen. sing.) --> paternal, fatherland < Classical 3rd declension masc. noun «πατήρ» pătḗr (nom. sing.), «πατρός» pătrós (gen. sing.) --> father (PIE *ph₂tēr- father old inherited word for father (as the head of the family), preserved in most IE languages cf Skt. पितृ (pitṛ), Lat. pater, Proto-Germanic *fader, Proto-Celtic *ɸatīr etc.).
The word in Homer was used as an adjective (in Classical Greek it was nominalized): «Πατρίς ἄρουρᾱ» pătrís ắrourā* --> paternal soil/land, «πατρίς πόλις» pătrís polis --> paternal city.

Upper Sorbian: domizna (derived from word for home)/ wótčina (derived from word for father)

In Chinese, typically, it's 祖國(ancestor country).
祖 is not gender specific, e.g. 祖父 is grandfather and 祖母 is grandmother.
In addition to "the country you are originally from", it could also mean where your ancestor from. By the latter definition, there is a chance that you have never been to your 祖國.
家園(home&yard) and 故鄉(old homeland) are also used, but they do not necessarily mean a "country". They could be a place in the same country where you currently are. Also, they are where you are from, not your ancestors, so you have to be there in the first place.

The root is w-T-n, meaning "homeland."
In Esperanto, patrujo (also written patrio) is the common word. It means fatherland. The word hejmlando (homeland) is also used.

- Majuscules aux événements historiques : Lien internet
Pas de majuscules s’ils sont évoqués de façon générale : Lien internet


In France, we have two public holidays to commemorate the (two last world wars. People are (not supposed to work (during these days, (therefore? (what’s the logic?) we may wonder if we're turning away from (present and (future. More generally, is commemorating a means for public authorities to revive feelings of glory or revenge -for instance to claim lands-?
Well, we're commemorating wars to pay tribute to the soldiers,( ? Not only!) the fighters who sacrificed their lives to (seve their country, to preserve freedom for future generations. Therefore, (mourning[honouring?] those who have died is a duty. We have to maintain (the) collective memory because, caught up in their daily lives, people tend to forget. Commemorating wars is a way to assert values. It reminds us of the fragility of peace. By this ceremony, we solemnly pledge never to go to war again.
This is one of the very few subjects of political consensus. (150)

EXPRESSION N°2: ready!

In France, we have two public holidays to commemorate (the last two world wars. People are not supposed to work (during these days, therefore we may wonder if we're turning away from the present and the future. More generally, is commemorating a means for public authorities to revive feelings of glory or revenge -for instance to claim lands-?
Well, we're commemorating wars to pay tribute to the soldiers, the fighters who sacrificed their lives to serve their country, to preserve freedom for future generations. Therefore, (mourning those who have died is a duty. We have to maintain (the collective memory because, caught up in their daily lives, people tend to forget. Commemorating wars is a way to assert values. It reminds us of the fragility of peace. By this ceremony, we solemnly pledge never to go to war again.
This is one of the very few subjects of political consensus. (150 words)

- public holidays/ bank holidays/ non-work/ non-working days/ days off/
- the two last world wars: Brrrr… Cette erreur est restée « longtemps » sur le Forum et a été corrigée (ouf ! sans crier gare ! Elle m’a donné des sueurs froides ! BIEN RETENIR L’ORDRE DES MOTS ! et ... N'oubliez pas que le premier stade de votre travail est d'indiquer ce qui vous semble suspect ! ) Lien internet

- not supposed to work: me gêne un peu. «you’re not supposed to do» fait penser ici à une sorte de reproche que l’on ferait en voyant quelqu’un faire une chose qui n’est pas permise … J’utiliserais une autre expression, très simple, car la personne qui travaille lors d’un jour férié ne fait de tort à personne.
- «XXX present and XXX future» : bien corrigés en «the present and the future.»
- "mourning someone": pleurer quelqu’un : Not the right word... Peut-on dire que l’on « pleure » les combattants morts il y a cent ans ? On s’en souvient, on les honore, ou on leur « rend hommage ».
- «the collective memory» : la mémoire collective en général.
Très bonnes corrections ! Bravo !


Nowdays,in France,there are a lot of commemorations;but does everyone understand their importance and their meaning?
The purpose of a commemoration is to perpetuate the memory of an event in (the collective history XXXXXX.Commemorations often involve official ceremonies with members of the government or political parties.However ,a monument,an exhibition or even a simple plaque at a (corner street,can honour the victims and heroes of past wars.
If commemorations are important to (strength national sentiment and to "ensure integration into society"(A.Kaspi); it is important to think carefully about which commemoration you choose and how you celebrate it .
Without perhaps,imitate the United States,which by instituting (the Memorial day,have considerably reduced their number;would not it be wise to admit that we cannot commemorate everything and anything?
I would like to conclude by saying that in my opinion too many commemorations lower their importance as well as their duty of memory. 152 words
Bien ! mais de grosses hésitations sur la typographie, dirait-on !


Nowdays, in France, there are a lot of commemorations; but does everyone understand their importance and their meaning?
The purpose of a commemoration is to perpetuate the memory of an event in (the collective history. Commemorations often involve official ceremonies with members of the government or political parties. However, a monument, an exhibition or even a simple plaque at a street corner B , can honour the victims and heroes of past wars.
If commemorations are important to strengthen B national sentiment and to "ensure integration into society" [(A.Kaspi), it is important to think carefully about which commemoration you choose and how you celebrate it.
Without going as far as the United States which have considerably reduced their number by instituting (the Memorial day, wouldn't it be wise to admit that we cannot commemorate everything and anything?
I would like to conclude by saying that in my opinion, too many commemorations lower their importance as well as their duty of memory. 152 words
TB expression et correction !

- «the collective history...» est déterminé (par «the»). Cette détermination doit se justifier. Sans contexte, cette justification doit être imposée par un contexte précis, par exemple : la mémoire collective d’une nation/ dont on a parlé précédemment/ etc. Sinon, considérer le groupe nominal abstrait comme une généralité ! [et donc, l’employer sans article défini !]
- a (corner street : attention ! nom composé formé à l’envers.
- to (strength; pour former un verbe, nom + en
- Lien internet
: sentiment national : national pride/ national identity
- «Without perhaps,imitate» : revoir la ponctuation et la construction de without (+ V +ing).
- «the Memorial day» : Jour férié aux États-Unis en l'honneur des soldats morts pour la patrie, célébré le dernier lundi du mois de mai. Attention ! pas d’article et majuscules !
- pour les majuscules et la typographie dans les deux langues …
Lien internet

Donc, l’orthodoxie voudrait : … into society" (A. Kaspi),...

Bravo aux rédacteurs et aux correcteurs et pour votre bon travail ! Comme d'habitude, vous pouvez, si vous en sentez le besoin, réécrire tout ou partie d'une EXPRESSION qui ne vous semblerait pas encore assez claire en l'état. Vous savez que tout ce qui sera posté sera lu et corrigé !

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de maxwell, postée le 14-05-2022 à 16:03:24 (S | E)
Follow-up work:


A la place de "People are not supposed to work during these days" :
"Most people don't work on these days"

Il m'a échappé

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 13 de here4u, postée le 15-05-2022 à 09:52:24 (S | E)
a lot and CONGRATS to our workers…


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